Anonymous ID: 000000 March 28, 2021, 11:18 a.m. No.13316079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6115 >>6119 >>6150 >>6168 >>6173 >>6174 >>6205 >>6312 >>6526

I am reluctant to post this. Perhaps it would be wiser if I did not. But the level of insight available here has seriously stumbled and I think that is because we are in the eye of the storm and all hell is about to break loose.

I've been here since late 2017 … made (ISTR) three jumps to stay with the program. Oldtimers … what say you? Feels like we have arrived at the turning point. We either take our country back now, or never.

Everything is so carefully balanced that a little actual randomness would cause pretty much everything to fall. Maybe that's what Q meant by "D5". And I am beginning to see the benefit of that because as long as the communists control the flow of events, they win. Once the cards begin to fall randomly, though, their victory is no longer certain.

I just can't understand why anyone would sell this country down the river. If they understand history at all, they should know what happens to their sort once the communists have control. The communists KNOW that they will betray those to whom loyalty is owed … so they line them up and gun them down.

Professors … did you learn nothing from the killing fields of Vietnam?

It seems clear that we cannot trust the upper ranks of the military. The rank and file … probably – they are our sons and daughters. But those commanding them have, by and large, abandoned their posts and now serve America's enemies.

The Mayor of DC just defended two murderers because they are black and female and so is she. I think that I can confidently say that she would not have defended white males - she's never done so in the past. Through her racism and unwillingness to face reality, SHE is an accomplice in this murder. She could have led other blacks to lead prosperous lives of responsibility … instead, ignoring the changes in this country since 1861, she dog-piled on white men as being the source of all black problems. She blamed the man they killed, who was simply trying to actually EARN a living, for "allowing" them to kill him. He is blamed for not mistrusting the (age 13 & 15) girls enough. Had he mistrusted them "enough"(not allow them in his car), he'd have been accused of being a racist. He's not a racist … just a guy trying to cover the rent with maybe a little left over for the grandkids.

Not a thought from that woman's mouth that the girls might be wrong for deciding to commit this crime. No "This man came here as a refugee - an invited guest of our country - it is wrong to kill him." No "What has happened to the black family that two teen girls would undertake this crime and be so callous that their only concern afterward was to find their cell phones?" No "Have our schools come to this … that these girls were out on the street during school hours, robbing and murdering people?"


This cannot continue. This must stop here.

The SINGLE THING that Q accomplished was to bring us together to consider the issues of our day and push for some soltuions. We have been betrayed by the Democrat party and Dominion, with the urging and assistance of the Chinese Communist Party. Many of the heads of our government should now be stretched out and drying on the walls of buildings all across this country. CDC KNEW it was lying. NIH KNEW it was lying, WHO should be forcibly, at bayonet point, be evicted from our soil forever this very day … and the remainder of the UN should leave tomorrow. The Federal Reserve board should be nationalized by 7 pm tonight.

There are a thousand changes that we, the people, can see the need for and yet NONE of them will happen. We were within weeks of having the wall on our southern border complete. And then this wrecking crew was handed the keys to the White House.

That they put a fence up to defend the inauguration tells you that they know that they stole power and were not given it.

For nine months last year, they allowed fires set by anarchists and leftists to burn all across our country. Billions of dollars worth of our sweat went up in flames and lives were taken with impunity.

And yet it is WE who are labeled as extremists and terrorists.


I'm an old man with little left to fight with and not much in the way of material goods to fight for. But I have grandchildren. It is my will that they live in the freedom that is their birthright.


I am not posting using TOR to hide my identity. I am posting using TOR because I am unable to post via Clearnet.

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 28, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.13316180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6184 >>6191

March is almost over. So much for your "madness"…

Oh well, guess you can try again next year.

And then the next year.

And then the next year.

And so on…

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 28, 2021, 12:52 p.m. No.13316582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6603 Police cars revolving light


NEW - Biden admin is set to launch a #COVID19 passport that Americans must have to engage in commerce and would track Americans that took the vaccine (WaPo)

3:41 PM · Mar 28, 2021·Twitter Web App