>>13300251 /LB
Another FAKENEWS jerk? Trying to pin a 'Conspiracy theory" rather than actually doing their job? Or is this the que trying to educate us…
>>13300251 /LB
Another FAKENEWS jerk? Trying to pin a 'Conspiracy theory" rather than actually doing their job? Or is this the que trying to educate us…
yep yep yep
Fuck off, show the lawsuit and the words that explicitly describe what you are saying.
got it…turns out I didn't copy and paste it correctly…my bad
Michael Flynn uttered the phrase "Where we go one, we go all," and the entire family responded, "God Bless America."
So what?
"General Flynn intended to encourage people to think about being good citizens, to love country and be good patriots," the lawsuit said. "The video had nothing to do with QAnon or recruiting 'digital soldiers' for an apocalyptic reckoning."
As a result, "CNN falsely accused Plaintiffs of being 'followers' and supporters of the 'dangerous,' 'violent,' 'racist,' 'extremist,' 'insurrectionist,' 'domestic terrorism movement – QAnon," the suit argued.
"Plaintiffs are not followers or supporters of any extremist or terrorist groups, including QAnon," it added. "CNN falsely attributed to Plaintiffs associations that never existed, actions Plaintiffs never took, including an oath of allegiance to QAnon, and views Plaintiffs never held."
Same article…do you jerks read anything but the headlines???
They renewed their oath to the constitution, that's it and that's all.
look it these fuckers are so journalistic-ally stupid now they don't even know how to research! So they come here to get the REAL news and then trash Q…fuckkers
good question, wouldn't they have to prove Qanon was truly a group though…inquiring minds
haha how can anyone say, in good faith, Steinbart cult without admitting the Q Anon cult…
Loving Light
When they both working toward the same goals…ya, kinda schizo
Anyone got eyes on that ship? You know they going to try do unload it without anyone seeing
You should be banned from everything
>I am filtering you, and I want everyone to know i
So that anons can choose to filter you too
Your words read as a mealy mouthed bullshitter who just wants to get in on something because…
Nor I
These lost souls don't even know what they are saying anymore
Seems Kemp was playing a part to set up that Wittimore, or Whitmore fucking chick…whatshername
Yes…I remember that, watched it, never recovered from his shamming…
>please tell me what can I do
Believe and have faith that everything you have work so hard for, that you have felt so deeply about…will happen. Get above and beyond the negativity that causes you to be so contrite, we all feel it, just get rid of it. It is not necessary anymore.
Yes. I agree…those giggling at the atrocities of injustice done to our fellow people are the ones who truly deserve to be imprisoned.
You do know he was set up? I fucking knew it and I was like 13.
>He looks to have played the game exceptionally well. The Deep State Leftists are seething.
Good pn them then…fuck your devious, demented lifestyles. We are done with Evil;!
No it didn't, just not being talked about.
Fucking ridiculous violence! They have no idea what they doing to themselves, just following orders and they thing they will be protected? By whom?
I am, can you not feel it anon? I send you my heart and my love in blessings.
Stop posting this freak, its messing with the karma
I know you're being funny but love you all the more I will
Hard to imagine an accidentally released virus that was planned for and then anticipated with the deliverance of the Impeachment of POTUS the very same day patient zero landed…common man
Makes one wonder what they are being blackmailed with
This is where Ima going, take my hand.
Well all I can say is is if this is the spectacle our good people have been waiting for then FUCK YOU!
Goddammit, four years of captivity and horrors beyond imagining happening to our unknowns…DO IT FUCKING NOW
Suez Canal UPDATE:
All web searches are now talking about the losses…
4/3/21 4/4/21
Insta LOVE
Powerful testimony. Mr. Pig doesn't exist though, so…ya might wanna take that elsewhere
WITNESS is the word anons, not testimony.
Ah, that sucks.