Corey Goode has been saying this will be coming soon and it will be both good and bad. Will be related to a huge solar flare that will knock out blackhat mind control programs and will enlighten the consciousness of many while driving others insane. Close?
Are you a normie who just "feels it" coming? Or are you an insider? If insider, is Corey Goode legit or full of shit?
Is the sky event the trigger the white hats are waiting on? It would make sense if it will knock out blackhat comms and mind control influence
Dubs. Will the event bring free energy disclosure?
Another dubs. Are you an insider?
Luke 17:21 21Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’ For you see, the kingdom of God is in your midst
"God" is a universal signal and we are the antennas.