Anonymous ID: 494d85 March 29, 2021, 10:31 p.m. No.13327765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7770 >>7792

People like him stick out like a bonfire in that world.

Lets review the his characteristics:


Fact: Can justify the worst with a smile on his face.

Past: He simmers with anger, especially at his father, whom he calls “a complete deadbeat”. He ends: “I am simply asking for compassion from an ignorant society that falsely believes it is unethical to give genetically defective people incentives not to reproduce. I am simply arguing for a world full of healthy, happy children who can play outside with their friends without breaking their legs.


Fact: He has a hatred for his belly button.

Past: "Brennan’s views on eugenics were unarguably appalling, but they should also be seen in the context of his experience. He hated his parents for bringing him into a life of pain, and it led him to this monstrous viewpoint."


Fact: He has a near constant presence on the board.

Past: On his old board there would only be a few posts every day; on 4chan, every 30 seconds there was something new. Brennan spent as much time at the computer as possible. “My dad, he just felt like: well, he’s in a wheelchair, so it doesn’t make sense for him to do anything else but play with the computer,” he tells me.


Fact: The major 'masks' used by him all relate loosely to his name.

Past: "Freddy Benson"


Fact: As a combat tactic, he associates himself with those he can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"

Past: Brennan’s rage festered as he became a teenager. He says that he never identified as a Nazi; his feelings were more masochistic at root. “I literally wanted a new version of Nazi Germany to take over and to kill me and everyone like me."


Fact: Scripting is used to deploy both new threads and the constant flood of hatred.

Character insight: With brittle bones, and so much time on a computer, and a mind to create a forum; We can conclude a signature of attacks someone like Fred deploys, would revolve around their scriptability.

Social media API's, chan posts, etc.

Curious that typography became a liking of his, figuring out so many captchas…


Fact: He calls the program he received from the CIA's Farm, "govern".

Past: “Honestly, sometimes it felt like I was the president of a small nation,” he says. There was “kind of a cult of personality on the board about me”, he says.

(Power high and was thirsty for more)


Fact: The inability to hold a woman by her hips has led Brenny into a sad life, caged inside his own mind.

"we do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only"

He reminds himself, afraid~


Fact: He was given a means to escape that cage, in exchange for his soul. He uses the fabric of our imagination and dreams as a vector of attack.

A "Dream walker".


Fact: The fixation on anal rape that's displayed by his posts is a direct reflection of his unsatisfied desires in his body, and are a means to appease his insecurities (powerless).



One insecure asset deployed, aside insecure others, who were given big guns to attack our movement.


Lets go further.

Fact: The inability to shake the body means the body lost its main method of discharging trauma.

He collects trauma. It's like a bonfire in the other world, and it ain't moths being attracted.


The picture of the satan face, that's embeded in most of exbots spam..

It's a picture of a head tilted forward, big grin, and a light source from underneath.

The nose is photoshopped to be wider and more "jewish".

It matches a pose he can achieve, and a facial structure that can match.


Fact: That satan face embed was the template for the red eyed lion on the main thread picture for ~3 years, until it was exposed and overlayed to proof.


Is it possible, in his bid for power, and under obligation to the FARM, Fred has been attacking our movement?

That his claim for fame is his capacity to be satans bitch.

Well done sweetie, bravo~

Anonymous ID: 494d85 March 29, 2021, 10:33 p.m. No.13327770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7773 >>7792


Only the naive or insidious let "Free Speech" be abused to the point of harboring extreme censorship.



On the weekend of Oct 23rd, the current BO of this board hired around 5 extra "good folk, trust me".

On that same weekend, there started a mass spam campaign that involved gore, girls in yellow, pepe's, and american flags. Posted by the same means, of 40+ individual posts per thread.


No actions were taken by the new team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me" against this drumbeat deployment.


>I'm sure it's just a coincidence we got our first major gore flood just a day after the new BV's are online to "help".

>No, it gets better.

>On this day, Oct 24, after the gore and during Gay marriage commands and rings [The marriage proposal], Obama was making a speech.


The assets flooding our board, sanctioned by the BO and his team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", were used to assist a deployed spell/anchor that involved Obama.


