Anonymous ID: 76ab93 March 27, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13309625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777 >>9901 >>0057 >>0204 >>0312


U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta agreed in February to keep Thomas Caldwell, who authorities have portrayed as a leader of the conspiracy, locked up while he awaits trial, saying the evidence showed he “engaged in planning and communications with others … to plan a potential military-like incursion on the Capitol on January the 6th.”


But after Mr. Caldwell’s lawyer challenged that assessment, the judge reversed his decision and released Mr. Caldwell to home confinement. Judge Mehta said there’s no evidence he entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 or had been plotting to do so.


“Last time we were here 30 days ago, I was convinced that it was a plan to execute an incursion on the Capitol building,” the judge told Mr. Caldwell’s attorney. “You’ve raised some evidence that, I think, rebuts that notion.”


The judge has since released other defendants, noting there’s no evidence they assaulted anyone at the Capitol or, in some cases, don’t appear to be as involved in the planning before Jan. 6.


Defense attorneys argue any discussions their clients had before Jan. 6 were in reference to providing security at the rally before the riot or protecting themselves against possible attacks from antifa activists.