Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 1:36 a.m. No.13301461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1466 >>1652 >>1732 >>1767 >>1770


“Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the TORPedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.”


“Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the TORPedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.”

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 1:38 a.m. No.13301468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1732 >>1770

Senate Candidate Josh Mandel to Newsmax TV: Biden 'Not All There'

Republican candidate for Ohio’s U.S. Senate seat Josh Mandel questioned the mental capacity of President Joe Biden on Newsmax TV following his Thursday press conference and decried his management of the flood of illegal immigrants at the southern border.


In an appearance on American Agenda, Mandel, who is running for the seat being vacated by retiring Republican Rob Portman, doubted if Biden had the mental acuity to be president.


First of all, it’s obvious, he’s not all there, said Mandel, 43, who served four years in the Ohio House of Representatives and another eight as treasurer of the state under John Kasich. ''I think he’s losing it.


Second of all, I believe that he’s intentionally allowing the border to be flooded. When I see what’s going on down there, it reminds me of the Obama administration when they had caravans. That doesn’t happen spontaneously. People don’t show up on the border down there with Biden T-shirts by accident.


Mandel said Biden’s performance at his news conference at the White House indicated he was unaware of the situation at the southern border and that he was fearful of having to answer a critical question.


Today, in his press conference, I think Biden showed a complete lack of transparency, Mandel said. ''He has no idea of what’s going on down there. He’s got no control of it, and he’s afraid of the conservative press.


He won’t take questions from Newsmax. He won’t take questions from the conservative press. And he looks afraid. He looks weak. He looks like the opposite of President (Donald) Trump.


Mandel, a former sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, took special exception to the report that the federal government will be spending $86 million to house illegal immigrants in hotel rooms because it doesn’t have the capacity to handle the dramatic increase in those caught seeking unlawful entry into the country.


The whole thing is just outrageous, he said. He has no control over the situation. When I was in the Marine Corps, we talked a lot about command and control. He lacks both. He’s the commander in chief, (yet) does not have command of the situation. Does not have control of the situation. And he’s so afraid of sunlight and transparency that he’s making America look like fools.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 1:43 a.m. No.13301484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1732 >>1771

Rep. McCaul: China Doesn't Fear Biden


Texas GOP congressman and China Task Force Chairman Mike McCaul says China doesn’t fear President Joe Biden and Beijing will exploit him.


They had a terrible meeting in Alaska; it was embarrassing to see our Secretary of State [Antony Blinken] treated the way he was by the Chinese Communist Party’s leaders. It was completely disrespectful to our country. With President Trump, there was a fear factor, and I don’t think they have any fear of President Biden and they are going to exploit [him], McCaul said on "The Chris Salcedo Show."


Blinken’s first face-to-face meeting with Chinese officials got off to a heated start in Anchorage, Alaska, last Thursday as Blinken’s statement that the Biden administration would bring up deep concerns about some of China’s actions around the world was met with pushback.


Blinken, in the blunt opening statement, said the U.S. would "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyberattacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies."


"Each of these actions threatens the rules-based order that maintains global stability," he said.


Chinese officials accused the U.S. of inciting countries to attack China.


He also said human rights in the U.S. were at a low point, with Black Americans being slaughtered.


McCaul also said the Russia-China alliance is something the U.S. has to go into with our eyes wide open.


''And I would add Iran to that mix as well as they try to negotiate the JCPOA (Joint Comprehension Plan of Action) with their nuclear program. That is, as Bush would call it, an axis of evil. I see that alliance. We’ve got to keep our eye on the ball. China’s gotten very provocative militarily with Hong Kong. Taiwan is in its sights right now and they’re in the Taiwanese straits in the South China Sea.


Our Pacific Command admiral said they are very serious about invading Taiwan. That would be a disaster.


Adm. John Aquilino on Wednesday said China was quickly amassing weapons and systems to militarily overwhelm Taiwan.


''My opinion is this problem is much closer to us than most think," Aquilino said before the Senate Armed Services Committee.


"We've seen aggressive actions earlier than we anticipated, whether it be on the Indian border or whether it be in Hong Kong or whether it be against the Uyghurs. We've seen things that I don't think we expected, and that's why I continue to talk about a sense of urgency. We ought to be prepared today," Aquilino said.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 1:51 a.m. No.13301496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1499 >>1526 >>1652 >>1732 >>1771

‘What’s His Name?’: Pelosi Melts Down Over Trump During Bizarre Press Conference

March 25, 2021


Written by Martin Walsh

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still loathes Donald Trump and can’t contain her anger towards him.


