Blacks. It's always blacks.
You know what's fuckin' stupid and gay? In the future, we're going to be nostalgic for these days. Even though I'm profoundly unhappy with the world, in the future my brain's gonna be like, "Weren't those days good? Don't you wish you could go back?"
Nostalgia's fuckin' gay.
"He….sniff….. he said I looked pretty without my consent."
I have a feeling shit's about to pop off as soon as they "unclog" that ship in the Suez Canal.
China and communism is ultimately controlled by the Jews. This whole game is about expanding Israel to encompass the most of the Middle East, and setting up the throne for the Antichrist.
post right before you fall asleep so I know when to come over and FUCK your mom
Looks like shit posting is back on the menu, boys!!