Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13309607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP vs Dems = Look here at the fights we fight about, not at the Chinese Occupation Force flooding in from California and Canada.


Look at us, not them.

Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.13309777   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13309577 Dough


Notables @150




>>13309625 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta releases Thomas Caldwell, Trump Supporter at the Capitol FF on Jan 6th, to home confinement

>>13309661 North Korea's Arsenal Has Grown Rapidly. Here's What's in It.

>>13309680 , >>13309702 , >>13309729 , >>13309742 Little girl accidently shot by firearm in drug infested Apartment Complex

>>13309682 Ted Cruz controlled opposition?

>>13309733 , >>13309684 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports System) is hiding the alarming amount of injury due to the China Virus vaccine

>>13309748 , >>13309652 , >>13309770 Marker [2] today on Q day

>>13309760 Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs

>>13309768 Evergreen Fire, Evergreen Suez, Evergreen Bridge BOOM BOOM BOOM?



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13309901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13309577 Dough


Notables @275




>>13309625 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta releases Thomas Caldwell, Trump Supporter at the Capitol FF on Jan 6th, to home confinement

>>13309661 North Korea's Arsenal Has Grown Rapidly. Here's What's in It.

>>13309680 , >>13309702 , >>13309729 , >>13309742 Little girl accidently shot by firearm in drug infested Apartment Complex

>>13309682 Ted Cruz controlled opposition?

>>13309733 , >>13309684 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports System) is hiding the alarming amount of injury due to the China Virus vaccine

>>13309748 , >>13309652 , >>13309770 Marker [2] today on Q day

>>13309760 Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs

>>13309768 Evergreen Fire, Evergreen Suez, Evergreen Bridge BOOM BOOM BOOM?

>>13309773 , >>13309815 Plane Fag Report

>>13309786 UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years?

>>13309792 US Makes Large Military Hardware Delivery To Ukraine's Army Under Cover of Biden Cabal Edict Of "Crimea is Ukraine"

>>13309806 Iran & China ink 25-year strategic partnership accord as both nations face US pressure?

>>13309821 Paramount+ reportedly removes SpongeBob episode about ‘Clam Flu’ due to similarities with China Virus pandemic

>>13309837 Utah Passes Law Requiring Porn to Be Blocked on All Cellphones, Tablets in the State

>>13309848 ‘Quiet professionals’? US Special Operations Command appoints partisan ‘Diversity & Inclusion Pussification’ chief who compared Trump to HITLER

>>13309860 EXPOSED: Kristi Noem Is Pro-Syrian ‘Refugee’, Pro-Gender Bending Bathrooms, Pro-Trans In Women’s Sports – Revolver

>>13309874 Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak And WHO China Virus Colleagues For Peddling Chinese Communist Party ‘Disinformation.’

>>13309876 Where is the Trillions of China Virus relief going?

>>13309882 Q has been dark for 109 days

>>13309885 GOP Senators Demand FBI, Secret Service Records On Alleged Hunter Biden Gun Incident



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.13310057   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13309577 Dough


Notables @425




>>13309625 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta releases Thomas Caldwell, Trump Supporter at the Capitol FF on Jan 6th, to home confinement

>>13309661 North Korea's Arsenal Has Grown Rapidly. Here's What's in It.

>>13309680 , >>13309702 , >>13309729 , >>13309742 Little girl accidently shot by firearm in drug infested Apartment Complex

>>13309682 Ted Cruz controlled opposition?

>>13309733 , >>13309684 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports System) is hiding the alarming amount of injury due to the China Virus vaccine

>>13309951 3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

>>13309748 , >>13309652 , >>13309770 Marker [2] today on Q day

>>13309760 , >>13309940 Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs

>>13309768 Evergreen Fire, Evergreen Suez, Evergreen Bridge BOOM BOOM BOOM?

>>13309773 , >>13309815 Plane Fag Report

>>13309786 UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years?

