Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:13 a.m. No.13309760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9766 >>9777 >>9901 >>9984 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs


The crime riddled city of Baltimore will no longer be prosecuting “low level crimes” including prostitution and drug distribution, the State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday.


Crimes that they will no longer prosecute include:


CDS (drug) possession

Attempted distribution CDS

Paraphernalia possession



Minor traffic offenses

Open container

Rogue and vagabond

Urinating/defecating in public


The crumbling city has already had 44 murders and 94 non-fatal shootings this year.


In a press release about their new acceptance of certain crimes, Mosby’s office said that “policies enacted over the past year have resulted in a decrease in arrests, no adverse impact on the crime rate, and address the systemic inequity of mass incarceration. Therefore, the State’s Attorney also announced today the permanent adoption of these policies as we continue to prioritize the prosecution of public safety crimes over low-level, non-violent offenses.”


“Today, America’s war on drug users is over in the city of Baltimore. We leave behind the era of tough-on-crime prosecution and zero tolerance policing and no longer default to the status quo to criminalize mostly people of color for addiction. We will develop sustainable solutions and allow our public health partners to do their part to address mental health and substance use disorder,” said State’s Attorney Mosby.


The mayor applauded the decision.


“Reimagining public safety in Baltimore requires innovation and collaborative effort. I applaud State’s Attorney Mosby’s Office for working with partners to stem violence in Baltimore and ensure residents have the adequate support services they deserve,” said Mayor Brandon Scott.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.13309786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years


British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption has warned that “social controls” brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade.


“It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now,” commented Sumption, who has been highly critical of the government’s ‘totalitarian’ lockdown policies.


The judge compared the reaction to rationing after the Second World War, which went on for nine years, adding that this time “I think it may be even longer.”


“An interesting parallel is the continuation of wartime food rationing after the last war. People were in favour of that because they were in favour of social control,” he said during a ‘Sketch notes on’ podcast.


“In the 1951 general election, the Labour party lost its majority entirely because people with five years more experience of social control got fed up with it. Sooner or later that will happen in this country,” he added.


Sumption’s warning comes in the wake of Public Health England officials stating that restrictions will remain in place for as long as other countries have not vaccinated everyone, a process likely to take years.


England’s chief medical officer also recently asserted that the pandemic restrictions, which have been in place on and off for a year, have “improved life” for some people.


Despite promising an end to restrictions in June, the UK government yesterday extended emergency COVID laws until October, with Health minister Matt Hancock refusing to say how long they will remain in place after that.


Lord Sumption also noted during the podcast that scientists skeptical of lockdown policies have been “subjected to an extraordinarily unpleasant campaign of personal abuse”.


“I know a lot of people that would prefer not to put their head above the parapet,” He continued, adding:


“From the very moment I started to make these points I began to get emails from politicians who agreed with what I had to say but that they themselves didn’t dare to speak out. That I think is a very serious state of affairs.”


The judge also argued that governments are using the virus politically, noting “They have consistently tried to maintain that the virus is indiscriminate when it is perfectly well-established that it primarily affects people with identifiable vulnerabilities, particularly in the elderly.”


Speaking about the draconian crack down on anti-lockdown protesters, Sumption said “People ought to be entitled to voice their differences (of opinion),” adding “If the only way you can enforce distancing is by beating people over the head with truncheons then it’s not worth it.”


Now that Brits have allowed society to be permanently deformed, with polls routinely showing vehement support for lockdown and other pandemic rules, things are never going to be the same again.


Having allowed the precedent that the government can put the entire population under de facto house arrest on a whim, look for the policy to be repeated over and over again with different justifications that have nothing to do with COVID-19.


As we previously highlighted, one of those justifications will be man-made global warming, with climate lockdowns set to become a regular reality.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13309792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

US Makes Large Military Hardware Delivery To Ukraine's Army After Biden Pledged "Crimea is Ukraine"


Russian state sources are alleging that Washington under the Biden administration is ramping up military aid to Ukraine after local media observed a US cargo ship delivering 350 tonnes of military equipment - including tactical vehicles - to Ukraine's Odessa port.


Local media reported the delivery which began late Wednesday and which is said to still be in process Friday. Ukraine's Dumskaya news agency said the American vessel carried at least 35 US military humvees for Ukrainian national forces.


"Dry-cargo ship Ocean Glory under the American flag entered the port of Odessa last night," the report indicated.


"The bulk carrier Ocean Glory specializes in military transportation. Built in 2015, length 171 meters, width 25 meters, deadweight about 20 thousand tons," it added according to a translation.


The delivery follows last year's US DoD announcement of an additional $125 million military assistance package for Ukraine (unveiled in March) which involves equipment, training, and military advisory support, with an additional $150 million waiting for Congressional and Pentagon approval.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.13309806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Iran & China ink 25-year strategic partnership accord as both nations face US pressure


A cooperation deal between Iran and China covering a quarter of a century has been signed in Tehran, furthering Iran’s role in the Chinese global infrastructure initiative. Both nations are being targeted by US sanctions.


The landmark document was signed during a televised ceremony by visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif. The document was described by the Iranian side as “a complete roadmap with strategic political and economic clauses covering trade, economic and transportation cooperation.”


The Chinese minister hailed Iran’s independence of foreign policy, according to Iranian media, saying that it “is not like some countries that change their position with one phone call.”


