Both pb
Not just the Suez-Zeus is closed. The biggest railway between the BRD (known as Germany) and the Netherlands… and of course, direction Rotterdam
Middle Rhine Valley remains closed for freight traffic till Easter
Following the landslide at the Middle Rhine Valley on 15 March, disruption of freight traffic on the European Rhine-Alpine corridor has intensified. DB Netz has said that regular traffic is expected to resume around Easter at the earliest. Sven Flore, Vice Chairman of Network of European Railways (NEE), has a different opinion on that. According to him, there is too little information, no reliable forecasts for the duration of the disruption and no clear concept, coupled with insufficient telephone availability.
In the meantime, however, trains must follow long diversions that prove unproductive in terms of efficiency and timeliness. Simultaneously, shippers have been expressing concerns from their side and might soon lose trust in rail. The core problem does not lie in managing the current situation only, but in the lack of agility in similar cases by the infrastructure manager DB Netz AG, says NEE.
The infrastructure manager has offered quite long diversion routes that add approximately 300 extra kilometres of travelling. Trains transiting between the North Sea Ports and South Germany, Switzerland and North Italy are now passing through Kestert, Siegen and Saarbrücken. These routes prevent rail companies from coordinating planning for personnel, locomotives and terminals and result in a “domino effect of delayed departures”, underlined Flore.