In a bizarre video, the California Democrat referred to Trump as “the former occupant of the White House” while talking about raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour and advocating to bring a change.


In the video, she said, “We were able to pass it [FightFor15] in the House in the last Congress. But of course, the Senate with Mitch McConnell would just not bring it up and nobody thought that ‘what’s his name’ would have signed it, the former occupant of the White House would have signed it.”


“What’s his name?” Pelosi melts down over Trump while demanding Congress raise minimum wage to $15/hr


— AF (@mwkw00) March 25, 2021


Pelosi had another meltdown last week when a reporter dared to challenge her on the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package recently passed by the Democratic-controlled House.


While speaking to reporters, Pelosi was peppered with questions about the relief bill, why no Republicans voted in favor of it, and when does she think.


“This is a very important issue for us, and as you know, this is a COVID-related legislation,” Pelosi said.


“You talked about the Republicans might take credit for some of the [inaudible] in a couple of days you’re probably going to be down in numbers, the Senate confirmed Marcia Fudge and Deb Haaland, here,” a reporter asked Pelosi.


The reporter added: “What does that mean with trying to move some of the other parts of your agenda if you’re down right now to the edge and you’re not getting any help from the other side of the aisle?”


Pelosi did not appreciate the question, which was more than fair.


“We’re going to have elections, we are already in the course of one in Louisiana where Mr. Cedric Richmond — person who will come in in that capacity will be here, and then when they are confirmed, and hopefully it will be soon so that they can assume their places in the cabinet of the United States,” Pelosi said.


“They will have elections and they’ll be replaced,” Pelosi added.


“But do you think you’ll be able to get others’ support when it comes to these other initiatives,” the reporter tried saying before being cut off again.


“There’s not going to be a problem,” she replied.


“Madam Speaker, I think even last fall when the last COVID relief bill passed, you were already talking about having to do another bill in the new administration,” the reporter continued. “Do you think this is the last primarily COVID bill that you’ll have to take up?”


“You’re just going to have to ask the virus,” Pelosi shot back, visibly flustered.


There is so much that stinks about the Democrat’s pandemic relief bill that you should wear a gas mask to read it.


But one of the things referenced by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton was the fact that mass murderers will be getting $1,400 stimulus checks.


“Dylann Roof murdered nine people. He’s on federal death row. He’ll be getting a $1,400 stimulus check as part of the Democrats’ ‘COVID relief’ bill,” he said.


“Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Bomber, murdered three people and terrorized a city. He’ll be getting a $1,400 stimulus check as part of the Democrats’ ‘COVID relief’ bill.


“Aaron Shamo was sentenced to life in prison for selling ‘1 million fentanyl-laced fake oxycodone pills to unsuspecting buyers.’ He’ll be getting a $1,400 stimulus check while in prison from the Democrats’ ‘COVID relief’ bill,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 1:57 a.m. No.13301511   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s tax cuts worked. Tax hikes now will kneecap economic recovery from Covid-19.

by Daily Signal March 25, 2021 in Democrats,

Three years after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act took effect, Democrats in Congress are ready to roll back some of the most critical reforms.


Article by Adam Michel from Daily Signal.


The business tax cuts have been maligned as contrary to the interests of workers. In reality, the corporate tax cut succeeded at allowing new business investment, creating jobs, raising wages, and increasing the economy’s size.


The economic history of the 2017 tax cuts should lead policymakers who are intent on raising the corporate income tax, or repealing parts of the individual tax cuts, to question their convictions.


The tax cuts were intended to increase new investments in the U.S. by lowering the after-tax cost of buying new tools, equipment, and buildings. Those investments create new jobs, boost wages, and grow the overall size of the economy.


A new Heritage Foundation report chronicles how the tax cuts were a success on each of these margins.


Read more: An Economic History of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Higher Wages, New Jobs, More Investment


Following the tax cuts, the Congressional Budget Office projected a sustained increase in business investment. Through 2019, actual investment outpaced the government scorekeeper’s projections.


Tax cut-driven turnaround in investment also showed up as a spike in new manufacturing orders, small-business optimism, and new-business applications. Those forces helped boost gains for workers.