Wang arrived in Iran on Friday for a series of meetings with top Iranian officials, including President Hassan Rouhani and Ali Larijani, the ex-speaker of the parliament and a senior advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The visit marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Tehran and Beijing and is part of a larger tour across the Middle East by the top Chinese diplomat.


The Sino-Iranian Comprehensive Strategic Partnership was first announced in January 2016 during a visit to Tehran by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The agreement is touted as securing Iran’s participation in China’s Belt and Road initiative, which is aimed at diversifying trade routes between China and its key partners through ambitious infrastructure projects in various countries.


The visit coincided with an incident in the Suez Canal, which is currently blocked by a mammoth container ship that ran across it earlier this week. The waterway is a major trade route, so its unavailability for maritime traffic gives weight to the Chinese trade diversification effort.


China is a major trade partner for Iran. Both countries are also targeted by the US, which accuses them of human rights violations and has slapped them with various sanctions. Iran in particular was subjected to crippling economic sanctions under the administration of US President Donald Trump, who opted for a so-called “maximum pressure campaign” against Tehran, threatening other nations in order to stop them from doing business with Iran.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.13309821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Paramount+ reportedly removes SpongeBob episode about ‘Clam Flu’ due to similarities with Covid-19 pandemic


At least two ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ episodes have been removed from streaming service Paramount+ due to “inappropriate elements,” including a “panty raid” and a Krusty Krab quarantine that resembles the coronavirus pandemic.


Both ‘Mid-Life Crustacean’ – a 2002 episode where Mr. Krabs has a mid-life crisis – and ‘Kwarantined Krab’ – a 2019 episode where the Krusty Krab is placed under quarantine to contain a case of ‘Clam Flu’ – are unavailable on the Paramount+ streaming service, which serves as the digital home for all Nickelodeon content as well as other properties owned by ViacomCBS.


‘Mid-Life Crustacean’ was left off the streaming service due to a scene where SpongeBob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs go out on a “panty raid,” rummaging through a woman’s underwear drawer which turns out to belong to Mr. Krabs’ mother.


Perhaps more unexpectedly, ‘Kwarantined Krab’ has been taken out of circulation due to its similarities with the current Covid-19 pandemic.


A Nickelodeon spokesperson told gaming news outlet IGN that because the plot “centers on a virus storyline,” they “have decided to not air it due to sensitivities surrounding the global, real-world pandemic.”


The spokesperson also confirmed the removal of ‘Mid-Life Crustacean’ due to “some story elements” not being “kid-appropriate,” but they noted that it has been out of general circulation since 2018.


According to the SpongeBob encyclopedia, ‘Kwarantined Krab’ was also left out of the recent season 12 DVD boxset released in January, despite the collection being billed as the “Complete Twelfth Season.”


Paramount+ is not the only streaming service to have purged older content for fear of offending viewers today.


Disney+ recently made several classic movies, including ‘The Aristocats’, ‘Dumbo’, and ‘Peter Pan’, unavailable to children on the platform, while other old Disney movies – like 1946’s ‘Song of the South’ – are completely absent due to their dated racial themes and stereotypes.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:25 a.m. No.13309837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>9928 >>0057 >>0087 >>0204 >>0312

Utah Passes Law Requiring Porn to Be Blocked on All Cellphones, Tablets in the State


The free thinking argument, that blows away the notion of illegal prostitution, is that of pornography. Pornography, or porn, is nothing more than prostitution that has been state-sanctioned, taxed, filmed, and distributed. However, because it is taxed — politicians have generally left it alone — until now. Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill Tuesday that calls for all smartphones and tablets sold in the Beehive State to have adult content filters.


If one is truly for freedom, outlawing consensual acts between adults should be resisted — even if these acts involve the swapping of bodily fluids. And, although the state claims the right to kidnap and cage people for engaging in these consensual acts, it does not mean they are somehow immoral.


The Free Thought Project has long objected to the prohibition of sex work as it creates crime, sends sex workers into dangerous situations, and outlaws one of the oldest professions in the world. While the prohibition of sex work is bad enough, the governor of Utah passing a law that will filter out legal pornography on all tablets and smartphones sold in the state is outright tyrannical.


If someone wishes to access porn on their device, they must first get permission from their cellphone provider and they will be put on a list of people allowed to view porn.


According to House Bill 72, the so-called filter would “prevent the user of the device from accessing material that is harmful to minors on the device; enable certain users to deactivate the filter for the device or for specific content; and notify the user when content is filtered.”


Cox said the move would send an “important message” about preventing children from accessing explicit content on the Web.


“We really want to empower parents,” Cox said. “If nothing else it sends an important message.”


But blocking pornography on 100 percent of devices in the state does absolutely nothing to “empower parents.” There are already programs and filters available to empower parents to block porn on devices and they are free. All this law does, as the ACLU of Utah put it “infringes upon the general public’s First Amendment rights to freely access the internet.”


Adult film star Cherie DeVille, who recently called on Cox to veto the bill, wrote in an open letter that the regulations “would create more than a slippery slope for free speech — it would form a deadly slope that would send Utah residents’ civil liberties off a hill.”


Indeed, this is a slippery slope.


If for one second, you think that the state would limit its ability to block internet access solely reserved for pornography, you haven’t been paying attention. The federal government, right this moment, is plotting away behind marble walls to conceive ways to stop you from viewing content they deem inappropriate — fake news anyone?


