NSA knew Everything. They held all the secrets.
They were aware of the criminal activities.
They patiently waited for the time that the
criminals would someday be out of office;
that true patriots would take power.
They knew the criminals would try to erase
the footprints.
How long does an investigation against SO
many illegal activities, deeply entrenched,
with all the tentacles and roots connecting
them all at some level.
Globalists have been planning to take over
the planet for at least a century.
You wait. You watch. You take notes.
You secure the evidence so the criminals
can't 'erase' it.
In recent light of things, it looks like, to me,
that this sting has been going on for decades
by true patriots that were always there no
matter what.
Everything is connected.
You can't do much when criminals are in
the highest potions of power, other than
watch, wait, and take notes…
NSA has Everything.