Anonymous ID: ff0e57 March 29, 2021, 8:24 p.m. No.13326965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous 03/29/21 (Mon) 21:39:32 0fabc6 (3) No.13325928 >>13325939 >>13325995 >>13326009 >>13326173 >>13326197

File (hide): eed540b277d3846⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 1065x904, 1065:904, FGD_135.JPG) (h) (u)


FGD 135

Landed six(6) days ago


This is gonna sound strange but when I read FDG I just thought the Italian mafia “ForGet Da bout it”, I know it’s weird and probably doesn’t fit, but it’s loud in my head so I’m saying it