It is a win-win for tyranny. Under the guise of blocking ‘obscene content’, the state gets to force device manufacturers to install built-in functionality designed for government-sanctioned censorship — all the while keeping tabs on the hardware. While the notion of pornography isn’t the best way to sell the opposition against such legislation, the idea of government hardware or software installed on electronic devices with the sole function of censoring content deemed ‘obscene’ by the state should shock the conscience.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13309848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

‘Quiet professionals’? US Special Operations Command appoints partisan ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ chief who compared Trump to HITLER


The US Special Forces have tapped their first-ever “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion,” saying the move would strengthen the elite military outfit, but critics have blasted the new pick over blatantly partisan social media posts.


SOCOM took to Facebook and its other social accounts on Thursday to announce that Richard Torres-Estrada had been appointed the new diversity chief, saying he has “nearly two decades worth of experience working diversity and inclusion programs and activities in federal agencies.”


While it appended the hashtag “#QuietProfessionals” to the announcement, netizens soon unearthed evidence that the new hire had been anything but, pointing to political and inflammatory Facebook posts from the new hire, one of which compared former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.


“Here I leave this and slowly retire (to continue working from home),” Torres-Estrada wrote in Spanish in the June 2020 Hitler post, which itself received a “partly false information” notice and a ‘fact check’ from Facebook. The platform explained the photo of the Nazi strongman used in the post had been photoshopped to more closely resemble an image of Trump.


In another Facebook missive from last July, Torres-Estrada shared a meme of the then-president featuring quotes from former Trump officials deeming him “a f**king moron,”“an idiot surrounded by clowns” and “a dope,” with the newly-hired official adding a caption: “I just have to post this…”


Detractors online took aim at both Torres-Estrada’s apparent partisanship, as well as the notion that a military force meant to tap only the most elite and qualified troops would now recruit based on “inclusion,” rather than merit.


“Quiet professionals filling quotas and purifying the ideology to make sure SOF [Special Operations Force] is palatable to a political party?” one critic asked. “I thought SOF just recruited the biggest, most athletic, baddest, most intelligent soldiers.”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13309860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

EXPOSED: Kristi Noem Is Pro-Syrian ‘Refugee’, Pro-Gender Bending Bathrooms, Pro-Trans In Women’s Sports – Revolver


Kristi Noem's political shortcomings and failures should force Republicans to find a new champion, argues Revolver.


Revolver, quickly becoming one of the top populist replacements to the politically homeless Drudge Report, released a stunning exposé on South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who they reveal has steadily worked against the populist movement in both action and rhetoric since 2016.


Noem recently made headlines after she refused to sign legislation passed by the South Dakota legislature that would ban biological men who have “transitioned” to become women from participating in sports alongside biological women. She appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and was eviscerated by the cable news host for backing down from the cultural fight due to pressure from the NCAA.


“So you’re saying the NCAA threatened you and you don’t think you can win that fight, they said if you sign this, we won’t allow girls in South Dakota to play, and you don’t think you can win in court even though the public overwhelmly supports you nationally, so you’re caving to the NCAA?” asked Carlson. Noem denied Carlson’s assertion, but was unable to push back effectively.


While many were shocked by Noem’s apparent betrayal of the populist movement that has championed her as an anti-lockdown hero who allowed her state to remain somewhat open as virtually the entire country was forced to shut its doors and enter a year of hiding due to the China-originated COVID-19 virus, Revolver reports a history of betrayals from Noem.


During President Obama’s second term, when states were clamoring to signal their virtue by admitting Syrian refugees into their state with little regard for the consequences, Noem and South Dakota led the nation. Only two states received refugees faster than South Dakota. Revolver explains:


Like every other part of America, South Dakota has received thousands of refugees from around the globe. During President Obama’s second term, South Dakota received refugees faster than any state except for two.


Political leaders present this as a marker of America’s altruism. Perhaps decades ago, it really was. Today, as America declines, the mass admission of refugees is just another front in an elite operation to crush native-born Americans, entrench their own power, and irreversibly transform the country. The small South Dakota town of Huron, in fact, has become a leading example of this transformation.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.13309874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak And WHO COVID Colleagues For Peddling Chinese Communist Party ‘Disinformation.’


Molecular biologist Dr. Richard Elbright insisted that World Health Organization COVID-19 investigators – especially Peter Daszak – were “participants in disinformation” on their recent mission to China to uncover the origin of the virus.


Dr. Elbright, the current Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of American Society for Biochemistry Microbiology, has over 160 publications and more than 40 issued and pending patents under his name. He has received a wide array of awards, including honors from the National Institutes of Health. He is also a Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Microbiology, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.


When asked if he felt if “the final report of this WHO/China joint team is going to shut down COVID origin controversy,” Dr. Elbright responded: “no.”


His interview with Independent Science News continued, as he outlined the missing components from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent mission emphasizing “a credible investigation also would have had conflict-of-interest-free investigators, not persons who were subjects of the research and/or closely associated with subjects of the investigation”:


A credible investigation would have had Terms of Reference that: 1) Acknowledged the possibility of laboratory origin, 2) Ensured access of investigators to records, samples, personnel, and facilities at the Wuhan laboratories that handle bat SARS-related coronaviruses, 3) Enabled collection of evidence, not mere meet-and-greet photo-ops, 4) Authorized an investigation of months, not mere days. And 5) A credible investigation also would have had conflict-of-interest-free investigators, not persons who were subjects of the research and/or closely associated with subjects of the investigation.


