Democrat pedos are just chomping at the bit to get those brown children into their NGO 'organizations!
Trump shut down their supply lines!
DC Uni-Party and Hollywood celebs haven't had any fresh brown/black children for a long time!!
Democrat pedos are just chomping at the bit to get those brown children into their NGO 'organizations!
Trump shut down their supply lines!
DC Uni-Party and Hollywood celebs haven't had any fresh brown/black children for a long time!!
Joe and Dem pedos don't WANT families!
Just fresh brown and black children!
Kids in American cities walk down the street and get beat up, shot and killed by gangs, ya stupid fuck!!
Holy fuck! Saying Trump's policies didn't work is a BIG MISTAKE, Joe!
This shit is just fuckin surreal! he's fading fast!
Trump shut down their brown and black children supply lines. Pedo Joe hooking up all the Dems and celebs.
Joe is soul-cringe shit!
Republican vultures???
So is John Lewis
he is getting ugly! Testy!
Get those containers unloaded and opened!
Oh yeah! Joe has a firm grasp on quantum computing! KEK
fucker can't even use a cell phone!
I want to see him rage and yell again!
Another movie prop "White House" room?
Even retarded progressives are gonna be cheering to see Trump back in the drivers seat!
Even psycho libs can see this fucker is a waste!
Same as when he got our Seal Team 6 slaughtered! Fucker can't keep a secret! His people gotta be freaking over him!
We know that to be true! But him telling the normies is BIG!
Fuckin idiot Joe! Good for our team! KEK
Normal people will understand military aged male foreigners are dangerous!
That he let that info out is good for America. Bad for his lying, posing administration
How do they do that? Start killing the child trafficking parents?