But they didn't delete it
Compared to previous wars, we don't have it so bad. This is the war to end all wars. Humans are free again after this. Don't give up, anon, but keep praying.
Anon is trying hard to suspend disbelief in this movie. You've got to be kidding.
"Speaking of the alliterate one. Get this. That kissing ass of the state's A+ lister, has paid off. The state's A+ lister promised that if the ailing, aging senator retires that he will replace her specifically with a black woman. Guess who is on the short list. Yeah.
Meghan Markle/Gavin Newsom/Dianne Feinstein"
Don't poor bleach, either
Kek Foo Young
Last chance to trade your Federal Reserve Notes for something of value
Video is from 3 days ago