“Yes, its members were willing –and, in at least one case, enthusiastic– participants in disinformation,” he added before explaining that “the pre-negotiated “Terms of Reference” for the WHO study did not even acknowledge the possibility of a laboratory origin of the virus and did not even mention the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (CDC) or the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products.”


Dr. Elbright singles out Peter Daszak – who has seen his financial and research ties to the Chinese Communist Party exposed by The National Pulse – for his conflicts of interest with the Wuhan Insitute of Virology:


Yes. Daszak was the contractor who funded the laboratory at WIV that potentially was the source of the virus (with subcontracts from $200 million from the US Department of State and $7 million from the US National Institutes of Health), and he was a collaborator and co-author on research projects at the laboratory.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.13309885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

GOP Senators Demand FBI, Secret Service Records On Alleged Hunter Biden Gun Incident


Two Republican senators are asking the directors of the FBI, the U.S. Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for details of their alleged investigation into a handgun that belonged to Hunter Biden that was reported missing in 2018.


In their letters, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson refer to a report from Politico this week about the gun incident.


According to Politico, on Oct. 23, 2018, Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, called police in Delaware to report that she had thrown Biden’s gun in a trash can behind a grocery store.


Hallie, who was also dating Hunter, said that she went to retrieve the gun after growing worried someone might find it and use it in a crime, but that it was no longer in the trash can.


The FBI responded to the scene of the investigation, as did ATF. The U.S. Secret Service also became involved in the investigation and contacted the gun store that sold the firearm to Biden, according to Politico.


The store owner provided documents to the ATF, but “refused to supply the paperwork” to the Secret Service out of concerns that “the Secret Service officers wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the missing gun in case it were to be involved in a crime,” Politico reported.


Nobody was arrested in connection with the incident.


The Secret Service denied this week that the agency was involved in the incident, though text messages that came to light on Friday show that Hunter Biden wrote to someone that the FBI and Secret Service showed up to investigate an incident that resembles the one in Delaware.


“U.S. Secret Service records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident,” the agency said in a statement.


The New York Post reported Friday that Biden said in a Jan. 29, 2019, text message that Hallie Biden had taken the gun out of his truck lock box and dropped it in a garbage can behind a grocery store.


“She stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens [sic]. Then told me it was my problem to deal with,” Biden wrote, according to the Post.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13309895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Head of Spanish Islamic Body Arrested over Alleged Terrorism Financing Links


Police arrested the president of Spain’s Islamic commission, Mohamad Ayman Adlbi, on suspicion of having links to the financing of al Qaeda.


Spanish national police arrested Adlbi and two other suspects on Wednesday as part of an anti-terrorism operation. Adlbi, 74, was released after giving a statement to officers, but police sources told Spanish media that the investigation is ongoing.


“We must express our great displeasure that this has reached the point of detention when it could have been resolved with an interview,” Adlbi said in a statement, according to newspaper El Paìs, and called the suspicions against him “unfounded”.


Syrian-born Adlibi has headed the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE) — which serves as the main representative entity for Muslims in the country and manages mosques, schools, and cemeteries — since July of last year.


Police sources say that the investigation that led to Adlbi’s temporary detention stems from a 2019 police operation that resulted in the arrest of ten Syrian nationals.


The arrested men allegedly ran a financial network that siphoned off cash in small quantities and sent the money to the Syrian region of Idlib, where one of the men arrested is said to have family linked to al Qaeda.


A similar network was uncovered in France in 2018 when Paris prosecutor François Molins revealed that over 400 French nationals had helped fund Islamic State through a multitude of “micro-transactions”.


Radical Islamic terrorism remains a major security issue in Spain, with a top Islamic State fighter and two other suspects arrested in April 2020.


Police described the Egyptian-born ISIS member as a “dangerous extremist” who was said to have arrived in the country illegally from North Africa.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13309914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Facial Recognition Vaccine Passports Being Developed by British Tech Firms


Tech firms funded by the British government are developing facial recognition systems that could be used by private businesses, such as pubs, as coronavirus vaccine passports.


The scheme being developed by the tech companies iProov and Mvine — which have received a £75,000 government grant — would see companies employ software that would cross-reference the face of British patrons to vaccination and coronavirus testing databases before entering their establishment.


The chief executive of iProov, Andrew Bud, told The Times that other vaccine passport systems are ineffective compared to facial recognition technology.


“Whoever is standing on the door of the pub is going to have to scan the certificate, read the name and date of birth, then ask the person for an ID document, check that the name and date of birth on the ID document are the same, squint at the photograph on the ID document and then make sure that the person in front of them is that person,” Mr Bud said, adding: “…that’s not going to happen.”


The plan being developed by the two companies would instead see people stare into a smartphone camera, which would use facial recognition to check against NHS data on vaccination and coronavirus test status, reportedly within seconds.


“It speeds the process up and it absolves people of what would otherwise be a very heavy responsibility,” Bud said.


On Friday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that pub landlords could bar unvaccinated people from entering their buildings, claiming that the “concept of vaccine certification should not be totally alien to us”.


This comes in direct opposition to previous statements from the British leader, who said in December that there “is no part of our culture or our ambition in this country to make vaccines mandatory”.


Also this week, Britain’s vaccine minister, Nadhim Zahawi, floated the idea that the use of vaccine passports could be expanded to places of worship, such as churches, telling The Telegraph: “If we want our lives back, I think we’ve got to at least – if nothing else – look at all this stuff.”


The statements represent another u-turn from the government, with Mr Zahawi saying in December: “Mandating vaccinations is discriminatory and completely wrong… I urge businesses listening to this today not to even think about this. We’ve absolutely no plans for vaccine passports.”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.13309934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

Facebook bans Press TV page AGAIN as Iranian outlet decries move as ‘censorship’ & ‘attack on free speech’


Iranian media outlet Press TV has condemned Facebook for “censorship” after its main page was banned on the site yet again, with the platform citing violations of its “community standards” and stating the move can’t be undone.


“Without any prior warning, Facebook informed Press TV on Friday that its account had been shut down for what it claimed to be the Iranian news channel’s failure to ‘follow our Community Standards,’” the outlet reported, calling the ban “yet another attack by the US-based social media giant on Iranian media outlets.”


‘We have already reviewed this decision and it can’t be reversed,’ said Facebook in a note, without specifying the so-called violations of its rules.


While the news agency said Facebook gave no indication of what specific posts violated its “standards,” it is not Press TV’s first run-in with the platform. Earlier this year, the outlet’s page, which boasted some 4 million followers, was slapped with a ban with no “warning or explanation,” Press TV said. Strangely, though Facebook said the ban was “final,” the page was reinstated just a few hours later after an appeal from the outlet.


Some observers voiced suspicion after the earlier ban, noting it came on the same day then-US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused the Islamic Republic of harboring Al-Qaeda militants within its borders. Press TV itself, meanwhile, suggested it might have stemmed from its own coverage of the “shocking post-election violence in the US,” after which thousands of social media accounts across several sites were sent down the memory hole, many without any apparent justification.


Press TV has also faced six different bans on more than one of its accounts on Google-owned YouTube, with the platform citing violations of its rules on several occasions and most recently pointing to an alleged breach of “export laws.” The outlet continues to be locked out of both its YouTube and Gmail accounts.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.13309951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”


The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”


Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:


This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.


EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting reports of suspected side effects. These reports are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their development and monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance has been in use since December 2001.


This website was launched to comply with the EudraVigilance Access Policy, which was developed to improve public health by supporting the monitoring of the safety of medicines and to increase transparency for stakeholders, including the general public.


The Management Board of the European Medicines Agency first approved the EudraVigilance Access Policy in December 2010. A revision was adopted by the Board in December 2015 based on the 2010 pharmacovigilance legislation. The policy aims to provide stakeholders such as national medicines regulatory authorities in the EEA, the European Commission, healthcare professionals, patients and consumers, as well as the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations, with access to reports on suspected side effects.


Transparency is a key guiding principle of the Agency, and is pivotal to building trust and confidence in the regulatory process. By increasing transparency, the Agency is better able to address the growing need among stakeholders, including the general public, for access to information. (Source.)



Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.13309983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

6,000 apprehended at southern border Thursday, a third more than at height of 2019 crisis


The number of people being taken into custody per day on the southern border has surpassed the number that Border Patrol agents saw at the height of the 2019 crisis during the Trump administration.


Approximately 6,000 adults and children were apprehended by agents across the 1,950-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday, a senior official said during a call with reporters Friday. During the busiest months of the 2019 surge, agents were seeing 4,500 people per day.


The official said agents took an average of 5,000 people into custody each day over the past month, which over 30 days would equate to 150,000 people detected after illegally crossing the southern border. In February, agents saw more than 97,000 people come across the international boundary between land ports of entry where pedestrians and vehicles are supposed to come through.


Approximately half of all those being stopped at the border are families and children from Central America, while the other half are Mexican adults.


Last March, the Trump administration followed the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and opted to return all children and adults immediately to Mexico or other countries to avoid bringing people into its facilities in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.


In January, President Joe Biden chose not to return children who arrive alone. Since then, increasingly more children are showing up at the southern border, in part, as the Washington Examiner has learned, because families that are returned to Mexico are choosing to send their children back across alone.


Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have repeatedly claimed that most families are being sent back south of the border under the CDC provision, but data from February indicates that just 40% of the 19,000 people who came with a family member were returned.


The Border Patrol official who spoke with reporters on Friday said that of the 6,000 people apprehended a day earlier, only 1,900 were able to be booked into the system and will be allowed to stay in the United States while their legal cases proceed. Only 300 people were returned to Mexico. Customs and Border Protection did not explain the discrepancy in the numbers.


Biden downplayed the increases during a press conference Thursday as nothing more than seasonal shifts. The Border Patrol official credited the shifts as one factor but said this year is not normal.


“The reason this is much different this year than it has been in previous years is, one, we're faced with some unique challenges, the demographic or the population that we're encountering is much different,” the official said. “And then, certainly, COVID has thrown a wrench into the whole process and has forced us to make some adjustments both operationally and administratively to ensure that we're able to protect the population that we're retaining within our facilities, as well as protect our workforce and the communities that we serve.”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:56 a.m. No.13309988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0204 >>0312

How the Pentagon Accidentally Funnels Millions to Iraqi Militia Groups It’s Also Fighting


Leaked documents reveal that the defense contractor Sallyport enriched companies connected to Iranian-backed death squads.


