Fuck them! I ain't voting ever again! They can play their "illusion of choice" game all by themselves.
If HRC had been elected in 2016 they could have avoided all of that. So your "logic" is flawed.
>a new type of American religion ???
If it's a religion, then it is protected under the 1st Amendment.
They won't physically invade until after they have managed to confiscate our guns.
Because Chelsea Clinton is a devout Catholic?
We already have a uniparty. The two party system is just an illusion of choice. TPTB put whomever they decide to choose in all of the high political positions.
So yes, let's have some transparency so everyone can see that elections are just a ruse.
Q is just "an idea"
Luke 10:18 King James Version (KJV). 18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.