Yeah another description would be: a collective of cunts.
Ha no its all pain all the time.
Fuck you jimbo
Danny boi
None of it means shit
A brainwashed monkey in camo.
Yeah and what? Must nice with all of your comforts and protection allowing you to point out the fuckin obvious.
Shut the fuck up fuckin tripe bullshit
Post more sluts please as many as you can
You really think so?
How about black garbage bags and they double as a mask.
Come down to my perspective an see how well you fair.
All women are low so low theyre secondary to man.
Billionaire is not who he seems publicly ie hiding his real connections. Billionaire knows his money doesnt mean shit when his children are left in a world that wants to destroy his position. Billionaire has two choices ride it out(say fuck it) Ooorrrr engage attempt to dominate all. Yeah thats you.
Superficial broad ugly
Hey 150 IQ mel. Please let me get out of your way sweetie.
Lately? Lately??? every god damn day
Have it your way sweetie
Yeah cause god totes around giants guns. Um no that would be satans army.
Some brainwashed idiot in a plane following his slave masters orders. Gun boom merica fuck yeah
Fuck you and you tech
You want people to kill themselves. Choke on a cock whore