Iraq’s Balad Air Base, home of the country’s F-16 program, was running out of fuel at the worst possible time. It was the spring of 2017 and the Iraqi military was preparing a final push to remove the Islamic State from Mosul, a major metropolis in the north of the country that had fallen to the extremists three years earlier. But fuel trucks, sent from Baghdad to the American military contractor that operated the base, Sallyport Global Services, were being ambushed. Without fuel, Balad’s fighter jets wouldn’t be able to provide air support to Iraqi soldiers battling the terrorist group.


For the coalition fighting ISIS, the fuel squeeze was a self-inflicted crisis.


Today, American influence in Iraq is felt largely through powerful defense contractors, like Sallyport, that act as unacknowledged boots on the ground. These companies have a vested interest in the continuation of the war and the stealth occupation. Sallyport’s leadership contains a roster of former military and intelligence brass, and it has won around $2 billion in Pentagon-awarded contracts at the Iraqi air base since 2014. American military contracts are ostensibly meant to help bring peace and democracy to Iraq—and security for the United States. In reality, Pentagon spending has led to more violence. The fuel crisis at Balad is a perfect example.


American contractors are essentially cooperating with known enemies.


Sallyport’s profit is contingent on maintaining control of the base and ensuring its smooth functioning. This has driven the company to make deals with Iraqi politicians known for corruption. Sallyport’s partners are even allegedly connected to paramilitary groups that include America’s battlefield enemies and human rights violators. These types of illicit deals are a routine part of Pentagon contracts across the country, and they’re valuable enough to fight over.


“All of our business partners in Iraq have been fully vetted, including vetting by the U.S. Department of Defense for work at Balad,” C.D. Moore, chief operating officer of Sallyport Global Holdings, said in a statement. “We are vigilant about, and take very seriously, our obligations to comply with all U.S. and host-nation laws and regulations.”


Internally, Sallyport blamed ISIS for the attacks on its trucks. But the ambushes, which targeted tankers attached to the fuel trucks, rather than the drivers, didn’t match the terrorist group’s profile or its capabilities. Intelligence analysts privately believed they were part of a corporate turf war. “The biggest hurdles you have in getting fuel are primarily political,” a Sallyport consultant, Ginger Cruz, wrote in a May 2017 email to the company.


Cruz, a former U.S. government anti-corruption official, offered Sallyport a solution. “The selection of vendors is directly tied to good business decisions,” Cruz wrote, in the same email.


In Iraq, good business typically means breaking the rules, something Sallyport was ready to do. On Cruz’s recommendation, the contractor turned to an Iraqi company, Layth al-Bawadi, to supply fuel. Layth al-Bawadi shares personnel with a complex network of multinational companies, called Sigma, that was previously blacklisted by Cruz’s former employer, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, for alleged corruption.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13310005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0062 >>0207 >>0313

27 being monitored for Ebola virus in Oregon, Washington


The Oregon Health Authority says officials are monitoring four people who recently visited Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — two countries that have regions currently experiencing Ebola outbreaks. The individuals arrived back in Oregon in early March and have since been in contact with the OHA and local public health departments.


“We want to make sure these individuals have the support they need to monitor their health, stay in contact with public health officials and safely get help with medical services if it comes to that,” said Richard Leman, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for Health Security, Preparedness and Response at the OHA Public Health Division.


As of March 24, Guinea has reported 18 cases and nine deaths related to Ebola outbreaks. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has reported 12 Ebola cases and six Ebola-related deaths.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, noon No.13310013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0070 >>0207 >>0313

Australian economist quits government after being censored for trying to reveal the truth about the lockdowns. The virus is not a pandemic


The whole pandemic scam is slowly unravelling. A top economist has quit over censorship. He is now free to speak the truth and now takes apart the government’s overreaction.


“The problem for politicians now is to reverse course without losing their jobs. I don’t know how they plan to do it”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.13310033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0207 >>0313

UN: Israel continues demolition, seizures of Palestinian homes


Israeli occupation authorities demolished and seized 26 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C of the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem between 2 and 15 March, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported.


As a result of these demolitions and seizures, 42 people were displaced, including 24 children, the Protection of Civilians report published by the UN OCHA disclosed.


Seventeen of the structures, and all of the displaced people, were recorded in Area C, which is under full Israeli military control.


OCHA confirmed that two buildings were demolished in Ein Shibli village, in the Nablus area, displacing 17 people on the basis of Military Order 1797, which allows for demolitions within 96 hours of the issuance of a "removal order".


The remaining displacement resulted from the demolition of four homes in Al-Tuwani and Khallet Athaba' communities in Hebron and Beit Jala in Bethlehem.


The livelihoods of 20 people were affected by the demolition of a vegetable stall near Qalqilya city, while 16 were affected by the demolition of two uninhabited houses and the confiscation of one metal container in Isteih in the Jericho area.


Meanwhile, Israeli settlers injured six Palestinians in the Hebron governorate and damaged Palestinian-owned property, including vehicles and trees. Four of the injured were physically assaulted in three incidents.


Two boys, aged 13 and 14, were injured in separate incidents in the H2 area of Hebron and the Bir al 'Idd area, respectively. In the latter incident, the donkey on which the boy was riding was stabbed.


