Anonymous ID: d5cd20 March 29, 2021, 11:08 p.m. No.13327900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7938

Dastin post… agreeing and disagreeing…

>>13327777 (pb)

>==OUR PROBLEM is still and WILL REMAIN…looking without and blaming others. Let's use fake numbers for demonstration purposes….there are 1 million cabal…ok…and all of them are evil…there are billions of non cabal and over have of them are engaging in vile behavior often with the FULL KNOWLEDGE of everyone around them. Every thanksgiving many many people sit down at the table in SILENCE with this or that vile relative.


All of them evil? Maybe so, but NO ONE is inherently evil. Even the most EVIL evil is a perversion of good. Why do some actively seek to harm children? (rape, murder, sexual mutilation, moral corruption) Because they seek to destroy what is potentially good. And this presupposes a grasp of goodness. (They think they can't attain it themselves, so they seek to destroy…)


As for Thanksgiving, it is mostly good.

Even if you KNOW that your family member is full of shit intellectually and morally, it is good to be "forced" to engage them on a human level.


>I dunno but I'm 100% sure that "bringing down the cabal" isn't really going to make much of a dent in things when the REST of the problem is US.

False dichotomy. And a dangerous one. One of the greatest obstacles to standing firm in the face of evil is the idea that you yourself must be morally flawless. You aren't. You wouldn't even grasp what is evil if you were morally flawless. You understand THEIR failure by analogy with your own. Perhaps the best spur to your own virtue is your unflinching willingness to fight even when you feel weak or afraid.


>Yes you are. YOU are every bit as much a PART of it as anyone. IF YOU PARTICIPATE IN THEIR SYSTEM you are a part of it. PERIOD. If you won't leave your bank, find other educational formats for your kids and grandkids, if you shop at Walmart, Target, CONSUME their endless products and watch THEIR programs, YOU are fucking part of it.


Yes, this is a good idea in principle.

But the fight is always NOW.

Not when you have attained some puritanical perfection.

And if it makes sense to buy cheap shit at Walmart even though it fosters the destruction of the American economy and supports Chinese totalitarianism, then buy that cheap shit and focus on the goal. Virtue signalling is ALWAYS an evasion.


>Why does being told to OWN YOUR SHIT and OWN YOUR PART of this trigger you so much?


>Yes yes you're against the bad guys….who literally could NOT EXIST were it not for US.


>As above so BE LOW.


do your part, play your role, agree

Anonymous ID: d5cd20 March 29, 2021, 11:29 p.m. No.13327953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7983


>You are completely misunderstanding the entire point. EVERYONE is acting like "taking down the cabal" is going to somehow "save us". Have you ever heard the saying…when one falls, ten thousand rise up to take his place?

Double meanings exist.

The "miraculous" removal of the cabal won't save us.

But if we rise up and fight together in "taking down the cabal"… yes, that might actually save us. The DOING is what matters.

Anonymous ID: d5cd20 March 30, 2021, 12:22 a.m. No.13328143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8216


>Awww…come on, that's a bit harsh, what i'm saying is, you do the best you can do but if you think i'm going to jump in front of a bullet to save your life…then you're a dead man…cause it ain't going to happen…


Judging from my experience, this is misleading.

There are literally two times in my life where I was consciously aware that I was putting my life on the line because (in part) I had a deeply felt moral duty to assist someone else. And both times I felt a duty to WIN, both for myself and for the other person. (very different situations, so I'm partially abstracting, but still..)

I had never felt myself to be a particularly physically courageous person, but in both cases I had a CLEAR focus on DOING what I needed to do to WIN. Both situations changed my life, I think. The second built on the first, and the first built on my awareness that I could often be an excuse-making whiner. But I didn't want to die like that.

Kinda why I get DJT now and not tired of winning…

Anonymous ID: d5cd20 March 30, 2021, 12:44 a.m. No.13328209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8218


>Anons don't understand Gretchen is the Queen of /qresearch/


OMFG.. anyone who thinks Kristi Noem "caved to the cabal" and Gretchen is hot needs to GET A FUCKIN CLUE!

Same age!


Anonymous ID: d5cd20 March 30, 2021, 1:03 a.m. No.13328252   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let's think…

Would it make sense for Q to "officially" post that stuff…. NO!

Goes all around the world!

Gets normie anons all riled up!

Shit or get off the pot etc….

But maybe good to tip off hardcore autists about Sht & Fn soon?