New job openings surged in 2018, the year following the tax cuts, and about 83,000 more people voluntarily left their jobs for better opportunities at the end of 2019, compared with the pre-reform trend.


The beginning of 2018 also marked a significant increase in wage growth.


The accompanying chart shows that for production and nonsupervisory workers, nominal wage growth was 2.4% and declining in the years leading up to the tax cuts.


Following the tax cuts, wage growth for those workers increased to 3.8% by October 2019, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Faster earnings growth leaves workers with a higher overall wage level and makes them better off for years to come. A little more than two years after the reform, the average production and nonsupervisory worker was receiving $1,406 in above-trend annualized earnings.


Wages for all workers and measures of real wages show similar upticks.


Census Bureau data also show that real household income reached an all-time high in 2019, growing by $4,400 (a 6.8% one-year increase). Other analyses showed a “tectonic shift” in private paid leave availability and increases in other non-wage compensation in 2018 and 2019.


Following the tax cuts’ success, then-President Donald Trump embarked on an aggressive and destabilizing trade agenda, which resulted in tariffs that increased the cost of business inputs and consumer products.


Measures of trade uncertainty steadily increased through 2018, peaking in the third quarter of 2019.


Even with the countervailing increasing trade costs, measures of economic growth and investment remained above their pre-tax cut projections until the current COVID-19 crisis hit. The trade war seems to have masked the tremendous successes of the 2017 tax cuts.


The tax cuts have also likely made the COVID-19 economic crisis less severe, helping the economy bridge the 2020 disruptions. Reversing those pre-crisis, pro-growth policies risks weakening the foundation for a quick economic recovery.


The structural reforms that encourage higher business investment levels do not go away in a pandemic or during a trade war. Because of lower business tax rates and business expensing, firms that are investing in the current environment still invest a bit more than they would have otherwise.


When the pandemic subsides, existing incentives to invest, hire, and expand will help propel the economic recovery—unless Congress decides to increase taxes.


Political pressure from the left to increase taxes and ballooning deficits are already threatening tax reform’s gains. Beginning in 2022, the most pro-growth reform—full expensing—begins to phase out, and three years later, the lower tax rates for small businesses and individuals expire. Congress will need to act to preserve the gains from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


However, without budget reforms that bring spending growth under control, businesses, families, and investors alike can expect tax hikes and slower growth in the future.


By rejecting unsustainable growth in government spending and making the 2017 tax cuts permanent, lawmakers could foster the conditions for a strong economy in the years ahead.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:06 a.m. No.13301531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1548 >>1652 >>1681 >>1732 >>1771

Dislodging Suez Canal ship ‘could take weeks’

Fears mounting that it could take weeks to free Ever Given container ship, which would squeeze global supplies of crude and refined products.

Dislodging the ship that is stuck in the Suez Canal could take days or even weeks, experts said, as an ever-greater backlog of ships is gathering in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean waiting for passage.


As of Friday morning, the giant Ever Given vessel remained grounded in the same position, with tugboats and dredgers still working to free it, according to Canal service provider Leth Agencies.


33 mins ago (08:27 GMT)

‘Trying my best. No promises’

Meanwhile, there’s no let up in the torrent of memes and gifs lampooning the Suez Canal situation.


The Twitter account @SuezDiggerGuy, “Guy With the Digger at Suez Canal,” had nearly 15,000 followers by Friday and a profile line that read: “Trying my best. No promises.”


Managed to dig out good part of the bulbous thingy. It's still stuck. #Evergiven #SuezCanal #Suez


— Guy With The Digger At Suez Canal (@SuezDiggerGuy) March 25, 2021


Netizens also conjured up Lego images of the digger and the bow of the container ship, which is carrying consumer goods from Chinese factories to European households.


#suez is #lego -blocked.


— Marcel Steeman (@msteeman) March 25, 2021

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:07 a.m. No.13301533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1732 >>1771

44 mins ago (08:15 GMT)

Owner of ship aims to free Ever Given ‘tomorrow night’

Shoei Kisen, the Japanese owner of the container ship blocking the Suez Canal, said it aims to free the ship “tomorrow night Japan time”, the Nikkei reported on Friday, giving a much more positive outlook then most experts.

