They tried to delete the proof
of using alias twitter and e-mail accounts
to coordinate Antifa/MS-13/Migrants real and fake stories
GooG data breach, FB hack, Twitter message forwards
fake news amplify, social media push, Big Tech to targeted voters
+programming voting machines
Comms cleanup
The won't be able to walk down the street.
OSC Reauthorization said they can't refuse to turn over docs - but they tried + redacting.
The Voter Irregularities Committee was disbanded for the same reason MI had an open investigation into the Clinton Foundation at the same time as FBI. CORRUPTION! Proven threat to Nat Sec.
Insurection Act
[Determination that the various states and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to growing unrest] Be Vigilant
Barr "organized Antifa like tactics"
POTUS designate as terror org
All on the clock today.
Did I miss anything?