A Remonstrance
The Twenty-first day of January, Tow-thousand and Twenty-one of the Independent States of the Constitutional Republic of these United States of America
WE the People shall only recognize Donald John Trump as President of the Constitutional Republic of these United States of America. Joseph Robinette Biden is an Illegitimate Despot. Under the Articles of the Constitution, he has not meet the qualifications to sit in the Office nor hold in the Emolument thereof.
Whereas upon the Twentieth day of January, Tow-thousand and Twenty-one in the year of our Lord Anno Domini; the Five Square Mile District of Columbia has a Illegitimate Despotic Government.
Whereas, the Election proceeding of November Third of Two-thousand and Twenty were both unlawful and unconstitutional. Treason upon a massive scale was committed along with Sedition. Whereas the Courts of this Land have become Mutinous in the rendering thereof in said case. Whereas in the Several States there has been Insurrection committed upon the People by those for whom have been elected by the People of those Several States. Whereas, the Department of Justice and its subsidiaries and subsequent divisions and sub-divisions have remained mute and deaf, and blind. Whereas, those Several State Governors have engaged in Rebellious Acts against the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. Whereas, the Attorneys General of those Several States have not sough out Justice to be rendered against those for whom have committed Crimes of Fraud. Whereas, both Political Parties engaged in Treason on the Sixth day of January of the year Two-thousand and Twenty-one by unconstitutionally certifying fraudulent Electoral Submissions that were not based in Fact of Law. Whereas, the Media of this nation also were directly involved and coordinating this fraud upon We the People the night of November Third of the year Two-thousand and Twenty, and the following days and weeks so thereafter. Whereas, the event that surrounded the Capitol Building on the Sixth day of January in the year Two-thousand and Twenty-one were pre-planned and devised with malcontent and treason by Leftist-Communist and not Trump Supporters.
Whereas, the Nation-State of China and the CCP Communist Party played a key role in the elections fraud. Whereas, the Nation-State of Italy played a key role in the elections fraud.
Whereas, the Nation-State of Germany played a key role in the elections fraud.
Whereas, the Nation-State of Spain played a key role in the elections fraud.
Whereas, Dominion and Smartmatic played a key role in the elections fraud.
Whereas, numerous other malevolent corporations and malevolent actors played a key role in the elections fraud.
The crimes that have been committed against we the People are way too long to list. Be it known this Twenty-first Day of January in the year of Two-thousand and Twenty-one that We the People are declaring Our Independence from the Unlawful and Unconstitutional - Incorporated District of Columbia heretofor with full and complete Independence back under the true Constitutional Republic of these United States of America of in the year of Our Lord, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-six.
Oh God our Creator, Bless us all now from this day forward and guide our paths with Your Heavenly Holy Light oh Father God. Forgive us all through Your only begotten Son Yeshua, Jesus Christ our Savior.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
In the Holy name of Yeshua Hamashiach ישוע המשיח Jesus Christ, YEHOVAH God Almighty יהוה אלוהים אדירים, and The Holy Spirit .Ru•ach Ha•ko•désh רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ.