Anonymous ID: fbea17 March 30, 2021, 2:59 a.m. No.13328466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have a hypothesis about Trump, his plan to "lower drug prices", and Pfizer.


For some reason I paid a lot of attention to the effort by Trump to improve the situation with health insurance and drug pricing. I don't know how much Trump and his team knew about how Big Pharma creates profitable diseases via what I call the "vaccine pogrom", but if you look into Darla Shine you might realize that Trump had at least one "anti-vaxxer" in somewhat close proximity. And then of course, were the rumors about vaccine injury in Trump's family as well as his open statements prior to his election about babies regressing after vaccines.


Then an ex-Pfizer executive by the name of Daniel Best was brought in to address drug pricing. He ended up "suicided" after possibly discovering the plans for the "vaccine passports".


I once did a timeline on Trump administration efforts to rein in drug price increases, his temporary victories followed by industry push back. Sorry but Big Pharma (aligned with Big Tech) are a worse problem for humanity even than Nancy Pelosi and other corrupted politicians. Fauci's been in government longer than nearly anyone and by the use of "science edicts" can strip you of constitutional rights under the guise of "health" quicker than you can say "CCP virus".


What does Trump REALLY need to take down to restore America?


I see eerie similarities between Trump and the biblical figure of Jehu. Johnathan Cahn (not sure entirely what I think of him) showed some uncanny "coincidences" between the Biblical events occuring during the time of Jezebel, Ahab and Jehu.


If you read 2 Kings 10:18-28 you will see how an exquisite "double cross" was used to take down the "servants of Baal" in Israel.


I think we are about to see the tripping of a great trap that will end the "Big Pharma" (modern day "servants of Baal")reign of terror over the people of America. Remember, "pharmacy" in the Bible might properly be translated as "witchcraft".


I am praying for loved ones still brainwashed and deceived into thinking vaccines are the "holy grail" of medicine, when in fact they are being used to corrupt our blood and enslave us, attempting to remove our resemblance to our Heavenly Father. The blood of Jesus is the only "cure". And this week is Passover.


Hope all that made some sort of sense. I am praying for the truth to be revealed.