A spokeswoman for the owner in Japan said that the refloating work was ongoing but that the company did not yet know when the effort would succeed.


2 hours ago (07:22 GMT)

Downtime could ‘certainly last at least two weeks’

Speaking to Bloomberg, Randy Giveans, senior vice president of Equity Research for Energy Maritime at Jefferies LLC, said that if cargo needs to be unloaded or extensive repairs made to the canal itself, “then the downtime could certainly last at least two weeks”.

On Wednesday, Peter Berdowski, chief executive officer of Boskalis Westminster, the parent company of the salvage team, said “I can’t exclude that it can last weeks if the ship is really stuck”.

The process would take that long if “you need to get rid of cargo and you need to do dredging as well,” he said in an interview on the Nieuwsuur TV programme in the Netherlands.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:07 a.m. No.13301534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1541 >>1652 >>1732 >>1771

2 hours ago (06:38 GMT)

Tugboats and dredgers still working to free ship

The vessel’s bow remains stuck in the eastern wall of the canal, while its stern appeared lodged against the western wall — an extraordinary event that experts said they had never heard of happening before in the canal’s 150-year history.

The Suez Canal Authority, which operates the waterway, has deployed several tugboats in efforts to refloat the massive vessel, including a specialized suction dredger that is able to shift 2,000 cubic meters of material every hour.

As of Friday morning, the vessel remained grounded in the same position, with tugboats and dredgers still working to free it, according to Canal service provider Leth Agencies. It reminded unclear when the route would reopen.




2 hours ago (06:49 GMT)

Oil prices recover some ground on fears Suez blockage may last weeks

Oil prices reversed a sharp sell-off a day earlier to rise 1 percent on Friday on mounting fears that it could take weeks to dislodge the ship, which would squeeze supplies of crude and refined products.

Prices, however, were still headed for a third consecutive weekly loss, with the outlook for demand dented by fresh coronavirus lockdowns in Europe.

Brent crude was higher by 54 cents, or 0.9 percent, at $62.49 a barrel by 0432 GMT, after dropping 3.8 percent on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:08 a.m. No.13301537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732 >>1771

2 hours ago (06:36 GMT)

The Dutch to the rescue

A team from Boskalis, a Dutch firm specialised in salvaging, started working with the canal authority on Thursday. The rescue efforts have focused on dredging to remove sand and mud from around the port side of the vessel’s bow.


The canal authority said that they would need to remove between 15,000 to 20,000 cubic meters (530,000 to 706,000 cubic feet) of sand to reach a depth of 12 to 16 meters (39 to 52 feet).


That depth is likely to allow the ship to float freely again, it said.


UPDATE: Help on the way for #EVERGIVEN.


Dredging & heavy lift experts Boskalis have a team steaming towards the "very heavy whale on the beach"* & expect to arrive Thursday AM.


CEO: could take days, or weeks.


*Google translate…



— John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) March 25, 2021

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:08 a.m. No.13301538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1732 >>1771

2 hours ago (06:41 GMT)

Headaches for global shipping

The blockage is caused headaches for global trade. Around 10 percent of world trade flows through the canal, which is particularly crucial for the transport of oil.


The closure also could affect oil and gas shipments to Europe from the Mideast.


At least 150 ships were waiting for the Ever Given to be cleared, including vessels near Port Said on the Mediterranean Sea, Port Suez on the Red Sea and those already stuck in the canal system on Egypt’s Great Bitter Lake, Leth Agencies said.


Here are five things to know about the Suez Canal gridlock.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 2:31 a.m. No.13301576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1591


They want the ship to be there.

These things are deliberate.

Think about it.

Since a lot of human trafficking and drugs have been getting exposed and [their] cash flow stifled, getting the bucks moving again from 'trading from insolvent' involves hitting up insurance companies, breaking old established companies and contracts… there is so much more going on than we realize, the end product is to gouge the individual at the gas pump but there is so much more at play, effecting diplomatically to individual relationships/

The ships that have contracts to deliver, which isn't going to happen, domino effect in play.

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 3:08 a.m. No.13301652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1655 >>1670

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13300966 OP


>>13300982 Dough


Notables @600



>>13301001 House Chamber Getting Kevlar-Reinforced Bulletproof Doors

>>13301010 India Denies Reports Claiming New Delhi Banned Exports of COVID-19 Vaccines to UK, Other Countries

>>13301030 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary Rumble links

>>13301041, >>13301127, >>13301172, Georgia Tech Professor Indicted on Visa, Wire Fraud Charges

>>13301042 Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal

>>13301043, >>13301066, POTUS commenting on the passing of Michael Jackson.

