Anonymous ID: 64bb92 March 28, 2021, 2:04 a.m. No.13313775   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3829 >>3986

Colorado Republican Party elects new leadership, looks to the future

Party officials voted to elevate Vice Chair Kristi Burton Brown to chair as part of the first all-female officer group in state party history


The future for the Colorado Republican Party is female, as hundreds of members voted Saturday to elevate Vice Chair Kristi Burton Brown to the party’s top spot alongside two other women, creating the state party’s first all-female officer group.


After nearly nine hours and three rounds of voting, Burton Brown nudged out former secretary of state Scott Gessler as the top vote getter. Party members also elected unsuccessful University of Colorado regent candidate Priscilla Rahn to the vice chair position and unsuccessful state House candidate Marilyn Harris as secretary.


Before the vote, Burton Brown promised to take back Colorado for Republicans and defend the state against Democrats“trying to take away our freedoms and tax Coloradans into poverty.”


She also pledged to dig deeper into the 2020 election. Of the five candidates for the top position, only one, Jonathan Lockwood, unequivocally acknowledged that the presidential election was not stolen.

Anonymous ID: 64bb92 March 28, 2021, 2:13 a.m. No.13313793   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3814 >>3829 >>3986

Colorado Supreme Court: Democrats’ speed-reading of bills violated ConstitutionIn a 4-3 decision handed down Monday, the Colorado Supreme Court confirmed that Democrats in the state Senate violated Colorado’s Constitution in 2019 when they ordered bills to be speed-read by computers.


The situation arose from Republicans’ efforts to stall the lawmaking process in protest of Democratic policies two years ago, namely a rewrite of oil and gas regulations. GOP state lawmakers asked for bills to be read at length, specifically a noncontroversial, 2,000-page measure that gummed up policymaking for hours.


Democrats responded by having multiple computers read the measure at lightning speed, which sounded like intergalactic chatter and was impossible to discern.


Republicans sued, and a lower court ruled that Democrats violated the Colorado Constitution’s provision requiring bills to be read at length upon request, specifically Article V, Section 22. Democrats challenged the ruling to the state Supreme Court, which led to the decision released Monday.


“There are unquestionably different ways by which the Legislature may comply with the reading requirement,” Justice Carlos Samour Jr. wrote in the court’s majority opinion. “But the cacophony generated by the computers here isn’t one of them. And while we have no business dictating the specifics of how the Legislature might comply with the reading requirement, it is our prerogative and responsibility to declare that the Legislature did not comply with that requirement in this case.”


Samour, who was appointed by former Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, was joined in the majority opinion by Chief Justice Brian D. Boatright, Justice Richard L. Gabriel and Justice Maria E. Berkenkotter.


The ruling did not prescribe, however, what the rules are exactly for reading legislation at length. For that reason, Christopher Jackson, an appellate attorney in Denver, said the decision was “narrow.”


Justice Monica M. Márquez dissented, writing that the Colorado Senate didn’t violate the state’s Constitution and that the state Supreme Court should give more direction to the Legislature about how to handle the reading of legislation moving forward.


“By declining to articulate what Article V, Section 22 demands, the majority (of the Colorado Supreme Court) has more or less assured that more conflict over the reading requirement will occur in the future,” she wrote.


Márquez was joined in her dissent by Justices William W. Hood and Melissa Hart.


The outcome of the case could embolden Republicans in the Legislature to deploy the bill-read-request delay tactic more readily this year and next. Democrats control the Colorado Senate, the Colorado House and the governor’s office through at least 2022, meaning the GOP’s most powerful weapon at the statehouse is time.

Anonymous ID: 64bb92 March 28, 2021, 3:03 a.m. No.13313868   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3875

>>13313853 insert POTUS saying if you stop testing.. kek

Irl libtards think they are now all better, so they are driving like shit, like they use to. Not gonna lie the roads were a lot safer in my blue state when they didn’t wanna leave home.