Fuck off , fuck face, and fuck your goddamn fucking faggot fuck whimpering…
P.s., your aFAGGOT
Fuck off , fuck face, and fuck your goddamn fucking faggot fuck whimpering…
P.s., your aFAGGOT
Wtf do you think this is? The fucking request line!?
Poor some bleach in your ass and quit being a whiny bitch. Peddle your pity on reddit, you'd be popular there
Your balls made of plastic?
Fuck you three, four and five..you sound like a faggot and your shits all retarded
What a coward. Did the big bad man hurt your vagina? What kind of sub human imbecile wouldn't understand theNECESSITY of a hard ass as an instructor of real fucking combat? you, that's the fuck, who….kill yourself faggot