>>13301045, >>13301099, Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Will ‘Honor’ Oversight Board’s Decision on Donald Trump’s Account

>>13301047 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301050 GOP Rep. Carter: We Need ‘Transparency’ from Big Tech Companies on Censorship Policies

>>13301070 Take a look at Bidens cheat sheets, with headshots

>>13301073 Thousands of sick kids around the country were being treated with psychiatric medications while the underlying cause of their illness—inflammation—went unnoticed.

>>13301076 Trump’s speech to the globalists went a little differently than Biden’s… (Embed 6:51 mins)

>>13301081 PhD in genetics qualified to write about the basics of sex, "A person cannot change their sex. That is a fact.'

>>13301161 A little pick-me-up Trump – Silent Running

>>13301179, >>13301251, YOU USED UP ALL THE GLUE… ON PURPOSE!

>>13301195, >>13301212, NWS Seattle say debris from a Falcon 9 rocket 2nd stage that did not successfully have a deorbit burn

>>13301235 Judge Rejects Former CIA Coder's Try to Dismiss Hacking Charges

>>13301222 Can you hear me? (Cap 6:02)

>>13301371 Project Veritas Rep. Dan Crenshaw CONFRONTS Jack Dorsey for suspending Project Veritas on Twitter

>>13301356 ANON spelling it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues

>>13301407 Dan Scavino Mar 13 2021- 11:49 Q 2349

>>13301422 Q777 MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.

>>13301461, >>13301466, Juliansrum based meme the Hunters become the Hunted and Ever Given

>>13301468 Senate Candidate Josh Mandel: Biden 'Not All There'


>>13301484 Rep. McCaul: China Doesn't Fear Biden

>>13301485 Mich. county, other states to stop using Dominion voting machines

>>13301496, >>13301499, >>13301526, ‘What’s His Name?’: Pelosi Melts Down Over Trump During Bizarre Press Conference

>>13301531, >>13301533, >>13301534, >>1330153, >>13301538, Dislodging Suez Canal ship ‘could take weeks’

>>13301564 CBS Finally Discovers Cuomo’s Latest COVID Scandal, Give it Just 20 Seconds

>>13301568 Here's Why Mom and Dad Ought to Be Big Tech's Biggest Worry

>>13301578 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301584 Republican Candidate For Congress In Texas: ‘Commies In DC’ Are Ruining America (VIDEO)

>>13301589 Suez… who receives revenue from the shortcut? (8:03)

>>13301595 Doctor injecting vaccine into mans shirt, on purpose, pretending to give him an injection, Zoomed in version (Cap 0:13)

>>13301602 Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin

>>13301606 Pelosi Thinks She's Queen and Can Declare the Winner of Iowa Congressional Race

>>13301613 Speaker Pelosi lies, says “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified (Cap 0:14)

>>13301618 World's First Ship Tunnel Under Norwegian Mountains Gets Green Light

>>13301623 Denmark Cracks Down on "Parallel Societies"

>>13301634 Army Vet Plans to Appeal Ninth Circuit Ruling Against Gun Carry Ruling may motivate Supreme Court to step in




Check em' anything need adding or removing?

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 3:54 a.m. No.13301732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13301001 House Chamber Getting Kevlar-Reinforced Bulletproof Doors

>>13301010 India Denies Reports Claiming New Delhi Banned Exports of COVID-19 Vaccines to UK, Other Countries

>>13301030 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary Rumble links

>>13301041, >>13301127, >>13301172, Georgia Tech Professor Indicted on Visa, Wire Fraud Charges

>>13301042 Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal

>>13301043, >>13301066, POTUS commenting on the passing of Michael Jackson.

>>13301045, >>13301099, Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Will ‘Honor’ Oversight Board’s Decision on Donald Trump’s Account

>>13301047 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301050 GOP Rep. Carter: We Need ‘Transparency’ from Big Tech Companies on Censorship Policies

>>13301070 Take a look at Bidens cheat sheets, with headshots

>>13301073 Thousands of sick kids around the country were being treated with psychiatric medications while the underlying cause of their illness—inflammation—went unnoticed.

