Anonymous ID: bde5a8 March 28, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13316140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164



I'm not going to assume what other anons think, but I have some guesses, and don't mind giving you my take.


The Dead Sea scrolls go back a long ways into our ancient past. The interpretations over the hundreds/thousands of years are debateable, but it gets even more weird when the NT starts. God is real, but nearly every religion out there is getting it wrong because God always has and always will speak directly with creation.


Q will take the most inspirational of scriptures to use in communicating. Many others in public view (Pompeo, McEnany, others) are obviously using it as comms. Trump himself seems a bit awkward when reading from the Bible (perhaps intentionally?). The books were used by the RCC to control and take over mass swathes of land and people. The adaptive nature of the religion taking on pagan traditions to absorb more people should be a big clue, too.


If their portrayal of God is the absolute truth, then people would have been drawn to it without question. Instead, conversions needed to happen; usually forcible. It's vital to see where the early beginnings were such a vital part of how the new religion was made official. Finally, in a long series of debates and questions about the historicity of the man, the account of Jesus of Nazareth wasn't documented until long after the Temple was destroyed; which is a vital point.


The people that wrote about Jesus in the 4 Gospels (3 of which were either based on Matthew, or all 4 based on some "Q" source that was never officially published) made it look as if it was predicted to have happened when anyone can write a book 40 years after something happens, and place a series of events around the life of someone that may or may not have ever existed. Though the historicity of Jesus isn't as much in questions as the way it is detailed in the Bible.


The people that were preserving the Dead Sea scrolls would likely have been the ones that Jesus learned under before going to temple and owning the Pharisees (read "They weren't just Jews, btw) in logic/reason/doctrine. Their version of the Messiah was a warring general descendant of David. Just like how anons and the American public wanted DJT to declare war and destroy our enemies, the Israelites living back then wanted that from Jesus. Instead, they got a ministry transforming the way people think about God and one that completely turned Rome on its head.


That's why they took over control over the church so quickly. So the question becomes "How much of our doctrine is corrupt and completely inaccurate in order to psyop the people into giving up their spiritual life to a governing authority?".


Reread that last sentence, and you might be on your way to figuring out where a few anons are. You'll still get ardent defenders of the RCC, insisting their institution is salvageable. There are a number of anons that probably are along the lines of rejecting most, if not all forms of organized religion. Everyone else might range somewhere in between, or might even be taking the agnostic route while still doing what they can to help make the world a better place considering everything we've learned here.


The bottom line:

This world doesn't get better by "putting it in God's hands and praying for a miracle". It's get better when we get involved and bring criminals and the anti-humanity types to justice. There will always be evil people in this world working against nature and God's plan. It's our job to do what we can to right the path of this world's future; no matter what you think of God.


We're being shown a Godless world by our friends in control. Do you see it? What are you going to do about it?

Anonymous ID: bde5a8 March 28, 2021, noon No.13316329   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Which present an issue for everyone knowing who's really in control and wading through the cognitive dissonance to figure out the "why". It's because these DS actors are never going to stop doing what they are doing, and the world needs to see it before action takes place. It's a war against trafficking, and it's going to get uglier before it gets better. People still don't seem to realize how deep it is integrated in our society, but they'll eventually figure it out.