>>13309792 US Makes Large Military Hardware Delivery To Ukraine's Army Under Cover of Biden Cabal Edict Of "Crimea is Ukraine"

>>13309806 Iran & China ink 25-year strategic partnership accord as both nations face US pressure?

>>13309821 Paramount+ reportedly removes SpongeBob episode about ‘Clam Flu’ due to similarities with China Virus pandemic

>>13309837 Utah Passes Law Requiring Porn to Be Blocked on All Cellphones, Tablets in the State

>>13309848 ‘Quiet professionals’? US Special Operations Command appoints partisan ‘Diversity & Inclusion Pussification’ chief who compared Trump to HITLER

>>13309860 EXPOSED: Kristi Noem Is Pro-Syrian ‘Refugee’, Pro-Gender Bending Bathrooms, Pro-Trans In Women’s Sports – Revolver

>>13309874 Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak And WHO China Virus Colleagues For Peddling Chinese Communist Party ‘Disinformation.’

>>13309876 Where is the Trillions of China Virus relief going?

>>13309882 , >>13309935 Q has been dark for 109 days

>>13309885 GOP Senators Demand FBI, Secret Service Records On Alleged Hunter Biden Gun Incident

>>13309895 Head of Spain's 'Islamic Commission' , Mohammad Ayman Adlbi, arrested over Terror Finance Links

>>13309914 Facial Recognition Vaccine Passports Being Developed by British Tech Firms

>>13309934 Facebook bans Iranian Media Outlet 'Press TV' page AGAIN as Iranians decry move as ‘censorship’ & ‘attack on free speech’

>>13309946 THIS IS AN INVASION!!!! Not just human trafficking but TERRORISTS, GANGS, MS13, WHO KNOWS WHAT IS COMING IN!!!

>>13309950 Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

>>13309959 Eight marines and a sailor who drowned in an amphibious vehicle training accident were NOT wearing breathing devices because they had been axed to save money

>>13309968 MH370 Missing Airliner shot down?

>>13309982 Court Rules ATF Cannot Classify Bump Stocks as Machine Guns

>>13309983 6,000 apprehended at southern border Thursday, a third more than at height of 2019 crisis

>>13309988 How the Pentagon Accidentally Funnels Millions to Iraqi Militia Groups It’s Also Fighting

>>13309997 Cabal Puppet Biden’s Gun Grab Plan Is Really Class Warfare

>>13310005 The Ebola FF in Washington State, Oregon

>>13310010 Criminal charges (DUI, Reckless Driving, Attempting to Evade Police) filed against Kansas Senate GOP majority leader

>>13310013 Australian economist quits government after being censored for trying to reveal the truth about the lockdowns. The China virus is not a pandemic

>>13310021 "Absolutely An Open Border Situation": Cabal Puppet RINO Sen. Lankford Gives Firsthand Account Of Border Crisis

>>13310027 Watch: A Naval Historian And Master Mariner Discuss The Suez Canal Blockage

>>13310033 UN Israel continues demolition, seizures of Palestinian homes

>>13310048 Border tour: Senators heckled by ‘coyotes,’ Biden Cabal officials tried to block photos



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.13310204   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13309577 Dough


Notables @550


#16861 1 of 2


>>13309625 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta releases Thomas Caldwell, Trump Supporter at the Capitol FF on Jan 6th, to home confinement

>>13309661 North Korea's Arsenal Has Grown Rapidly. Here's What's in It.

>>13309680 , >>13309702 , >>13309729 , >>13309742 Little girl accidently shot by firearm in drug infested Apartment Complex

>>13309682 Ted Cruz controlled opposition?

>>13309733 , >>13309684 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports System) is hiding the alarming amount of injury due to the China Virus vaccine

>>13309951 3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

>>13309748 , >>13309652 , >>13309770 Marker [2] today on Q day

>>13309760 , >>13309940 Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs

>>13309768 Evergreen Fire, Evergreen Suez, Evergreen Bridge BOOM BOOM BOOM?

