Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 10:48 p.m. No.13301084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1092 >>1103 >>1122 >>1124

>>13300906 (pb)

Just ignore the fuck that's replying to you. That dude asserted bigely and authoritatively that Osirus's missing body part wasn't his dick and on top of that the retard thinks that the tale is literal. Imagine being that stupid yet speaking with such authority :D (sorry had to get my licks in…)


That channel is heavy stuff despite the hilarity from the Hoteps in the comments.


I noticed the face on Bayon…I about had heart failure. I knew immediately….that was the same face (which explains all the coverup/destruction)…in/on the Sphinx. That French Kike probably shat his pants when he got down inside the opening ;D


The channel that takes you to the temples is Praveen Mohan (kek Ancient Hindu Technology)…which is the only reason he's not been entirely deleted. Otherwise I would never have seen Bayon and made the connection.


The Egyptologist7 channel is heavy stuff but if you start at the beginning and work forward the puzzle will start to slide together.


I enjoy the rage of kangz :D If you carefully follow along you'll see exactly where niggers come from…always read the comments because Neptune's Lagoon is on it…I'm surprised the Kangz haven't gotten that channel cancelled…trust me on this…niggers did NOT come "out of Africa". KEK….I mean the niggers….subsaharan/western Africans.


Predynastic Egypt is basically formed from remnants of earlier civilization in if the fucking "space nigger parasites" would stop following them around the world murdering them…that would be nice.


It's a BIG giant puzzle…and interesting af. The swerves are endless. There's a LOT of sites around the world…as they faced "disaster after disaster" and genocides…they moved…each time they had to start over they lost more technology. IE compare the tech at Angor Wat to the Sphyinx…the Sphinx is downright primitive by comparison. I often wonder if their "genetic memory" kept them building pyramids wherever they settled as if by some way they thought they could "phone home" so to speak…carefully watch the temple videos…all of them…you will start to note what elements are and must always be present to generate energy…from the earth.


It's been a wild ride. Ango Wat is ANCIENT….the primary settlement of these highly advanced tall red headed people was indeed Indo-European area. But disasters, and genetic diffusion….devolution of technology…IE if all computers blew up tomorrow, all power stations and a world-wide sickness eliminated much of the population, how many people would retain the knowledge to build back what they'd lost.


IMHO I tend to correlate the Sea People (vicious evil fucks) with Phoneticians. There came a point at which they probably figured they'd killed everyone they could…and split into two groups. One stayed at sea and became Merchants of Mop Ups, the others slid on into Spain/North Africa/Levant and invented themselves an entire history aka Haibru….which then turned into another fucking LARP to control and hunt Amalek whom they are sworn to seek out and kill……kek working from memory here but I make copious notes to help me stay on their trail.


BTW chinks go mad with rage over pics related. Personally I have a different theory re Khan and that insidious DNA issue…but that's currently a working hypothesis. I know they tried to "fix themselves" by force mating with / enslaving women and trying to "firm up their fruit" but it didn't work.


In Secrets of the Holy Family, author Mark Gibbs makes a good case for Zachariah running a "red headed breeding op" out of his synagogue using his own sperm…I don't agree with all of Mark's theories in the book, but the case he makes for what Zac was really up to is quite interesting. (BTW Zach was stoned to death for adultery)….

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:10 p.m. No.13301128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140 >>1141


>Cro Magnon = RH- = Atlanteans

KEKEKEKEK you're hysterical. The meme blood type RH- is literally a fuckup. I can now safely dismiss everything else you say. RH- is a horrific mutation that rose out of their efforts to 1. improve their "fruit of the withered vine" and 2. attempt to attain the abilities / gifts of the ORIGINAL PEOPLES. It FAILED horribly. RH- is now more widely diffused thanks to their efforts, it's still literally a fuckup. Should modern medicine ever disappear and the rogame shot become unavailable. the only way RH- people would ever be able to survive in any meaningful numbers is to do what they learned to do before. Consanguineous marriages. Fucking with nature has consequences. Our intervention medicine currently MAY explain why populations dramatically decreased post periods of destruction.

