Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 2:51 p.m. No.13298114   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13297418 Hunter Biden-owned gun left in trashcan near high school, police investigated 2018 incident


The headline SHOULD read, criminal Secret Service covers up yet another executive crime.


>>13296429 Worm shaped parasite found on covid self test swabs, made in China.



told you

start video at 3 min. in..(because black woman yammers a bit but understandably because LOOK at the PCR test come alive.) She has morgellons…this is the test they shove up to your brain. Wish I understood Kraut speak)

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:01 p.m. No.13298177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8206


I came here to post that Prince Harry Markle has gotten two new jobs only to find they're sticking parasite up your nose and ass.


Yep, Harry is now working for theMinistry of Silly Talks. Wonder how he got a job? Pretty sure this is some kind of racism white prince easily gets work on WTF kind of passport is this git in the US>

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.13298214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8225


>They may be walking bio weapons.



Doesn't matter if you actually ever get the china virus…have you been TESTED? I've been warning people for two weeks…don't fucking get tested. PARASITE and reconstructing nano particles.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.13298247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I told you…the inauguration etc was fake af….the ONLY question is…which side is gaslighting us and who is running our country.




Trump is making a "free speech" platform where you won't be able to talk about the JEWISH question or the nationwide nigger problem. So how many sheep will flock to join?


KEK….gaslighting 10/10 but which witch is which?


>The Military is faggot

STFU bro…they're doing something! Cutting off dicks for free ect…that's something. It is…very important. The Captain of THE SHIP found someone's missing dick, balls, and ass crack.


I'm in the worst movie ever.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:18 p.m. No.13298261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8266


Thousands upon thousands of people have had that swab shoved back to their brains.


If you have twatter or know how to snag videos, here's a brit raging about the number 1 cancer-causing agent on the swab ….listed right in the ingredients…


Good on you for avoiding it. I've been delaying going in for a looksee at the ole cripple joint…because for sure they'll demand a test first….That's why god made the beep beep carts…which I'm sure I'm headed for next.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:25 p.m. No.13298292   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Need translation tho…is it nasal swab..ass swab….This is important enough that putting subtitles on is vital. I posted it in Kraut general but the fungal spammer's been in there fucking the place up and not sure they'll see it.

Just based on this wee pic…it looks like Ascaris…which is literally a death sentence because getting rid of them is next to impossible. The white one…the black one looks more like nanotubes that have "reformed"…Never seen a black parasite before. They're saying hook worms are dark but that doesn't look like a hookworm. Ascaris turn dark when dead….that's not dead. Need better pics.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:39 p.m. No.13298355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8378 >>8479


The white parasite on the microscope looks more like ascaris…and you don't just buy any antiparasitical….jaysus. You must IDENTIFY it first, then find the right treatment, find lifecycle and then tailor the treatment in "rounds" to make sure you get the eggs. You must calculate per pound HUMAN dose….it's not just like…oh .here take a pill and you're OK.


PRO TIP…you're on your fucking OWN as literally zero Western docs know anything about parasites beyond the usual shit kids get.


IF that is ascaris…well…life fucking OVER. They're nearly impossible to get rid of totally. You'll be de-worming yourself every few weeks after your initial dose….and depending on how long you've had them…like..if you got tested months ago. you could potentially have developed a "cluster" and killing them all at once can cause intestinal blockage.


1 female ascaris drops 250k eggs…eggs don't get killed with the antiparasiticals….this is a fucking disaster.


Depending on your diet (they love sugars, carbs,,,) …just fuckitol.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:43 p.m. No.13298368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know…that is.the,thinnest place.between.brain.and.body.'…now.that.isn't.working.fuckitol.just.fuck.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13298402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419 >>8420


>They killed his Mom.

Bullshit. They did NOT kill his mother. JAYSUS you an ICKE follower? IF and I do mean IF..a member of the RF had a word that person is no longer alive. Did you know Diana was only dating Fayid to make Khan jealous? HE was paying her 200k a month to make him "look good" and get that association going to help daddy.


Kashoggi's cousin…you know the arms dealer? INB4 Diana faked her death, made her kids suffer and is happily living undercover with her Fayid fathered sekcrit kid.


You learn more from studying on REAL associations and "occupations" INRL than listening to fake ass lizard killers on the Internet.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 3:52 p.m. No.13298415   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like his high school annual


If you take ANY test or ANY fucking vaccine, you fucking deserve what you get. There's literally NO excuse for doing either. ZERO.


(Yeah but…but but….)

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:01 p.m. No.13298471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8509 >>8573


Just look at who Dodi's father is related to. And her relationship with Khan. It's not hard. She was in love with Khan but he broke it off with her. She had only been dating Dodi barely 2 months.


Again, let;s pretend a member of the RF did "have a word"….do you REALLY fucking think it was the Queen or Charles? SRSLY? There's only ONE person the Queen WOULD protect at all costs who had the character to be fed up with what SHE would consider bad /embarrassing behavior. And HARRY might well have known that and babbled on to Markle while stoned….the person that "encouraged" Charles to marry Diana and put the Kibosh on his relationship with Camilla.


Not a damn thing to be done about it. That is the ONLY person who could have conceivably "had a word". Do you think EX Princess Diana's love relationships was more embarrassing than Charles's leaked "I want to be your tampon" phone call? SRLSY?


When you force people who actually love each other to marry other people things never end well.


INB4 Harry wasn't Charle's kid.