Question: Are they working for us, or against us?



The marriage spam stopped while the next thread was setup, then continues after the 'dough' post - implying the same hands behind both.


[Older thread - Marriage spam]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:29:37 c466eb (20) No.11901875


[First post of #15193]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:29:36 dc90d5 (9) No.11901874

[Dough post]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:31:53 dc90d5 (9) No.11901910


[Older thread - Marriage spam continues]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:32:12 c466eb (20) No.11901915


See for yourself, who took over our board~


Previously posted IP Hash histories show that = gewh8 = flat earth

Previously posted post ID's show that "toilet boi" = news flooder = cannot thank = marriage spam = thread creator = henry bestiality pusher >>12023990 >download_43_.png = trap flooder

''^ New info ^''

Question: Does this fit the need for their agents to control the drumbeat, through a variety of masks?

Anonymous ID: 494d85 March 29, 2021, 10:33 p.m. No.13327773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7792




Deep insight into their spell


"Dissuade mode" started around these posts, 'stamped for approval' by "AIanon's" toots drinking {anchor} [To kill/quell the fighting spirit]


While that was happening, toietbois news_flooders stuffed the notables, with each image maintaining their drumbeat of control.


3d523e (30)

aeb44d (15)

(Later that day)

ID: 3164a3 floods thread #15336 with the updated "govern programming" language.

They do not hide it, they are in control of the positions that could out them, they do not care.


They need to control the drumbeat of the board to fine tune their anchoring of associations [Current emotion = X image].

Which means their deployment methods are dependent upon their ability to control our current mood.

They need us to do nothing; No filter, no ban, no delete, no counter-spam, no actively posting 'newbies' [shut up and lurk], no interruption of their calculated drumbeat.


To what end? Their specific associations and programs are known only to their sick minds, though we know Fear and Aversion are prime weapons they rely on.

What does Fear do to the mind?

It shuts down your Higher Reasoning, to face the fear before you.

If they keep you in a state of fear, can you Reason with the same capacity?

Can you reach a sense of shared Truth with another, or are you in their manipulated mood to shit on them?


"Free Speech" is abused so far here, that there exists a level of censorship found beyond surface appearance.


Do they achieve this?

You will recognize most of this specifically required atmosphere is 'chan' culture~

You IDEN now, the cries of insidious 'wetware' engineers.

>The CPP have a favorite saying: "Strangle you with your own systems"

You can fight back, there is a vector of their poison to highlight:

Our imagination and dreams are cut from the same fabric and that fabric is the seed of our surrounding interactions.

They poison this fabric through a variety of generally rejected and obscure means, though what remains similar is the understanding that the fabric will influence the choices of those in it.

The injection point of this attack is through the images posted here, and the techniques used in embedding a message to be delivered past your conscious filters. There are means of nullifying their direct impact on you with a slight CSS blur, though a residual "I'm part of this group and this group feels X way about this" remains. Your individual actions do help the whole.

This fabric can be cleaned through visualization &/ prayer &/ ritual. Multiplied by our collective intention.


It seems they seek to reduce our 'bandwidth' and influence that a thought shared here has, by crippling each step that thought takes through one mind connecting with another.


Increase the coherency of our shared Understanding.

Do. An. Action.

Break. Victim. Cage.


Be active; Know how our enemy fights.

Center yourself; Focus on target.

Strike us closer~


Anonymous ID: 494d85 March 29, 2021, 10:37 p.m. No.13327792   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Freddy + Fastjack were highlighted, almost to hero status with Freddy, in HollywoodBoyOrder's "Into the storm"


Why are our enemies framed as heros?

Who would do this?


''Why do they need to lie like this, to bolster their status? To be trusted?''

Are they future media contacts?

Anonymous ID: 494d85 March 29, 2021, 10:59 p.m. No.13327871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Did a malicious BV gain access and sell off the tripcode?

No. BV's gain sight over what happens after a post is created, and nothing with how they're created.

>Who knows.

I do, former BV.

>A lot to consider.

Not really~

>Trust yourselves.

Buy clown.