Take, for instance, the inadequate pelvis gene. Currently we intervene with cesarean sections which passes the gene along when the offspring lives. Post Apocalypse medicine won't be able to perform cesareans and all women carrying the gene and their offspring will die..once again attempting to "delete" an inefficient gene that is not beneficial to nature.

Your approaches are narrow and pedantic at best. KEK well I guess you're RH- and have gotten onto the weza spechal forums.


KEK once again the meme bloodtype. It's OK to have it…NOW…let's hope modern medicine sticks around to save people….remember this…return to science. BENEFICIAL TRAITS survive, Mutative UNbeneficial / dangerous traits do not…except when there is INTERVENTIONS. It's like..oh, I dunno, science or something.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:16 p.m. No.13301142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK…Subsaharan / west Africans have some MOST unusual admixtures and "happy trails" of movement. After studying on the DNA evidence and plotting movement in TO Africa I think my current working theory is that they are the "beast" created to do the labor…they, and only they have that "ghost DNA". These particular strains of "nigger" have behaviors that are unique to them. If you watch Tracks Africa series which is stunning visually and highly educational…you'll SEE exactly what I mean. Especially when they get to Nigeria. Holy…I was like WTAF? ONLY in Subsaharan and West Africa do you find this BEHAVIOR. Weird af.


I think Elijah Mohammad was on to something.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:21 p.m. No.13301154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165




KEK again lrn2read. I didn't get JACK fucking shit re RH- from jewtube…how about straight from the mouths of a VERY famous "bloodline family". RH- is what you might call their badge of awesomeness….and believe it or not, so was intermarriage so their offspring survived. Sadly for them their DNA tests did not prove their hypothesis…


Accuses me of getting info from a jewtube video, posts a jewtube video to prove it. Imagine…..WHEN they HYBRIDIZED they fucked themselves the hell up even worse. There's a reason they're ugly af.


Ask the "asgarde" KEK…poor Thor.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:36 p.m. No.13301198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1213 >>1228


> ALL native American people

AND what you're referring to as "native american people" were literally LAST on the scene in North/South America. Check the Creek Indians DNA study they had to do themselves to prove their ancestors were Mayan…and Mayan were last on the scene. Try to find a single published DNA study on the Adena…you'll find Hopewell…who are DESCENDED from Adena…who were those tall red headed people that settle NZ, NA/SA?


The one Maori who traces her family direct from the tall red heads and diffused with the vicious cannibal Maori (who descended on NZ in about 1200 AD, oddly the same exact date they stick on the Adena in NA which is a fucking straight up lie…earliest charcoal SEKRIT dating at Serpent Mound is 5k BC) with impeccable genealogy had a DNA test…Indo-European. The "archaeologists" don't want to discuss that. Although they have removed some of the lying ass signs at Serpent Mound they're STILL lying. Jews control academia.


Ah, "the tour guide"…have a look at that head and tell me if that's "efficient"? If you have any of that genetic heritage today chances are you have either a straight or reverse curve cervical spine and or hip / issues that are genetic..meaning passed in famalam. Those folk were a much later mutation. That is proven in the dating. The Cloud People are also a much later mutation but without the skull/neck issues.


The long skulls are found at stonehenge, and other ancient sites but differing in size and efficiency.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:45 p.m. No.13301220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1238 >>1245 >>1267


No…much much earlier. Keep a close eye on the will slowly become clear. I'm talking 250k years ago. Atlantis would have been a much later settlement. They probably ran off, started AGAIN and AGAIN they got followed and destroyed.


There are some completely ignored people/The Nuaraghe for example…the people who settled South Africa at least from what I can tell from arial photos of the area that dates to 250k (which means Archaeologists pretend it's not there) I was comparing Nurahghe construction types to the stone remnants in SA and they're oddly similar. Pics related.


If you really want to freak yourself tf out…listen to someone reading aloud the book of Enki…then go dig up a video re the Kogi people in Colombia, SA….and listen to them talk. There is NO way that's a coincidence. They're a very interesting people who say they did NOT build the temples they care for.


