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>says literally that you can prevent infection by cutting things away
That's literally like saying that amputating the arms of newborns would be good because it prevents them breaking these arms later in life.
It's fully retarded and only a brainwashed parrot quack would unironically say so.
Next you will be telling me that vaccines made using aborted fetus cells would be healthy although there is not even scientific proof for that, only claims.
>How does a circumcized penis differ functionally from an uncircumcized penis?
Tons of nerves got cut away by fucking quacks, you fucking quack.
haha, quacks do not operate on facts. They are programmed parrots.
>about these diseases, you know we don't know (we were not told) what causes them, so whatever, it's psychosomatic, wait, it's caused by genes, wait it's the immune system attacking the body just because
>wtf are you saying it's the vaccines and the terrible food
>no, food has no affect on it, yes slurp away that Coke and the pizza, very good
>and vaccines don't cause anything bad either, vaccines are good, they save lifes
>sure, these aborted fetus cells that part of kinda weird, but whatever, it works as you see
>btw. did I tell you how great abortions are?
>yeah we will those unborns, like heroes
>cut them out, tear them into pieces
So you are yourself fucked in the head, quack.
Good to know.
You are also implying that God made an error. God never makes mistakes. You are literally destroying his creation, quack.
Doubt it, quack.
>you need a diagram
>middle school claims
Hey what you do to your own chidlren, I don't really care about quack. You can even cut them open and kill them. You are literally mentally fucking them up, but you are too brainwashed and evil to understand and see that.
>when you researched on something, you have to be personally affected
You don't make any sense, you are a very sad quack.
It's not my fault that you are a brain dead parrot.
It's all the same quackery.
You didn't amputate the arms of your chidlren?
Why would you not do that?
It saves them from painful broken arms later in life.
Think about the advantages.
Keep on crying, quack
>im right
You are physically torturing the most innocent and pure life there is, you sick fuck quack.
You are fucking them up mentally.
You aren't saving anyone, you are evil.
Don't forget this