Well, the bible pretty much spells it all out. God has told us the end from the beginning, the question is, how many actually listen?
The old testament is the new testament concealed, the new testament is the old testament revealed.
Well, the bible pretty much spells it all out. God has told us the end from the beginning, the question is, how many actually listen?
The old testament is the new testament concealed, the new testament is the old testament revealed.
Here is the part you left out.
The limitation does not apply to the National Guard of the United States when activated by a state's governor and operating in accordance with Title 32 of the US Code, such as deployments by state governors in response to Hurricane Katrina.[20]
Seems like the demoralization clowns are out tonight.
KEK, yeah, point taken. I guess it's not really anything new.
That's what I was wondering. Flying back from Chyna? Choppers don't have a real high fuel capacity I don't think. Limited range.