Vid from a post on Telegram, that's crazy! Never seen this video before, know nothing about it but holy shit! Kudo's to the pilot and to the guy shooting the video, who could hold a steady shot and not run like hell? Listen to the audio of the guy next to him kek This is why I don't fly……
No need to read your meme's or read all you posted, I can tell right away you need help son,. You can end your pain right now, drop the hate and free yourself from the lies and anger, God is the way. He Loves you and he's waiting to hear from you. Pray, confess your sins, accept Christ into your heart as your Savior, he died for your sins. Here we are, approaching Easter and God set me in your path, will you listen and take notice? Get right with your Lord before it's too late, time is running out. God Bless