>>13301076 Trump’s speech to the globalists went a little differently than Biden’s… (Embed 6:51 mins)

>>13301081 PhD in genetics qualified to write about the basics of sex, "A person cannot change their sex. That is a fact.'

>>13301161 A little pick-me-up Trump – Silent Running

>>13301179, >>13301251, YOU USED UP ALL THE GLUE… ON PURPOSE!

>>13301195, >>13301212, NWS Seattle say debris from a Falcon 9 rocket 2nd stage that did not successfully have a deorbit burn

>>13301235 Judge Rejects Former CIA Coder's Try to Dismiss Hacking Charges

>>13301222 Can you hear me? (Cap 6:02)

>>13301371 Project Veritas Rep. Dan Crenshaw CONFRONTS Jack Dorsey for suspending Project Veritas on Twitter

>>13301356 ANON spelling it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues

>>13301407 Dan Scavino Mar 13 2021- 11:49 Q 2349

>>13301422 Q777 MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.

>>13301461, >>13301466, Juliansrum based meme the Hunters become the Hunted and Ever Given

>>13301468 Senate Candidate Josh Mandel: Biden 'Not All There'


>>13301484 Rep. McCaul: China Doesn't Fear Biden

>>13301485 Mich. county, other states to stop using Dominion voting machines

>>13301496, >>13301499, >>13301526, ‘What’s His Name?’: Pelosi Melts Down Over Trump During Bizarre Press Conference

>>13301531, >>13301533, >>13301534, >>13301537, >>13301538, Dislodging Suez Canal ship ‘could take weeks’

>>13301564 CBS Finally Discovers Cuomo’s Latest COVID Scandal, Give it Just 20 Seconds

>>13301568 Here's Why Mom and Dad Ought to Be Big Tech's Biggest Worry

>>13301578 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301584 Republican Candidate For Congress In Texas: ‘Commies In DC’ Are Ruining America (VIDEO)

>>13301589 Suez… who receives revenue from the shortcut? (8:03)

>>13301595 Doctor injecting vaccine into mans shirt, on purpose, pretending to give him an injection, Zoomed in version (Cap 0:13)

>>13301602 Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin

>>13301606 Pelosi Thinks She's Queen and Can Declare the Winner of Iowa Congressional Race

>>13301613 Speaker Pelosi lies, says “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified (Cap 0:14)

>>13301618 World's First Ship Tunnel Under Norwegian Mountains Gets Green Light

>>13301623 Denmark Cracks Down on "Parallel Societies"

>>13301634 Army Vet Plans to Appeal Ninth Circuit Ruling Against Gun Carry Ruling may motivate Supreme Court to step in

>>13301659 ROOT CANAL Suez Canal mayhem as seen from SPACE as hundreds of ships blocked by beached tanker

>>13301676 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) Have increased their role beyond just affecting the 1s and 0s : Special Operations team in Pacific will confront Chinese information campaigns

>>13301683 Biden Unhinged: Calls Attempts To Stop Election Fraud ‘Sick’ And ‘Un-American’

>>13301675, >>13301661, >>13301672, >>13301679, >>13301690, >>13301691, >>13301699, >>13301706, >>13301712, "We're not going to take it" (1984) is about the vaccine

>>13301716 CNN's Defense of Chris Cuomo's Special COVID Privileges is Grotesque



Check em' anything need adding or removing?

Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 4:08 a.m. No.13301770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13300966 OP


>>13300982 Dough





>>13301001 House Chamber Getting Kevlar-Reinforced Bulletproof Doors

>>13301010 India Denies Reports Claiming New Delhi Banned Exports of COVID-19 Vaccines to UK, Other Countries

>>13301030 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary Rumble links

>>13301041, >>13301127, >>13301172, Georgia Tech Professor Indicted on Visa, Wire Fraud Charges

>>13301042 Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal

>>13301043, >>13301066, POTUS commenting on the passing of Michael Jackson.

>>13301045, >>13301099, Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Will ‘Honor’ Oversight Board’s Decision on Donald Trump’s Account

>>13301047 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301050 GOP Rep. Carter: We Need ‘Transparency’ from Big Tech Companies on Censorship Policies

>>13301070 Take a look at Bidens cheat sheets, with headshots

>>13301073 Thousands of sick kids around the country were being treated with psychiatric medications while the underlying cause of their illness—inflammation—went unnoticed.