Here's a vid re Kogi who have a most curious story…but wait until you hear them speak. I wouldn't have put two and two together unless I'd listened first to Enki's epic story of self.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 25, 2021, 11:58 p.m. No.13301252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1261 >>1297


>elements are and must always be present to generate energy…from the earth

Keep an eye on the temples…you'll see. I have never ever found a portal that does NOT have these elements. There cannot be any natural energy generation without them. Although he points things out from time to time in OTHER temples. this pic related was a fresh excavation with everything intact. The temple in Cambodia….ley lines are the means by energy circles the earth…but what IF you could harness that energy and direct it?


The pyramids IMHO were an attempt by the displaced people to recreate their energy generation. Perhaps they fled Egypt and went on to build Atlantis…the timeline is foggy yet….much is hidden. IE what if in one timeframe they still had access to flying machines…Vimanas..what exactly WAS "solomon's flying carpet" and does THIS explain the UP MI copper culture where millions of tons of copper were mined with zero trace of the people who mined it and how COPPER (hint) from NA is found across the pond? Technology it's obvious they still had when they arrived in Egypt is the ability to "melt rocks" use sound to move heavy object (what are MANDALAS? see cymatic pic…another HINT)


I've been trying to sort their diffusion and timeline now for years collecting tons of data. Lots of working hypothesis…there was more than 1 diffusion, more than ONE disaster and as Epic as Gobekli Tepi's literally a baby. They knew something was coming…they covered that shit up and got tf out of dodge…interesting.


I'm curious about how technology and access to knowledge is lost over time.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 12:15 a.m. No.13301283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298


Seriously my mouth hit the floor when I heard the Kogi people speaking…their "theology" is unique also. I was like how TF does no one say anything about this? There is no noob…curiosity, observation..I have a massive collection of "diffused" megalithic sites from Canada, US, SA, Europe…like places you'll never hear about because the archaeologists won't fucking touch them. The story of Charlie Hacket that I followed for years with great interest when he found what he felt was an ancient iron smelting operation on his land near a river. He couldn't get an archaeologist out there…so he started doing it himself documenting everything correctly, mapping, photographing…then he took a box of artifacts to a Uni in new England famous for this shit….they dated his artifacts to WAY before Clovis (sorry exact date eludes me) so he's standing there holding the documentation and the box of artifacts and the archaeologist now, tell me where you found these.. Charlie grins and ays Texas and before could even react the dude reached out snatched the documents and tore them into pieces cussing "I'm not having anything to do with this".


Mind you this is primative likely Salutrean…but still..ALSO why won't anyone do a study comparing the intricate advanced (by 1k years ahead of NA weaving) weaving technologies of the Windover Bog people versus Spirit Cave mummy and Lovelock cave? Why do the Pauites get to brag about literally genociding the Lovelock cave people making a story that "well we had to kill them, they were mean"? There's a video of lovelock cave skulls from the megalithamania guy who found them displayed in a local museum…after his video came out they literally came and removed the skulls from the museum…big but not long skulls. Yeah the Lovelock cave people were so damn vicious the Pauite just toddled up to their cave and built a fire and murdered all of them…then got to say..they wuz mean.


WHY do Maori and NAs both in US and Canada get to claim skeletons as THEIRS when in fact they are NOT…. Maori are literally given the skeletons of the Tall red headed people to grind up and use for fertilizer, their sites are habitually destroyed…the standing stones however…still remain and some HONEST Maori tell the story of the people who were here when we came…(New Zealand, Skeletons in the Closet 3 part series, CONSTANTLY attacked..constantly.)

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 12:33 a.m. No.13301324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1375


I genuinely love the energy down there…it's no mystery why they settled where they did. I started poking about in Panama re megalithic sites but fucking damn Mormons….fuck them and their MEME religion…kek they literally make shit up manufacture artifacts and open independent museums…when you're searching take care watch out ALWAYS for the Mormons. You always have to work around their shit. I've an entire theory on that….but that's another day.


