Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 5:55 a.m. No.13308171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8315 >>8633 >>8784

Flash back. CF, Ports, Bribery…


Donor to Clinton Foundation, McAuliffe caught up in Chinese cash-for-votes scandal


Wang Wenliang, a Chinese billionaire and donor to the Clinton Foundation and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, has been expelled from China’s top legislature after being caught up in a widespread cash-for-votes scheme.


On Tuesday, China’s national legislature expelled 45 of its nearly 2,900 members, all from the northeastern province of Liaoning, in a huge vote-buying scandal. The move was part of an investigation into corruption in Liaoning and a much larger national anti-corruption campaign launched by President Xi Jinping.


Wang, who made his fortune in construction and running a strategic port near the North Korean border, also has been a big donor to New York University, Harvard University and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.


Wang’s $2 million donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2013 made waves when it was disclosed last year because of his ties to the Chinese government. More recently, his name surfaced amid news that McAuliffe (D) was the subject of an FBI investigation.


McAuliffe expressed confidence in May that Wang, who gave a combined $120,000 to his 2013 gubernatorial campaign and 2014 inauguration, was a “legitimate donor.”


A spokesman for Wang said his ouster was the result of a political “purge” carried out on behalf of Xi.


“They get rid of people who are not part of his team,” spokesman Sig Rogich said.


He said Wang and the others ousted had only “lobbied decision-makers” with meals and token gifts. “He wined and dined them and gave them a gift,” Rogich said. “It’s not like they gave them cash.”


On Friday, McAuliffe’s attorney, James W. Cooper, said the governor “knows nothing about Mr. Wang and his legal situation in China.”


Spokesmen for the Clinton campaign and the Clinton Foundation did not respond to requests for comment.


Wang’s construction conglomerate, Rilin Enterprises, controls the Port of Dandong and processes significant volumes of soybeans shipped out of Virginia. He was courted in 2011 by Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R), who encouraged Wang’s firm to buy 100,000 metric tons of soybeans from Maryland-based Perdue Agribusiness and ship them from Chesapeake, Va., to China.


Wang’s company also helped build the new Chinese Embassy in Washington, assembling and overseeing a team of artisans who would be loyal to both the Chinese government and the principles of feng shui.


“There’s a lot of security involved,” Rogich said. “They’re also artistically knowledgeable about what the Chinese want. There’s a lot of feng shui that goes into this, evidently — depictions of the four seasons. . . . Certain colors are not allowed.”


Wang’s $2 million pledge to the Clinton Foundation drew attention last year, first from CBS News and then other outlets, because of his connections to the Chinese government — both as a member of the National People’s Congress and as a contractor entrusted to help build China’s embassies around the world.


Wang’s political donations to McAuliffe reflect sizable overlap in Clinton and McAuliffe donors. Critics say the pattern suggests contributions to McAuliffe, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s, are intended to curry favor with a former president and an aspiring one. McAuliffe supporters say the overlap is the natural outgrowth of personal and political bonds the governor has forged over a long career as a Clinton fundraiser.


Foreign nationals are prohibited under federal law from making political contributions. So are American subsidiaries of foreign corporations if they are financed in any way by their parent companies or if individual foreign nationals are involved in the decision to make the donation



Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 6:28 a.m. No.13308310   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Does the [R] stand for Red? As in ChYnA?

Just read an old article about BC and the ChYnA Election scandals. Fake News got all upset about calling out the Communists using "RED ChYnA" terms as hateful. (Like now. ChYnA Virus)


Thinking now, double meanings on Red Wave.

ChYnA fuckery in the election. AGAIN.

Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 6:47 a.m. No.13308397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412 >>8430

Interesting that the Full Moon tomorrow, is in Libra. Libra is the sign of Balance with the scales.


Q drops 3 yr, 2 yr, and 1 yr Deltas for Tomorrow, 28th, are interesting. Wonder if we'll get some Equal Justice tomorrow.

Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 7:05 a.m. No.13308493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8633 >>8784

KEK, well there is confirmation of ONE trip.


North Korea says Biden administration took wrong first step over latest missile test


SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Saturday that the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden had taken a wrong first step and revealed "deep-seated hostility" by criticising its self-defensive missile test.


North Korea on Friday said it had launched a new type of tactical short-range ballistic missile. Biden said the test violated U.N. Security Council resolutions but he remained open to diplomacy with Pyongyang.


Ri Pyong Chol, secretary of the North's ruling Worker's Party's Central Committee, said the test was self-defensive against threats posed by South Korea and the United States with their joint military exercises and advanced weapons.


We express our deep apprehension over the U.S. chief executive faulting the regular testfire, exercise of our state's right to self-defence, as the violation of U.N. 'resolutions' and openly revealing his deep-seated hostility," Ri said in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.