>>13301076 Trump’s speech to the globalists went a little differently than Biden’s… (Embed 6:51 mins)

>>13301081 PhD in genetics qualified to write about the basics of sex, "A person cannot change their sex. That is a fact.'

>>13301161 A little pick-me-up Trump – Silent Running

>>13301179, >>13301251, YOU USED UP ALL THE GLUE… ON PURPOSE!

>>13301195, >>13301212, NWS Seattle say debris from a Falcon 9 rocket 2nd stage that did not successfully have a deorbit burn

>>13301235 Judge Rejects Former CIA Coder's Try to Dismiss Hacking Charges

>>13301222 Can you hear me? (Cap 6:02)

>>13301371 Project Veritas Rep. Dan Crenshaw CONFRONTS Jack Dorsey for suspending Project Veritas on Twitter

>>13301356 ANON spelling it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues

>>13301407 Dan Scavino Mar 13 2021- 11:49 Q 2349

>>13301422 Q777 MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.

>>13301461, >>13301466, Juliansrum based meme the Hunters become the Hunted and Ever Given

>>13301468 Senate Candidate Josh Mandel: Biden 'Not All There'



Anonymous ID: 52cfa2 March 26, 2021, 4:09 a.m. No.13301771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1788


>>13301484 Rep. McCaul: China Doesn't Fear Biden

>>13301485 Mich. county, other states to stop using Dominion voting machines

>>13301496, >>13301499, >>13301526, ‘What’s His Name?’: Pelosi Melts Down Over Trump During Bizarre Press Conference

>>13301531, >>13301533, >>13301534, >>13301537, >>13301538, Dislodging Suez Canal ship ‘could take weeks’

>>13301564 CBS Finally Discovers Cuomo’s Latest COVID Scandal, Give it Just 20 Seconds

>>13301568 Here's Why Mom and Dad Ought to Be Big Tech's Biggest Worry

>>13301578 Dem Rep. Schakowsky: ‘We’re Going to Regulate’ Tech Companies, and There Must Be ‘Limitations’ on User Content

>>13301584 Republican Candidate For Congress In Texas: ‘Commies In DC’ Are Ruining America (VIDEO)

>>13301589 Suez… who receives revenue from the shortcut? (8:03)

>>13301595 Doctor injecting vaccine into mans shirt, on purpose, pretending to give him an injection, Zoomed in version (Cap 0:13)

>>13301602 Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin

>>13301606 Pelosi Thinks She's Queen and Can Declare the Winner of Iowa Congressional Race

>>13301613 Speaker Pelosi lies, says “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified (Cap 0:14)

>>13301618 World's First Ship Tunnel Under Norwegian Mountains Gets Green Light

>>13301623 Denmark Cracks Down on "Parallel Societies"

>>13301634 Army Vet Plans to Appeal Ninth Circuit Ruling Against Gun Carry Ruling may motivate Supreme Court to step in

>>13301659 ROOT CANAL Suez Canal mayhem as seen from SPACE as hundreds of ships blocked by beached tanker

>>13301676 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) Have increased their role beyond just affecting the 1s and 0s : Special Operations team in Pacific will confront Chinese information campaigns

>>13301683 Biden Unhinged: Calls Attempts To Stop Election Fraud ‘Sick’ And ‘Un-American’

>>13301675, >>13301661, >>13301672, >>13301679, >>13301690, >>13301691, >>13301699, >>13301706, >>13301712, "We're not going to take it" (1984) is about the vaccine

>>13301716 CNN's Defense of Chris Cuomo's Special COVID Privileges is Grotesque

>>13301727, >>13301734, The evidence that Fauci knew HCQ was effective treatment for SARS back in early 2000's

>>13301735, >>13279779 pb, >>13279900 pb, >>13301739, >>13301741, >>13301745, Same crooks in charge, still waiting Bush Family Stolen Election 2000, 9/11, Prescott Bush IMPOSTOR, Nazi (NWO Bankers German [royal family of Brits; same clique)) infiltration since the 19th c.

>>13301740 Emerald Robinson "Vaccine hesitancy" is the new media phrase to describe the completely rational distaste for trusting any government product pushed by Fauci & Bill Gates.
