Anonymous ID: 06ed30 March 27, 2021, 6:30 p.m. No.13312068   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2073 >>2106 >>2281 >>2463

What the fuck, frens and faggots? Just popped in to enjoy some brilliant anons and everyone else trying to stop them. 🤣(idgaf about an emojis place, ill use em where I want!)

Just burned through last bread and this one in under 10 minutes …very disappointing. Where's all the bitches crying about Q " not doing anything ", and where are the semi new faggs, giving them the business? Jew muda fukrs need to step up the volume, I CANT HEAR YOU!

CMON, do battles n stuff….ill be your hucklebearer, itching for a brawl, not a pussy ass shill fest, so don't be a goddamn pussy, even if you have one between your legs.

This is the most important time in history… STOP CRYING ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE,…for fucks sake , grab some iron and double time to the front line.

Win lose, or draw, I only regret not going far enough , shutting my mouth(out of respect), when I should have been screaming it with my soul.

This is the only life you've got…ill try n help along


Jesus came to destroy the church, not make another branch( God is inside you, you're the gatekeeper, choice is yours), so fuck each and every single religion, they're all a scam

The earth isn't billions of years old, nor is it spinning around , it's fucking stationary( fuck you flat tards, I don't claim to "know " it's flat, I just know it isn't a fucking ball

We didn't go to the moon…the moon is not a rock, it's a fucking light source,..not a reflection (fuck off sheep who's only contribution is memorizing their propaganda

Extra terrestrial are real…what the fuck do you thing God , the Host, and all the angels are?

No such, the fuck thing, as ghost. No one that has ever lived and died knows anything about Jack shit, they've Long been worm food. Religion is a lie, Hell , as they explain it, doesn't exist, except in heathen wet dreams.

Catholicism created Islam. Whore catholic nun married Muhammed pedophile faggot, his pedophile right hand man wrote the bitch ass Korean car( Koran)

(((They))) have been writing and rewriting history for centuries, so most of what you know,from school, is a pathetic lie, and a dangerous way to see the world…evil will always begat evil, you'll never find peace in acquiescence or compromise, Ideas can't be fought with a whisper, they must be sanctified in blood.

God absolutelyHATEScowards, period.

Stand up, even if you may be wrong, a man without a voice is a woman without a heart.

Fear not, is a term used more than 100 times more than the next phrase repeated in Bible.

God's trying to tell you fucks that fear is an enemy, a self imprisoned state of mind that distorts the truth.

Men aren't women, and women aren't men…both genders are being faggot right now( no offense homos, thanks for taking yourself out of the gene pool).

Racism is in the fucked up eye of the beholder. It only exist if you allow it…kill the killers, murder the child abusers, and torch your pussy ass sensibilities, nobody gives one fuck about you or your accomplishments, you gay ass loser.

And last, but not least( many in betweens that I left out), stop eating ANYTHING with soy in it…fucking morons.

Oh yeah, don't get vaccinated, or any type of " booster " shot, Trump is the greatest troll that has ever lived ( hat off to you sir)

And Chevrolet is now complete and utter junk( mechanic)

This is the last refugeREALmen and women(anons) have against the sick fucks that run the world.

Oh yeah…lighten the fuck up, cursing isn't a fucking sin, it's a mode of expression, so curse whenever the FUCK you want. You are free to do whatever you want, and say nothing but lies, but you areNOTfree from its consequences.

Carry on faggots, newfagg out(this ought a confuse some newbs)

Till the tires fall off and my head explodes, I'm riding the mother fucker into oblivion, and beyond


Anonymous ID: 06ed30 March 27, 2021, 7:02 p.m. No.13312262   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2280 >>2332 >>2378


I'll be whatever you need me to be, Nancy….spit on me, call me names…whatever makes you massive Vagina moist.

You need some lessons, your wit did not originate anywhere around this sacred place…sheep don't belong here, especially the ones with an extra chromosome.

Words have whatever power you give them…you believe me upset, but I'm just having some fun with the low hanging fruit.

It's OK to be angry pussy, like a silly social stigma could stop real mother fuckers…you've bound yourself in a cube of dysfunction

Break free faggot, or punch me in my mother fucking mouth….just please, for the love of God, stop being a whiny little bitch…learn to play the game, or get off the damn board, you've already painted yourself a wimp and a dud


Anonymous ID: 06ed30 March 27, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.13312305   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2346


Retarded cage rattler, that's me. Retarded by your standards, is a compliment over here.

There's just no fight in you huh? Why you here, then? To cry? I can smell your tears burning holes in my eyes. I sure hope you're a kid, or a young lady…because men aren't faggots, faggot