Biden's remarks were an "undisguised encroachment on our state's right to self-defence and provocation," he said, adding Washington might face "something that is not good" if it continues to make "thoughtless remarks."


"We are by no means developing weapons to draw someone's attention or influence his policy," Ri said.


"I think that the new U.S. administration obviously took its first step wrong."


He accused the Biden administration of "exploiting every opportunity" to provoke Pyongyang by branding it as a "security threat."


The test came just days after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken vowed to work to denuclearize North Korea and criticized its "systemic and widespread" human rights abuses during a visit to Seoul with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.


North Korea has also slammed the South Korea-U.S. military exercises which ended last week, even though they were repeatedly scaled back to facilitate a restart of denuclearization talks with Pyongyang.


Ri said Washington insisted on a "gangster-like logic" to be able to bring strategic nuclear assets to South Korea and test intercontinental ballistic missiles at its convenience, but ban North Korea from testing even a tactical weapon.


"We know very well what we must do," he said. "We will continue to increase our most thoroughgoing and overwhelming military power."


The White House, which said its North Korea policy review was in the "final stages," declined to comment. The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


When asked earlier about the launch and whether it would affect the policy review, department spokeswoman Jalina Porter again condemned the test as "destabilizing."


"North Korea's unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs constitute serious threats to international peace and security," she told a regular news briefing.


"I can't underscore enough that the president and his security team are continuing to assess the situation and one of our greatest priorities right now is ensuring that we're on the same page as our allies and partners."


Kim Dong-yup, a professor at Kyungnam University in Seoul, said Ri's remarks meant North Korea would potentially ramp up military tension in the coming months by developing and testing advanced weapons.


Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies said in a report on Friday that commercial satellite imagery showed North Korea has continued to produce uranium concentrate, used to build nuclear weapons, over the past eight months, though it has not tested any bombs since 2017.

Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 7:17 a.m. No.13308550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8633 >>8784


Oh Em Gee. Such an Outlandish idea of this Human Trafficking.


Fucking Fake Snews.


Oct. 23, 2003

Human smugglers try new tactic


Adding new peril to an already dangerous practice,China’s human smugglershave dispatched at least one group of illegal immigrants to the United States inside a hard-top shipping container - a 40-foot-long steel box that gives its occupants no chance of escape if something goes wrong.


After nearly a month with no people-filled containers arriving at West Coast ports, security officers of the American President Lines discovered 14 Chinese men and one 16-year-old male on Saturday at the terminal yard in Los Angeles, said Sharon Gavin, a spokeswoman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.


A check of the yard found the group had escaped from a cargo container - specially customized with concealed trap doors - that had been unloaded earlier in the day from the President Polk, a U.S.-flagged container ship recently arrived from Hong Kong, she said.


After undergoing medical exams, the men were taken to an INS detention center, where they are likely to seek asylum.


Since Dec. 28, more than 130 illegal immigrants have been apprehended after arriving at U.S. and Canadian ports inside shipping containers. U.S. officials say the Chinese paid between $50,000 to $60,000 apiece for the privilege of spending up to two weeks in horrible conditions inside the steel crates.


Previously the smugglers favored soft-top shipping containers, which have a canvas roof that lets fresh air seep in and provides a potential escape route. Even so, three men died in such a box before it was unloaded in Seattle on Jan. 10. Fifteen other immigrants survived the voyage, but several were near death when they arrived.


Adding new peril to an already dangerous practice, China’s human smugglers have dispatched at least one group of illegal immigrants to the United States inside a hard-top shipping container - a 40-foot-long steel box that gives its occupants no chance of escape if something goes wrong.


After nearly a month with no people-filled containers arriving at West Coast ports, security officers of the American President Lines discovered 14 Chinese men and one 16-year-old male on Saturday at the terminal yard in Los Angeles, said Sharon Gavin, a spokeswoman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.


A check of the yard found the group had escaped from a cargo container - specially customized with concealed trap doors - that had been unloaded earlier in the day from the President Polk, a U.S.-flagged container ship recently arrived from Hong Kong, she said.


After undergoing medical exams, the men were taken to an INS detention center, where they are likely to seek asylum.


Since Dec. 28, more than 130 illegal immigrants have been apprehended after arriving at U.S. and Canadian ports inside shipping containers. U.S. officials say the Chinese paid between $50,000 to $60,000 apiece for the privilege of spending up to two weeks in horrible conditions inside the steel crates.


Previously the smugglers favored soft-top shipping containers, which have a canvas roof that lets fresh air seep in and provides a potential escape route. Even so, three men died in such a box before it was unloaded in Seattle on Jan. 10. Fifteen other immigrants survived the voyage, but several were near death when they arrived.

Anonymous ID: a5bcb8 March 27, 2021, 7:53 a.m. No.13308748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784

KEK. Double Meanings.


Clinton Global Initiative University.



on the 26th?

Same day they lit up the Empire State Building in Gold and Black?