Anonymous ID: 132b9f March 29, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.13322515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548

>The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump


If notabled title should be "Dem/Media attempt to destroy Trump movement with false flag failing"


The same crooked FBI/DOJ that tried to frame Trump with collusion is now holding citzens without bail claiming they are a danger to the public. Truth is the multiple stories about the continuing threat of possible attacks at the capitol are FBI invented bullshit and the FBI is now more like the Gestapo, punishing political opinions to increase Democrat grip on power. The barbed wire and troops were all political theater.


>Two weeks ago, I wrote of the Department of Justice’s overreach respecting some of the hundreds of January 6 defendants. On Friday the D.C. Circuit clipped the department’s wings. I expect more such losses as time goes on and the Department must actually present evidence in contested trials.


>The ploy of keeping in D.C. jails without bail some of the protestors who engaged in no specific violent acts at the Capitol until their cases can be heard was very obviously designed to compel them to plea bargain so they could return home to their families and jobs, and the three-judge panel wasn’t buying it. If you think that there is a partisan tinge to their decision, you’d be wrong, Judge Robert Wilkins was confirmed under Barack Obama; Judge Judith Rogers under Bill Clinton, and Judge George Katsas under Donald Trump. It was bipartisan.


>The case made it to the Circuit Court upon appeal from a detention order by Judge Royce Lamberth (a senior judge first appointed to the bench by then-president Ronald Reagan). I mention the judicial appointment history of these judges as an antidote to the all-too-common implications that judges are always using the law to cover their personal political beliefs. Sometimes it appears they do. Other times like this one they are honestly applying the Constitution and law to the facts.


>And they do so here in what was clearly the Department of Justice’s political effort to paint with a broad brush anyone who supported Trump on January 6 and to place unreasonable and unlawful burdens on those protestors in order to bolster overcharged crimes.

Anonymous ID: 132b9f March 29, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.13322660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2668


proper scrutiny of propaganda seems to be a bit lacking. Trying to decide if it's anons who can't recognize propaganda or if it's just shills posting stupid shit in praise of propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 132b9f March 29, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.13322714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2800 >>2942

Kamala Harris ignores border, focuses on mansion renovations


>She's upset at living out of suitcases? At the luxury digs of Blair House, which has its own hair salon? There's a solution for that – she can move back into her own $1.7 million condo down the road off ritzy Dupont Circle, bought by her and her husband as part of their $8 million real estate portfolio. The photos here show that it's actually pretty nice.


>She can go to that one and not feel so very …. homeless.


>Kamala the Phony has lots of ways of proving herself as that, and this public housing kvetch is just her latest instance..


>One question that remains up for grabs is whether she actually ordered the renovations on the vice presidential mansion, which, as a historic house built in 1893, will always take longer. Some sources report that she did, wanting a fancy gourmet kitchen. CNN, citing a Harris spokewoman, says she didn't. There are some chimney renovations they're working on, for sure. Hope those are up to greenie environmental snuff. as people in California on her watch were no longer permitted to burn wood in chimneys.

