Anonymous ID: ee0621 March 29, 2021, 12:21 a.m. No.13320488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Both pb



Not just the Suez-Zeus is closed. The biggest railway between the BRD (known as Germany) and the Netherlands… and of course, direction Rotterdam


Middle Rhine Valley remains closed for freight traffic till Easter


Following the landslide at the Middle Rhine Valley on 15 March, disruption of freight traffic on the European Rhine-Alpine corridor has intensified. DB Netz has said that regular traffic is expected to resume around Easter at the earliest. Sven Flore, Vice Chairman of Network of European Railways (NEE), has a different opinion on that. According to him, there is too little information, no reliable forecasts for the duration of the disruption and no clear concept, coupled with insufficient telephone availability.

In the meantime, however, trains must follow long diversions that prove unproductive in terms of efficiency and timeliness. Simultaneously, shippers have been expressing concerns from their side and might soon lose trust in rail. The core problem does not lie in managing the current situation only, but in the lack of agility in similar cases by the infrastructure manager DB Netz AG, says NEE.

The infrastructure manager has offered quite long diversion routes that add approximately 300 extra kilometres of travelling. Trains transiting between the North Sea Ports and South Germany, Switzerland and North Italy are now passing through Kestert, Siegen and Saarbrücken. These routes prevent rail companies from coordinating planning for personnel, locomotives and terminals and result in a “domino effect of delayed departures”, underlined Flore.

Anonymous ID: ee0621 March 29, 2021, 1:50 a.m. No.13320673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some infos on the Rotterdam port.


Consortium of DB Schenker Rail, Bertschi, Hoyer and Hupac jointly owns 100% of shares


The Port of Rotterdam Authority and the rail terminal RSC Rotterdam have reached agreement on a new 20-year lease. To position the terminal more broadly and therefore more effectively, the ownership base has been expanded with several partners. DB Schenker Rail continues to own 51% of the shares. The intermodal carriers Bertschi, Hoyer and Hupac are together taking a 49% interest. RSC will continue to operate as a neutral terminal in the new shareholder set-up.


Some of the owners and theyir´re CEO whores…


Nigel Smith new CEO of DB Schenker Rail Netherlands

He is to succeed Aart Klompe, who shall remain in the firm’s employ, primarily maintaining and expanding its major accounts in the Port of Rotterdam.




This positive outlook will result in significant investments by the Bertschi Group in 2021. The construction of a logistics hub for dangerous liquid chemicals in Zhangjiagang in the greater Shanghai area was started shortly before the start of the year and is the biggest single investment in Bertschi’s history.


Marc Houtermans strengthens Group Management team

Christian Bart becomes Operations Manager of largest business unit

Christoph Wälchli to head all European branches



The Hoyer Group (Hoyer) says it has teamed up with Frommann Supply GmbH to provide a new barge-based MGO bunker supply operation in Hamburg.. Having been active in the market for some two years, Hoyer says it currently supplies ex-truck in all German sea-ports and inland ports, but took the decision to charter the bunker barge as delivery by tanker is largely prohibited in the Port of Hamburg.


Swiss intermodal transport operator Hupac is preparing for a multi-stage change in its leadership. In August 2018, Michail Stahlhut (50) will take over the helm of the operating subsidiary Hupac Intermodal Ltd. After a two-year transitional phase, the Board of Directors will also transfer the management of the parent company Hupac Ltd to him.

Anonymous ID: ee0621 March 29, 2021, 3:09 a.m. No.13320859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our universe is filled with, we humans know it as, white magic, grey magic, black magic.

If you are some white magic user (let the muh racist card muh beside!), you are someone who cares about all things, complete selfless and you will grow inside! You will realize it, if you are in it! Jesus teached me this!

The grey magic is some kind of "I do good shit, but I want my own advantage out of it!" shit… More good, than bad, but grey…

The black magic is, gaining everything you want, running over everything what is in your way to get it… Good luck with that with regard to the eternity!

Humanity is sorrounded with "magic" (things we don´t understand in the realm of natural laws). And You have to chose!