Anonymous ID: efeb32 March 28, 2021, 5:42 p.m. No.13318313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8580

>>13318076 pb

All of this treason, sedition, criminal activity every bit of which is designed to weaken and destroy America and it all took place and is still taking place with the full knowledge and awareness of MI. "We have it all"? You sure as fuck do and yet, they're are still sitting on their fucking asses and letting it all happen. Add to this the infiltration of China at the state and federal level to the highest office in the land here we sit. Watching our country being dismantled day after day after day. Where is the fucking line with these people? Just how much of our nation needs to be torn asunder before they get off their fucking asses and save this Republic? I've had the Flag flying outside of my home for decades partly in honor of you them. I'll be taking that Flag down until I see those who we so proudly refer to as Patriots, honor their fucking oaths and for once, defend America not from some sand nigger motherfuckers overseas who were never, ever the clear and present danger to this country the way that this "enemy within" is. Get off your fucking asses and save this country.