Everyone ready for the Event? It's coming soon. Much Love to you all.
I'm talking about the energy event. Sky event
Yes, something like that. Think rainbow clouds. It is so beautiful and we ALL will forever be changed.
No need to be scared my friend. You are here to enjoy the show. It's been pouring out of me all day. Can you feel the changes? We're so close
This will be used to cover up the "sky event"
I don't think it's tomorrow but very soon. Within weeks I think. The energies on the earth are so intense, colors are brighter/nature seems closer. So intense some people can't handle it. They feel drained of physical energy or act out in anger.
I do think the internet will go down and yes I think these events are related. Don't be afraid, when this happens there will be no need for internet for a little while.
Very Close
Yes, they will have no where else to run.
My advice to you is to focus on yourself and your close family. They will need you when this happens. Many people will be confused and they will need our help. This is why we are here. We are the guides. The Earth will change in many ways, polar is shift is already happening. The wave will complete the process.
Yes, this is already happening. We are not like the others. We must help them to see the light. Light has already won.
We are all one. I would recommend listening to Corey but there are many others like him.
Yes, Christ told us EXACTLY what would happen. You must have the eyes and ears to understand what he meant. It is beautiful
Wave of energy that will soon envelope the earth. We will all forever been changed.
Light and Dark
Yes, the event will finish the darkness. They will no longer be compatible with the new earth.
Not right away but after everyone has adjusted it will be disclosed.
Who do you think told him? We are all one
We are here