just so you know:
you use children in distress as a prop.
and that is what you are.
"all my problems will be solved if only I can falsely accuse and jail the leader of all who I delude opposes me"
conclusion: you seem to be a bully and a rather nasty slanderer.
can any of the ally-frenz verify this:
seems fake because if true wouldn't the 'non-frenz' have pointed it out long long ago?
breaking out of the music addiction was hard.
maybe you'd gain by fasting on the sound-theme dealeo for a while.
you just like drawing arrows pointing at people's privates.
all you graphic obsessed people, did you zoom out and see what the ship is pointing at?
maybe it's pointed at something of interest?
come on, amature shills!
make the slide interesting.
the preceeding has been a reach out to the otherside to say 'gee, guys, so sad you're failing so hard, try harder. at least make it interesting.'
no one has even made a 'check-em' with the boat graphic being the pointer.
or a clock with the boat graphic as the hands of the clock.
that's how we know that it's a LHHP
I don't really know that but I say it to gauge the response.