According to Palestinian sources, Israeli settlers damaged at least five vehicles, a house and an agricultural structure in the villages of Jalud and Huwwara in the Nablus district, and Kafr ad-Dik and Bruqin in the Salfit district.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.13310066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0127 >>0207 >>0313

Mayorkas fires almost all members of Homeland Security Advisory Council


The Biden administration has reversed a number of key Trump-era immigration policies


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has fired almost all members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) – the latest sign by the agency of its intention to move away from the practices of the prior administration.


Mayorkas, in a letter sent Friday and obtained by Politico, told the committee that he is ending the terms of the 32 current members, and intends to "reconstitute" the council once a "new model" has been developed.


HSAC was set up for members, who are unpaid, to use their experience and expertise of Homeland Security issues like counterterrorism and immigration enforcement to offer guidance to the secretary.


Its current membership included Trump-era officials such as former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Chad Wolf, former Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan – but include those appointed by secretaries by both Democratic and Republican administrations.


Mayorkas said that Chairman William Bratton, Vice Chair Karen Tandy and Chair Emeritus William Webster will remain in their positions to help the council move forward.


"I am considering how the HSAC can bring the greatest value to the Department and how the expertise, judgment, and counsel of its members can be harnessed most effectively to advance the Department’s mission," he said. "I expect to work closely with the HSAC and to rely on its Members to help guide the Department through a period of change."

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.13310081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden's Border Disaster UNDERMINING Rule of Law & Public Health!


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “The Joe Piscopo Show” (AM 970 “The Answer”) to discuss the ongoing crisis on our southern border and much more!

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.13310084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207 >>0313

Harris backed decriminalizing illegal entry, closing detention centers; cited ICE-KKK 'parallels'


Biden border czar Kamala Harris supported citizenship for children brought to U.S. illegally, deportation protection for their parents, taxpayer-funded health coverage for illegal immigrants.


Vice President Kamala Harris, recently tasked by President Joe Biden with handling the migration surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, has a record on immigration that includes opposing additional physical barriers on the border, advocating closure of detention centers that house migrants, sympathetically citing perceived parallels between ICE and the Ku Klux Klan, and offering a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants living the country.


As a presidential candidate, Harris also supported decriminalizing illegally crossing the border by making it only a civil offense. Harris defended her position of making border crossings a civil penalty rather than a crime during an appearance on "The View" as a presidential candidate.


"It should be a civil enforcement issue, but not a criminal enforcement issue," she said.


Harris also supported providing healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants in the U.S..


Critics of these policy positions say they serve as pull factors for individuals to enter the U.S. illegally.


In 2018, Harris, a California Democrat, co-sponsored the DONE Act, which would prohibit federal funds from building or expanding immigration detention facilities and instead utilize "community-based" solutions.


During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris advocated closing immigrant detention centers that house migrants who cross the border but did not specify what system she wanted to install in place of them.


While serving in the Senate starting in 2017, Harris supported legal status for children who were brought to the U.S. by their parents illegally and advocated protecting their parents from deportation.


Harris also supported comprehensive immigration reform that would offer a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.


Currently, about 450 miles of the 2,000-mile southern border contains some kind of physical barrier. Former President Donald Trump supported constructing additional border wall along open stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border. Harris referred to Trump's border wall plans as a "vanity project."


"Let's get this straight: Billions of dollars for a border wall is a waste of money," she tweeted. "American taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill for the President's vanity project. We simply don't need it."


Harris did not support abolishing ICE but said the federal government should start over from "scratch" when it comes to the role of that particular agency.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:24 p.m. No.13310131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207 >>0313

Pentagon Linguist Spied For Hezbollah, Exposed Assets Involved In The Assassination Of Iran’s Soleimani


A linguist for the Department of Defense has pleaded guilty to passing information about US human intelligence sources to an individual with ties to Hezbollah, the Department of Justice announced on March 26.


According to court documents, Mariam Taha Thompson, who held a top secret security clearance, began sending information to the Lebanese group after the United States killed Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s Quds Force commander, in an airstrike in early 2020.


Thompson was stationed at a Special Operations Task Force facility in Iraq from mid-December 2019 until her arrest a few months later.


The 63-year old woman was introduced to a Lebanese national on social media via a family member, according to the statement of facts that she agreed to as part of her plea. The man showed interest in marrying Thompson and having her move to Lebanon. The two communicated frequently from 2017 to 2020.


According to court documents, the man had a nephew who served in the Lebanese Ministry of Interior. The man also claimed to have contacts with members of Hezbollah.


Prosecutors said Thompson did not tell the man where she was stationed and said he had not asked for classified information before January 2020.


The situation changed after the assassination of Soleimani. The man became “very emotional” and asked Thompson to provide “them” with information about the human assets that had helped the US to target the Iranian commander. The court documents said Thompson understood ‘them’ to be Lebanese [Hezbollah].


Fearing that the man would not marry her if she doesn’t cooperate, Thompson began accessing defense information that she did not have a need to access or know and showing notes containing the secret information to the man.


Thompson handed over true names, personal identification data, background information and photos of clandestine human sources. She also passed on details of US targets.


“Thompson had used her access to classified national defense information to provide her co-conspirator with the identities of at least 10 clandestine human assets; at least 20 U.S. targets; and multiple tactics, techniques and procedures,” court documents read.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.13310148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207 >>0313

Another Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Member Hunted Down By Unidentified Gunmen In Idlib


Late on March 26, unidentified gunmen assassinated a militant of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.