>>13309773 , >>13309815 Plane Fag Report

>>13309786 UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years?

>>13309792 US Makes Large Military Hardware Delivery To Ukraine's Army Under Cover of Biden Cabal Edict Of "Crimea is Ukraine"

>>13309806 Iran & China ink 25-year strategic partnership accord as both nations face US pressure?

>>13309821 Paramount+ reportedly removes SpongeBob episode about ‘Clam Flu’ due to similarities with China Virus pandemic

>>13309837 Utah Passes Law Requiring Porn to Be Blocked on All Cellphones, Tablets in the State

>>13309848 ‘Quiet professionals’? US Special Operations Command appoints partisan ‘Diversity & Inclusion Pussification’ chief who compared Trump to HITLER

>>13309860 EXPOSED: Kristi Noem Is Pro-Syrian ‘Refugee’, Pro-Gender Bending Bathrooms, Pro-Trans In Women’s Sports – Revolver

>>13309874 Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak And WHO China Virus Colleagues For Peddling Chinese Communist Party ‘Disinformation.’

>>13309876 Where is the Trillions of China Virus relief going?

>>13309882 , >>13309935 Q has been dark for 109 days

>>13309885 GOP Senators Demand FBI, Secret Service Records On Alleged Hunter Biden Gun Incident

>>13309895 Head of Spain's 'Islamic Commission' , Mohammad Ayman Adlbi, arrested over Terror Finance Links

>>13309914 Facial Recognition Vaccine Passports Being Developed by British Tech Firms

>>13309934 Facebook bans Iranian Media Outlet 'Press TV' page AGAIN as Iranians decry move as ‘censorship’ & ‘attack on free speech’

>>13309946 THIS IS AN INVASION!!!! Not just human trafficking but TERRORISTS, GANGS, MS13, WHO KNOWS WHAT IS COMING IN!!!

>>13309950 Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

>>13309959 Eight marines and a sailor who drowned in an amphibious vehicle training accident were NOT wearing breathing devices because they had been axed to save money

>>13309968 MH370 Missing Airliner shot down?

>>13309982 Court Rules ATF Cannot Classify Bump Stocks as Machine Guns

>>13309983 6,000 apprehended at southern border Thursday, a third more than at height of 2019 crisis

>>13309988 How the Pentagon Accidentally Funnels Millions to Iraqi Militia Groups It’s Also Fighting

>>13309997 Cabal Puppet Biden’s Gun Grab Plan Is Really Class Warfare



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.13310207   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13309577 Dough


Notables @550


#16861 2 of 2


>>13310005 The Ebola FF in Washington State, Oregon

>>13310010 Criminal charges (DUI, Reckless Driving, Attempting to Evade Police) filed against Kansas Senate GOP majority leader

>>13310013 Australian economist quits government after being censored for trying to reveal the truth about the lockdowns. The China virus is not a pandemic

>>13310021 "Absolutely An Open Border Situation": Cabal Puppet RINO Sen. Lankford Gives Firsthand Account Of Border Crisis

>>13310027 Watch: A Naval Historian And Master Mariner Discuss The Suez Canal Blockage

>>13310033 UN Israel continues demolition, seizures of Palestinian homes

>>13310048 Border tour: Senators heckled by ‘coyotes,’ Biden Cabal officials tried to block photos

>>13310065 LIVE: Save the children' protest in Los Angeles (video)

>>13310066 Cabal Puppet DHS Sec Mayorkas fires almost all members of Homeland Security Advisory Council

>>13310084 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris backed decriminalizing illegal entry, closing detention centers; cited ICE-KKK 'parallels'

>>13310098 Big Tech's Outsized Influence Draws State-Level Pushback

>>13310111 Who funds Illegal Immigration? Who funds the Caravans?

>>13310112 Stanley Johnson Boris's DAD talking about population reduction in 2012

>>13310115 Biden is running a huge child trafficking ring at the border and using your tax dollars to run it.