You're going to be flabbergasted by the Kogi…there's literally no logical explanation. I LOVE it :D The Jew archaeologists and gate keepers use "dats racisss" to suggest they didn't build that because they were brown….holy fuck asshole (Racist Kike Gatekeeper Jason Cavalito..yes I even read him…sometimes albeit rarely he has a good point)…they shout dats raccissss to keep people afraid of talking about it.


JAYSUS a blind man can see the Inca built ON TOP of earlier constructions…dats racisss…everyone there was brown ok? And the Kangz…holy shit….despite ALL DNA evidence to the contrary they believe that dey wuz furst…dat america was stolen from dem….all because of the Olmec heads….despite PROOF that even ancient Romans were visiting and hanging out in Brazil…when ancient roman ship wrecks were found off the coast of Brazil the Brazilian navy dumped tons of sand on top of it…and it's forbidden to dig.


WHY? HOLY fucking jews AGAIN. My theory on the Olmec heads was Romans used slaves to row their ships and "natives" made carvings of them. Subsaharan Africans and West Africans share no DNA with dark skinned SA primitive peoples……I haven't done a lot on that timeline…as soon as they reburied the ships the Jews crawled out of their outhouses and started claiming dey wuz furst…every Italian in Italy say.hey Italy discovered Brazil first so it belongs to Italy not Portugal…and Italian people started demanding Brazilian citizenship.


I'm currently following the hypothesis of another researcher that Tolkien based much of his Hobbit/LoTR stories on ancient history. The Jew will do anything to keep anyone from knowing the Oera Linda is 100% real….you know how I know it's real? Compare the pottery KNOWN to be associated with those people…to the piece of pottery found in the Finger Lakes…then…SEE the giant mounds…then ask yourself…humm wonder why the evil ones are fascinated, have houses there, sekret meetings…get tattoos of…finger lakes…and every single one is either a Jew or Jew adjacent…..things that make you go….wtf are they hunting up there? (and again the FUCKING MORMONS and their bullshit…up there)…


LOLOLOL what a fucking HOT mess…at the heart of every single fight to suppress knowledge re that very very ancient high civilization is a Jew….their hatred of these people knows NO bounds.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 1:16 a.m. No.13301411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1470


argh..well, the universe didn't want me to answer that…my entire window closed…history only restored the tabs not my comment.


No, that's not a stargate…the cymatic pic I posted depicts a frequency. (yet another element that must be present)…If you watched stargate Atlantis…remember you can't operate the ships or the chair without the right DNA…same for stargates. Portals are point to point…(you need to know where each one goes…and how to open it) and dimensional…Stargates …well there's a reason Jews own all the DNA companies. I know why they were and still are so DESPERATE to get into Iran…just think…for HOW long has fucking Israel tried to get a war with Iran…they didn't find it in Iraq, nor Syria, nor anywhere else…and to my knowledge they haven't a fucking clue about others.



>What do you know about indigenous stories which speak of times of "before the moon"?

Yes. I am taught these as well as many many other old things. I always LOL at "anthropologists" who write NA stories they're told with such authority…kek…let's just say…most of what they'll tell an outsider if bullshit or layered. Also many many NAs are corrupt af and into da gibs and will easily participate in hiding, destroying ect.


Avalon is in Aude Department, Southern France :D but that's all I can say on that.


As far as someone coming to understand the awakening? My mother who gave me birth is and always has been terrified of me. Remember, as a child you don't KNOW that you're literally the only one in the room that sees/hears/feels….beyond the logical line. So you're chattering and whatever and everyone is WTF are you talking about…


My mother never believed a word I ever said, then and now. I was raised very strict Christian, I guess she thought it would chase the devil out of me…sorry Ma. Even today…even though I think she KNOWS….it's pointless. You have to let people be where they are. I've not seen any of my family in years and only discovered my father had some of what I had when I sat with him as he walked on. I am a genetic freak of what the fuck ever. You just have to let go. What you resist, persists. You can't change what they believe….I should know…I did try but in the end got kicked from my father's death bed because I STUPIDLY said we were talking…(he was in a coma and discovered to his delight he could communicate telepathically..we had such a great "remember when")…Ma said none of that SATAN stuff here…and that was that. I don't even know where they laid his body..