Earl Spencer (uncle)

Charles (father)

Phillip (grandfather)


Markle is a deep state fucking plant.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:07 p.m. No.13298517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8550


Different anti-parasiticals kill different parasites. The parasite must be identified first….and good luck with that. Fecal egg tests are rarely useful. Even that person with the 59 foot tapeworm only had 28 eggs in a fecal egg count. That recent event has wowed…this dude had a 59 foot tapeworm…I cannot begin to imagine how many sections and eggs he has in him.


BTW tapeworm is much easier to kill than ascaris.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:21 p.m. No.13298604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll call it "Lizards of the United Kingdom"…we'll see who the retard is when this mess is over.

>t. you're dealing with people who read David Icke…..


All you all retards are going to have your OWN great awakening when you realize you've fucking been wasting your time with stupid ass shit like Icke.


JEWS are the killers of monarchies…why IS that, do you think i(f you think)


List shall we?

Cromwell's backers

French Revolution

Bolshevik revolution (murdered Tzar family, cousins to BRF)


literally all JEWS working to eliminate Monarchies. Someone's flipped the fucking script on you Jr.


MARKLE–jew adjacent and related to H.H. Holmes, the "American ripper" gets sent in to blackmail and fuck over this monarchy via the race card and destroy the last remaining cultural bind of the UK and Commonwealth, AND stop BREXIT…and you think it's the Queen that's the problem because Muh conspiracy shit.


Let me guess, you believe that on an official trip to Canada the Queen (whose every moment on foreign trips is tightly scheduled) took her husband and traipsed off into the woods for a picnic with Mohawk kids and stole 50 of them and took them back to the palace to abuse and eat…right? That woman can't piss alone..but she stole 50 kids.


It couldn't be that two people wearing masks took kids leaving the other kids to report they were stolen by the Queen knowing they'd never be believed because of what I wrote above? Could it be the girl who claimed Richard Nixon flew to OZ and had sex with her on an airplane….was abused by someone wearing a MASK?


You don't really know much about mind control methods do you. Fear/pain induced control and the imagery used to prevent any telling and if told the story is so fucking ridiculous no one believes ANYTHING they say…when the only thing they said wrong was WHO…because masks. That's why "satanic" imagery is used to terrorize the kids because "satan" is often a child's first boogeyman.


The Queen and Trump are and have been working TOGETHER…and I fucking can't wait until you figure out how fucking mind controlled YOU are. March 31st…the Queen moved her "Sussex review date" (when they loose the Sussex title) from February… wonder WHY tf that is?

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.13298633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681


I remember finding out about Gregory Hallett, the true king of England, who made a SHIT ton of money off "being a guest" and exposing the BRF…and so many people programmed to believe anything anti BRF they automatically believed him. FUUCK it was HYSTERICAL watching all the retards flock to him…the missing plaque on the palace gates was proof…the monarchy was gone and he would soon be King…never mind that they take that off everytime the Queen is not in residence.


As for the other lad who thought he was Harry? Well, I debunked that one quickly enough by doing an ear comparison over all Harry's years….so MY GUESS is yet another mentally ill person? IT literally took the family of Hallett being interviewed and explaining how mentally ill he was, showing family photos talking about his struggle with mental illness, that he's a genius who is also mentally ill….to stop Hallett's reign on the Internet where you can find millions of people willing to pay you if what you say props up their ideas about the BRF.


It's really…I laugh when one side or the other in this shit show claims they're awake.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:34 p.m. No.13298686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bro I've literally got years of study in on this…I can promise you that you will get NO help from western docs…and they fucking know they cause cancer.


I've had people drop a live on on a turd….sent in for testing…live wiggling parasites…one a liver fluke, the other round worm…and the other I don't know…it came out of a lady's nose when she did that auto pump kind of neti pot….it was in the container…she was told she was lying and that parasites don't get in sinus cavities….I'm NOT kidding. PIC related. I've been doing this a very long time.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:38 p.m. No.13298708   🗄️.is 🔗kun




IF there is an uprising it fucking will be spontaneous, not "planned" on social media and certainly not fucking "Comments section"…oh, and Red Team WINS…every single fucking time no matter what scenario they run.


IT IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, and DUTY to toss out bad governments. Lrn2fuckinConstitution you fucking FBI fucks.

Anonymous ID: 4956a3 March 25, 2021, 4:51 p.m. No.13298760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If anyone thinks they're just going to pop a few pills and minerals/vitamins and magically get rid of parasites….I have a dam in China for sale. Website sell products and promises. Mentally ill people diagnose themselves with parasites over tomato skins….doctors dismiss ALL parasites as delusional parasitosis. If you spend hours and hours reading endless websites, endless forum comments and study mass quantities of parasite data from as many countries as possible you may be able to discern fact from fiction. Even Hulda Clark lost the plot. I watched a video of her staring into a toilet bowl towards the end…stirring shit…and literally identifying everything as a parasite.


IMHO parasites are a national health crisis and they WANT it that way.


You must ID the parasite

then depending on vector and lifecycle develop your own treatment cycle…and you may have to do it for years…sourcing anti-parasiticals from overseas places, I found human doses of Prazantiquel on ebay…then rotate every two weeks for 8 weeks, take 1 week break, start ALL over again….all the time mining your shit for eggs, bodies, live ones…until every last trace of them is gone. Learn to remember what you ate so you don't ID shit that isn't a parasite…(mushrooms are surprisingly scary af when not completely digested).


Diets also must be changed (keto is best) never change diet first or try to starve them out…they will leave alimentary system and go hunting for food, then you've REALLY got a problem.


Good luck….you will eat breath and sleep these bastards for a LONG fucking time.