>>13310118 Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

>>13310120 For the KEK!

>>13310131 Pentagon Linguist Spied For Hezbollah, Exposed Assets Involved In The Assassination Of Iran’s Soleimani

>>13310134 , >>13310172 Texas GOP votes to close GAB account after Texas RINO Abbot smears platform as 'anti-semitic'

>>13310144 Here's the Debunking of CNN disinformation on Guns You Need to Read

>>13310147 ‘Where’s Durham?’: Busy Trump chases ghost special counsel, prepares to visit US border

>>13310148 Another Al Qaeda affiliate member hunted down in Idlib Syria

>>13310162 Cuomo out of the news? Mass murder of the elder in Nursing Homes in 5 Dem run States to drive China Virus deaths up out of the news?

>>13310166 Another hit piece on Q Research - Many Q Followers Report Having Mental Health Diagnoses

>>13310180 RINO Cabal Puppet Kevin McCarthy whines about Illegal Immigration he helped create

>>13310184 Zuckerberg’s Election Rigging Group Sends VP to Be Biden Cabal’s Tech Director



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13310312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0319



>>13309577 Dough


Notables FINAL


#16861 1 of 2


>>13309625 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta releases Thomas Caldwell, Trump Supporter at the Capitol FF on Jan 6th, to home confinement

>>13309661 North Korea's Arsenal Has Grown Rapidly. Here's What's in It.

>>13309680 , >>13309702 , >>13309729 , >>13309742 Little girl accidently shot by firearm in drug infested Apartment Complex

>>13309682 Ted Cruz controlled opposition?

>>13309733 , >>13309684 VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports System) is hiding the alarming amount of injury due to the China Virus vaccine

>>13309951 3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

>>13309748 , >>13309652 , >>13309770 Marker [2] today on Q day

>>13309760 , >>13309940 Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs

>>13309768 Evergreen Fire, Evergreen Suez, Evergreen Bridge BOOM BOOM BOOM?

>>13309773 , >>13309815 Plane Fag Report

>>13309786 UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years?

>>13309792 US Makes Large Military Hardware Delivery To Ukraine's Army Under Cover of Biden Cabal Edict Of "Crimea is Ukraine"

>>13309806 Iran & China ink 25-year strategic partnership accord as both nations face US pressure?

>>13309821 Paramount+ reportedly removes SpongeBob episode about ‘Clam Flu’ due to similarities with China Virus pandemic

>>13309837 Utah Passes Law Requiring Porn to Be Blocked on All Cellphones, Tablets in the State

>>13309848 ‘Quiet professionals’? US Special Operations Command appoints partisan ‘Diversity & Inclusion Pussification’ chief who compared Trump to HITLER

>>13309860 EXPOSED: Kristi Noem Is Pro-Syrian ‘Refugee’, Pro-Gender Bending Bathrooms, Pro-Trans In Women’s Sports – Revolver

>>13309874 Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak And WHO China Virus Colleagues For Peddling Chinese Communist Party ‘Disinformation.’

>>13309876 Where is the Trillions of China Virus relief going?

>>13309882 , >>13309935 Q has been dark for 109 days

>>13309885 GOP Senators Demand FBI, Secret Service Records On Alleged Hunter Biden Gun Incident

>>13309895 Head of Spain's 'Islamic Commission' , Mohammad Ayman Adlbi, arrested over Terror Finance Links

>>13309914 Facial Recognition Vaccine Passports Being Developed by British Tech Firms

>>13309934 Facebook bans Iranian Media Outlet 'Press TV' page AGAIN as Iranians decry move as ‘censorship’ & ‘attack on free speech’

>>13309946 THIS IS AN INVASION!!!! Not just human trafficking but TERRORISTS, GANGS, MS13, WHO KNOWS WHAT IS COMING IN!!!