The slain militant, identified Ahmad Haj Issa al-Rai, was shot and killed near the town of Kah in northern Idlib, right next to the border with Turkey.


Al-Rai, who is known by his nom de guerre “Abu al-Bar’a,” was reportedly just a fighter in HTS military wing. The militant is originally from the town of Zitan in western Aleppo.


This was the second such attack on HTS personnel this week. A day earlier, two militants of the group were shot and killed by unidentified militants near the town of Termanin in northeastern Idlib. The town is also located near Turkey’s border.


No group has claimed responsibility for the last two attacks yet. Some activists in Greater Idlib held ISIS responsible, while others claimed that the attacks may have been carried out by opponents of HTS, or even the Russian or Syrian intelligence.


The recent attacks in Greater Idlib pose a real challenge to HTS, which has been working to strengthen its grip on the region for the last three years.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:33 p.m. No.13310172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0197 >>0207 >>0246 >>0313

Texas GOP Votes To Delete Its Gab Account After Abbott Smears Platform As ‘Anti-Semitic’


The Texas Republican Party voted to censor its own Gab account after Abbott claimed it is an "anti-Semitic" platform with no evidence.


Despite Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West previously pledging not to delete the party’s Gab account, the State Republican Executive Committee today voted to circumvent West’s decision and delete the account. This follows the baseless lie from Texas Governor Greg Abbott that Gab is “anti-Semitic” and, thus, has no place in Texas.


During a party meeting today, the SREC “has voted to delete the @TexasGOP Gab account on a 35-25 vote.” Ironically, the news was broken by the Texas Republican Initiative, which claims its goal is to grow the “Republican Party by supporting and communicating the successes of Republican leadership for all Texans.”


This comes after Abbott declared, without evidence, that Gab is an “anti-Semitic” platform that has no place in Texas. National File reported:


In the video, Abbott is seen sitting in his wheelchair while flanked by the American and Texan flags, with the Israeli flag taking a prominent role centered directly behind him.


“Anti-semitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas, and certainly do not represent Texas values,” Abbott said. The governor then displayed an unnamed piece of legislation created by Republican Texas representatives Phil King and Craig Goldman, which he proudly proclaims to fight “anti-semitism in Texas.”


The last message posted to the party’s Gab account claimed that it would not delete the account and “will always fight censorship.” This appears to have been a lie.


“We support the First Amendment, including free speech platforms,” the account wrote on March 11. “The TexasGOP has no plan to deplatform from any of our social media accounts. The First Amendment still shines brightly in the Lone Star State.”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:35 p.m. No.13310184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0206 >>0207 >>0313

Zuckerberg’s Election Rigging Group Sends VP to Be Biden’s Tech Director.


A former Vice President of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative – which funneled $350,000,000 to the Center for Tech and Civic Life – now serves as Special Assistant to the President and Director of Technology in the Biden White House.


The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) used the hundreds of millions of dollars from the Facebook founder’s organization to overrule local election officials and increase turnout in – almost exclusively – Democratic districts. “CTCL’s Leaders Have Worked for Stridently Progressive Organizations,” the Amistad Project notes.


Biden appointee David Recordon formerly served as the Vice President of Infrastructure and Security at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative from 2018 to 2021, before joining the White House.


Recordon “created and now lead the Infrastructure & Security organization which works across all three of CZI’s Initiatives (Education, Justice & Opportunity, and Science) in addition to enabling our rapidly scaling operations,” according to his LinkedIn. Prior to working at the initiative, he was a Facebook Engineering Director from 2017 to 2018.


What’s more, he was a Special Assistant to the President and Director of White House IT in the Obama administration and helped lead an overhaul of White House technological infrastructure:


“Appointed by President Obama into a newly created role responsible for all technology systems used by the White House with a goal of converging duplicative systems, driving sorely needed modernization, hiring leadership roles such as the first CISO, and establishing policies and programs to create a unified technology strategy and budget across multiple civilian and military organizations. Held a TS/SCI clearance,” his profile describes.

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:37 p.m. No.13310198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0212

Chet Hanks proclaims ‘White Boy Summer’ is on the way


The Hot Girls do NOT approve.


Chet Hanks is being hit with backlash after proclaiming “White Boy Summer” will soon be approaching.


“I just got this feeling man, that this summer is, it’s about to be a white boy summer,” he deadpanned for his Instagram followers. “Take it how you want.”


“I’m not talking about Trump, NASCAR type white,” he continued, “I’m talking about, you know, me, [R&B artist] Jon B, [rapper] Jack Harlow type white boy summer. Let me know if you guys can vibe with that and get ready, ‘cuz I am.”


The phrase is a play on words based on rapper Megan Thee Stallion’s “Hot Girl Summer” song and internet meme, which encourages women to embrace their sexy side during the hottest time of the year.


Chet’s comedic take, however, didn’t sit well with social media, as several followers called him out for the video, as well as for potentially embarrassing parents, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.


“Chet Hanks is proof that you can do everything right in the world and kids will still embarrass tf outta you,” wrote one observer, with another adding, “Are we sure that Chet Hanks is Tom and Rita’s biological offspring? Something’s just not adding up.”

Anonymous ID: 341fe5 March 27, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.13310217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0313

Indiana Gov. Holcomb to lift the mask mandate and all capacity limits on April 6


Arizona Gov. Ducey lifts mask mandate, reopens bars without restrictions