When the Officer levels of the military become infiltrated by nitwits and greedy thugs, look to what happened in Vietnam. The troops will set up a shadow command structure and nitwits end up having explosive accidents.
Go fart in church during a moment of silence and smile.
Matriarchical cultures trend towards socialism, they think equality=equity.
Patriarchical cultures trend towards authoritarian governments as they think control=safety.
Egalitarians created the American Experiment to enable a meritocracy that sets up a tent big enough to hold both and every variant of these by religion and ethnicity.
Now ask the million dollar question who is whom in today's america ?
Also, follow the wives of the elites! They are insects not humans. The queen rules.
Yes, the point is a forced closure of the fast path from Asia to Atlantic Ocean.
So CCP navy can go fuck off right presently
He's in GITMO