2d Session
H. RES. 582
January 7, 2016
Mr. Palazzo (for himself, Mr. Cole, Mr. Collins of Georgia, Mr. Yoho, Mr. Abraham, Mr. Westerman, Mr. DesJarlais, Mr. Fincher, Mr. Rouzer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Jody B. Hice of Georgia, and Mrs. Blackburn) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Condemning and censuring President Barack Obama.
Whereas upon entering the Execution of the Office of President of the United States, President Barack Obama affirmed his constitutional oath as follows: I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States and has failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to fulfill his duty in article II, section 3 of the Constitution of the United States that he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed;
Whereas the Constitution of the United States in article I, section 1 provides that All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States;
Whereas the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed; and
Whereas, on January 5, 2016, President Barack Obama defied article I, section 1 of the Constitution of the United States by implementing unconstitutional executive actions without congressional consideration, debate, or approval in order to infringe on the Second Amendment right of the American people to keep and bear arms: Now, therefore, be it
That the House of Representatives does hereby censure and condemn Barack Obama for having willfully disregarded the legislative powers of the duly elected Congress provided by the Constitution of the United States through his executive actions to deprive American citizens of their constitutionally mandated right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.
2d Session
H. RES. 588
January 13, 2016
Mr. Yoho (for himself, Mr. Weber of Texas, and Mr. Rigell) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Condemning and censuring President Barack Obama.
Whereas upon entering the execution of the Office of President of the United States, President Barack Obama affirmed his constitutional oath as follows: I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States and has failed to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to fulfill his duty in article II, section 2 of the Constitution of the United States that he shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;
Whereas President Obama has willfully failed to follow the counsel and expert advice provided by United States military and intelligence advisors by prematurely withdrawing troops from Iraq, thus leading to further destabilization of the Middle East and increased threats to national and global security;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to fulfill his duty in article II, section 3 of the Constitution of the United States that he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to ensure a strong national defense beginning on January 20, 2009, through the present, thus endangering the national security of the United States and its citizens both home and abroad;
Whereas the foreign policy of President Barack Obama has led to increased global instability, jeopardizing national securities;
Whereas the dereliction of duty and miscalculations of President Barack Obama have allowed the combined terrorist organizations of the world to control more land, and increase membership, armament, and resources more than during any other time in history;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to instruct the Department of Justice to take action to end the practices of certain State and local governments that refuse to abide by standing immigration laws;
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to reinforce sanctions on Iran following Iran’s ballistic missile tests on November 21, 2015, and October 10, 2015;
Whereas Iran’s launching of the missiles is in direct violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 (2010) and United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015), thus violating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and President Barack Obama failed to take action against Iran to address these violations;
Whereas President Barack Obama released high-ranking detainees from the detention facility at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without providing advanced notice to Congress, which is required by law;
Whereas not only was such release in defiance of standing law, there is a high rate of recidivism amongst released detainees who have actively engaged in conflict against members of the Armed Forces of the United States and which continues to threaten national security;
Whereas President Barack Obama led the push within the United Nations for the establishment of a no-fly zone within Libya, while lacking a complete strategy, established a hostile environment for United States diplomatic and military personnel; and
Whereas President Barack Obama has failed to eliminate deficiencies within the Department of Homeland Security’s vetting process of Syrian refugees, which threatens national security: Now, therefore, be it
That the House of Representatives—
(1)does hereby censure and condemn President Barack Obama for having willfully disregarded the President’s constitutional responsibilities as Commander in Chief of the United States through his continued failed lack of foreign affairs strategy, failure to follow the advice of military and intelligence advisors, and failed national security policy; and
(2)does hereby put President Barack Obama on notice and strongly urges the President to reverse course and begin fulfilling his constitutional responsibilities.
2d Session
H. RES. 607
February 4, 2016
Mr. Ross submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Condemning and censuring President Barack Obama.
Whereas President Barack Obama continues to operate outside of the rule of law and the authority granted to him by the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas President Barack Obama is circumventing the intent of Congress and the bipartisan Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 that was explicitly designed to protect our country and citizens from radical Islamic terrorism, and which he signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016; and
Whereas the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 passed in the House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote of 316–113: Now, therefore, be it
That the House of Representatives does hereby condemn and censure President Barack Obama.
2d Session
H. RES. 737
May 18, 2016
Mr. Chaffetz submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Oversight and Government Reform and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
Condemning and censuring John A. Koskinen, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Whereas the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued a subpoena to John A. Koskinen, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, on February 14, 2014, which compelled him to produce, among other things, all communications sent or received by Lois Lerner, from January 1, 2009, to August 2, 2013.;
Whereas, on March 4, 2014, Internal Revenue Service employees in Martinsburg, West Virginia, magnetically erased 422 backup tapes, destroying as many as 24,000 of Lois Lerner’s emails responsive to the subpoena;
Whereas Commissioner Koskinen violated a congressional subpoena by failing to locate and preserve relevant records and by losing key pieces of evidence that were in the agency’s possession, and destroyed, on his watch;
Whereas Commissioner Koskinen betrayed the trust and confidence of the American people as an Officer of the United States;
Whereas Commissioner Koskinen failed to live up to the promise he made to the Senate Committee on Finance during his confirmation hearing to: Be transparent about any problems we run into; and the public and certainly this committee will know about those problems as soon as we do.;
Whereas, as early as February 2014, and no later than April 2014, Commissioner Koskinen was aware that a substantial portion of Lois Lerner’s emails were missing and could not be produced to Congress, but did not notify Congress of any problem until June 13, 2014, when he included the information on the fifth page of the third enclosure of a letter to the Senate Committee on Finance;
Whereas Commissioner Koskinen offered under oath a series of false and misleading statements utterly lacking in honesty and integrity;
Whereas, on March 26, 2014, Commissioner Koskinen was asked during a hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Sir, are you or are you not going to provide this committee all of Lois Lerner’s emails? and he falsely answered, Yes, we will do that.;
Whereas, on June 20, 2014, Commissioner Koskinen testified falsely that since the start of this investigation, every email has been preserved. Nothing has been lost. Nothing has been destroyed.;
Whereas, on June 20, 2014, Commissioner Koskinen testified falsely that the Internal Revenue Service had confirmed that backup tapes from 2011 no longer existed because they have been recycled, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service normal policy and that confirmed means that somebody went back and looked and made sure that in fact any backup tapes that had existed had been recycled.;
Whereas, on June 20, 2014, Commissioner Koskinen testified that the Internal Revenue Service had gone to great lengths to retrieve all of Lois Lerner’s emails, but in fact failed to search disaster backup tapes, Lois Lerner’s Blackberry, the email server, backup tapes for the email server, and Lois Lerner’s temporary replacement laptop, which the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration subsequently found to contain more than 1,000 of Lerner’s emails;
Whereas Commissioner Koskinen’s false statements delayed and otherwise interfered with congressional investigations into the Internal Revenue Service targeting of Americans based on their political affiliation; and
Whereas the aforementioned conduct of Commissioner Koskinen caused the House of Representatives to lose confidence in his ability to administer and supervise the execution and application of the internal revenue laws: Now, therefore, be it
(1)the House of Representatives does hereby censure and condemn John A. Koskinen for a pattern of conduct while Commissioner of Internal Revenue that is incompatible with his duties and inconsistent with the trust and confidence placed in him as an officer of the United States; and
(2)it is the sense of the House of Representatives that John A. Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, should—
(A)immediately resign from office, and if he does not so resign, the President should remove him from office; and
(B)be required to forfeit all rights to any annuity for which he is eligible under chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code.