>>13309950 Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

>>13309959 Eight marines and a sailor who drowned in an amphibious vehicle training accident were NOT wearing breathing devices because they had been axed to save money

>>13309968 MH370 Missing Airliner shot down?

>>13309982 Court Rules ATF Cannot Classify Bump Stocks as Machine Guns

>>13309983 6,000 apprehended at southern border Thursday, a third more than at height of 2019 crisis

>>13309988 How the Pentagon Accidentally Funnels Millions to Iraqi Militia Groups It’s Also Fighting

>>13309997 Cabal Puppet Biden’s Gun Grab Plan Is Really Class Warfare



Anonymous ID: edbdf4 March 27, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13310313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0319



>>13309577 Dough


Notables FINAL


#16861 2 of 2


>>13310005 The Ebola FF in Washington State, Oregon

>>13310010 Criminal charges (DUI, Reckless Driving, Attempting to Evade Police) filed against Kansas Senate GOP majority leader

>>13310013 Australian economist quits government after being censored for trying to reveal the truth about the lockdowns. The China virus is not a pandemic

>>13310021 "Absolutely An Open Border Situation": Cabal Puppet RINO Sen. Lankford Gives Firsthand Account Of Border Crisis

>>13310027 Watch: A Naval Historian And Master Mariner Discuss The Suez Canal Blockage

>>13310033 UN Israel continues demolition, seizures of Palestinian homes

>>13310048 Border tour: Senators heckled by ‘coyotes,’ Biden Cabal officials tried to block photos

>>13310065 LIVE: Save the children' protest in Los Angeles (video)

>>13310066 Cabal Puppet DHS Sec Mayorkas fires almost all members of Homeland Security Advisory Council

>>13310084 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris backed decriminalizing illegal entry, closing detention centers; cited ICE-KKK 'parallels'

>>13310098 Big Tech's Outsized Influence Draws State-Level Pushback

>>13310111 Who funds Illegal Immigration? Who funds the Caravans?

>>13310112 Stanley Johnson Boris's DAD talking about population reduction in 2012

>>13310115 Biden is running a huge child trafficking ring at the border and using your tax dollars to run it.

>>13310118 Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

>>13310120 For the KEK!

>>13310131 Pentagon Linguist Spied For Hezbollah, Exposed Assets Involved In The Assassination Of Iran’s Soleimani

>>13310134 , >>13310172 Texas GOP votes to close GAB account after Texas RINO Abbot smears platform as 'anti-semitic'

>>13310144 Here's the Debunking of CNN disinformation on Guns You Need to Read

>>13310147 ‘Where’s Durham?’: Busy Trump chases ghost special counsel, prepares to visit US border

>>13310148 Another Al Qaeda affiliate member hunted down in Idlib Syria

>>13310162 Cuomo out of the news? Mass murder of the elder in Nursing Homes in 5 Dem run States to drive China Virus deaths up out of the news?

>>13310166 Another hit piece on Q Research - Many Q Followers Report Having Mental Health Diagnoses

>>13310180 RINO Cabal Puppet Kevin McCarthy whines about Illegal Immigration he helped create

>>13310184 Zuckerberg’s Election Rigging Group Sends VP to Be Biden Cabal’s Tech Director

>>13310199 Stuck in Suez Canal: Thousands of animals packed tight in ship hulls? Is a human classified as an animal? Comms?

>>13310211 FBI ignores Vote Fraud, searches for Yacht Captains

>>13310217 Indiana Gov. Holcomb to lift the mask mandate and all capacity limits on April 6. Arizona Gov. Ducey lifts mask mandate, reopens bars without restrictions

>>13310222 RINO Senators whine about Hunter Biden while ignoring massive Election Fraud

>>13310237 Biden Cabal's DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas FIRES all but three members of his advisory council - including Trump appointees - in the middle of the border crisis

>>13310274 A River of Doubt Runs Through Mail Voting in Montana

>>13310289 Look over there, not here.

