Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 5:07 a.m. No.13328650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655 >>8663 >>9150

>>13325520 President Donald J Trump new website


I find this interdasting, looking at I noticed it had at the bottom “powered by nucleus”, I looked up nucleus website builder it’sused seemingly, solely in churches, sermons etc. What do anons make of that?

Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 5:40 a.m. No.13328760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13328467 II: Joe Biden’s Rule By Decree: How Far Can He Go?


President Joe Biden’s candidacy was built on the idea that he was an old, experienced, centrist in Washington, someone who could bring two sides together. So far, with his penchant forissuing “executive orders” to fundamentally change America, he’s governing precisely as a socialist dictator would. Is that what Americans voted for?

Never mind talk of Biden’s clear symptoms of age-related dementia as he stumbles, fumbles and mumbles his way through his presidential duties. Even at 78, Biden is still our nation’s chief executive and commander in chief. He has power, and he plans to use it.

He’s already issued more than 50 executive orders, including 22 reversals of previous Trump policies. Even his aides have gotten in on the imperious act: Last weekend one of Biden’s public relations people physically interfered with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts to film the conditions of migrants at the U.S. border. Is this the Soviet Union?

Biden’s ready to do more — a lot more. PJ Media noticed this gem from White House spokesperson Jen Psaki’s press conference last week, in reference to gun control.

“We are considering a range of levers, including working through legislation, including executive action … he as vice president was leading the effort on determining executive actions that could be taken on gun safety measures, it’s something that he has worked on, he’s passionate about, he feels personally connected to. But there’s an ongoing process and I think we feel we have to work on multiple channels at the same time.”

But it won’t just be gun control. No, he (Obama-my add) has plans for lots of “executive actions” to bring about a major reshaping of American civic, political and cultural life, whether Americans like it or not.

The website Axios puts it this way in a headline: “Biden’s New Deal: Re-engineering America, quickly.”

The idea is to move so fast the Republican opposition and the American people won’t know what hit them. With a 50-50 split in the Senate and a majority in the House, Biden and his advisers think he might be able to move his agenda through Congress with only mild resistance.

But it’s in the “executive actions” where things get touchy. Biden’s already banned fracking on public lands and halted construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, as our oil imports from (of all places) Russia surge. After promising not to, he now backs getting rid of the filibuster, a move that would turn the Senate over to one-party rule by the Democrats.

His future plans would be no better, marking a revolution in America’s economy, by imposing sweeping new regulations, rules and possibly taxes as part of his massive $3 trillion “Build Back Better” infrastructure and green energy program.

“Biden huddled privately late Monday with Senate Democrats as Congress has already begun laying the groundwork with legislation for developing roads, hospitals and green energy systems as part of Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ campaign promise,” AP reported this week. It also includes education and paid family leave. A real grab bag.

The goal: Move fast, issue lots of executive orders, and hit any GOP Congress member who dares to oppose his agenda as weak and standing in the way of an economic recovery that, in fact, had already been well under way since the middle of last year.

What’s the hurry?

Of note is the fact that Biden recently conferred in the White House with a group of left-leaning historians, apparently in an attempt to find out just how far he can stretch his arbitrary presidential power.

Axios reports that, not surprisingly, “The historians’ views were very much in sync with his own: It is time to go even bigger and faster than anyone expected. If that means chucking the filibuster and bipartisanship, so be it.”

In addition, “Presidential historian Michael Beschloss told Axios FDR and LBJ may turn out to be the past century’s closest analogues for the Biden era, ‘in terms of transforming the country in important ways in a short time.’ “

Oh oh. That means a Biden FDR-style “New Deal” coupled with an LBJ-style “Great Society

Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 6:41 a.m. No.13328990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brad Polumbo Flag of United StatesSoccer ball Rainbow flag



"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear.Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!" – Ronald Reagan


3:47 PM · Mar 29, 2021·Twitter Web App

Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 6:54 a.m. No.13329043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons anyone getting message whiletrying to post, flood or the file already exists, I checked they don’t exist on the board. What’s the deal?

Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 7 a.m. No.13329065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A lot of the comments on that post said they have written into the contract, the government can terminate the contract anytime. No ones buying it, it’s the Pentagon leaking stories that their afraid of contractors so they’ll stay at war—how fucking ridiculous and weak is that.


Eternal ways since POTUS is gone

Anonymous ID: c4d927 March 30, 2021, 7:17 a.m. No.13329150   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker I hate to ask, but would you and anons consider this postnotable


The reason is

Interesting using a CHURCH website builder “nucleus” to publish his website


Ignore if not notable