You have to just let go. It's not easy. NO one can take those last amazing nights I spent yaking with my father away from me and we left things in a good way. That's what matters. That's one reason I so strongly despise the "it's satanic" meme.


I have to be very very careful what I post…kek my entire other post POOFED….so I'm going to leave it here…not because YOU in particular can't know…it's the fucking parasite watchers…so enjoy digging! Happy findings.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 1:26 a.m. No.13301437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>DNA actually being memories?

Genetic memory IS a thing for sure. I had my own experience with it. I was working on a manuscript for work and I kept having some very serious emotional feelings…fear…desperation, it was intense AF. I kept pushing it aside….again I have to tread careful…let's just say the Jew Bolsheviks genocided my ggrandmother's entire family and she and her sister were the only ones to survive the "forced collective". I had not completely understood their story…once she (they gathered up money to send her away on a boat where she met my ggfather who worked on said boat)…they were SHUT MOUTH society re their origins…like shut mouth. At first I thought…well maybe they're Nazi (keke before I learned the Nazi were the good guys)…I tried many ways to find them…clues here and there but nothing solid.


Flash forward to my mom (back when we still talked) handing me a little book they'd found…and I about died. It was about the forced communist collective that had the names of the people forced into it…their "houses" etc…my entire g.grandmother's family…and that "town" was the very same "town" that was the subject of the book manuscript I'd worked on. BLOWN TF away! I cannot begin to explain the feelings / emotions, fear…I thought bro you're going nuts…nah, just my genetic memory of those killing times.


I've been other places where I thought I could have expected to feel/experience something…nothing. Only 1 other place ….and at the time I visited I had no conscious knowledge that that place was in my timeline.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 1:32 a.m. No.13301451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes…I believe the KR is real…and I also believe the Curse of Oak Island team knows exactly where 1 "treasure" is if it hasn't been removed…kek it's obvious.

If you have a heritage / background from that area of the world, there's entire youtube pages devoted to that time…that music.


Kangz…not even from Africa :D KEK.


SHE is an amazing person. NOT Subsaharan, not nigger. You are never going to be able to "civilize" the subsaharans…ever. FUCK the Jew slave traders…damn it, the Irish could have picked our cotton just fine KEKEKE.

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 2:21 a.m. No.13301561   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Personally the ferver, with which they have continuously attacked Iran for centuries?…I think it's a stargate. That's just my personal opinion and that Aryans aka Iranians are among the most brilliant people on earth…(not the Arab hybrids….why do you think "islam " was created? The Fake Jew fears the pure Iranians. Fucking Islam…they "conquer by the sword" that side of the earth, then they sent the 'priests' to fuck up NA/SA on the other side of the world. Their anger and jealousy knows no century. Again I'm NOT talking about Levantian Jews…look at which Jews loved Trump…and which "jews" hated him and attacked him endlessly? Bibi is a fake ass jew.

Do you know WHY they always win? Because they are literally fucking monsters and will do anything, commit any horrors to win. When I was learning about what they did to Tartarian Russians at Nazino Island I was internally begging someone to nuke Israel good. They whine and bitch about Hitler? The fucking nerve….they would take these poor people to that Island and drop them…no food, water…nothing. I guess they wanted to find out what would happen. You can guess. These people are literally fucking parasitical animals. NOTHING anyone has ever done to any jew comes close to the atrocities they committed during the Holomordor, the mass murder of Gerrmans trapped in Poland, and the 160 million Russians including their royal family during their Communist Bullshiveck revolution.


They fucked France with the French Revolution, and England with Cromwell. Their hate knows no bounds. Literally NO OTHER group of people on earth have killed more people…than they have. (besides "god" god kills everyone, god loves them extra special too….birds of a feather?…)

Anonymous ID: a63a0b March 26, 2021, 2:37 a.m. No.13301598   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would not have wanted to tote around that head! My theory is that "designs'" that were inefficient in Nature were "phased" out. But I always thought that the africans and NAs that practiced skull "shaping" were copying "the gods". But they weren't gods…if I went back to 200BC and flicked my bic I'd have all kinds of worshipers. They were by all accounts a peaceful race.