Anonymous ID: a738d3 March 30, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.13330365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0435

This seems….relevant perhaps.


Foreign relations of the Holy See

The Holy See has long been recognised as a subject of international law and as an active participant in international relations. One observer has stated that its interaction with the world has, in the period since World War II, been at its highest level ever.[1] It is distinct from the city-state of the Vatican City, over which the Holy See has "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction".[2]


The diplomatic activities of the Holy See are directed by the Secretariat of State (headed by the Cardinal Secretary of State), through the Section for Relations with States.


The Holy See recognizes all UN member states, except for the People's Republic of China (as the Holy See only recognizes the Republic of China) and North Korea (as the Holy See only has relations with South Korea). The Holy See also recognizes the State of Palestine,[3][4] the only other non-UN member it recognizes besides Taiwan (ROC).


The term "Vatican Diplomatic Corps", by contrast with the diplomatic service of the Holy See, properly refers to all those diplomats accredited to the Holy See, not those who represent its interests to other nations and international bodies. Since 1961, Vatican diplomats also enjoy diplomatic immunity.[5]


I wonder what kind of international games you could play with that,"immunity." The Catholic church was corrupted centuries ago, I don't think it's gotten a whole lot better since then. I was raised Roman Catholic, but moved away as I read the bible on my own and learned some history.


Satans M.O. is to corrupt from within, when he can't accomplish his goals by direct attack.

Anonymous ID: a738d3 March 30, 2021, 11:07 a.m. No.13330542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0555 >>0604

Something to consider. In the book of Daniel he interprets a dream of a statue that represents all the world empires. Rome is the last one and never really seems to be replaced by a different one, yet becomes one. Two feet of clay and iron.


The last empire appears to be more of an economic one rather than a political one, although it kind of works out the same. Not a single people, but rather groups working together as a whole with the same goals.


The history of the Catholic church seems to show how they, over time, pushed out the Jews and even persecuted them. Who else has done that? Nazis? Does that mean that the Vatican and Nazis, at least agreed about the, "Jewish problem?" If so, would that tend to make them somewhat friendly towards each other? What was the Holy Roman Empire? Which country/countries was it based in? Germany? Hmm, what a coincidence.


Nazis and Iran were friendly towards each other as well. Common ground? Hatred of Israel and Jews? So, does that mean that the church might be somewhat friendly towards Iran as well? Why does the EU want to get into Iran? Big untapped market as well as an almost complete control of the people? Would that sound like paradise to a Nazi?


History is connected. One thing leads to another.

Anonymous ID: a738d3 March 30, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.13330641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, the book of revelation has angels blowing trumpets, so it could be a reference to that but who knows. Seven trumpets before the seven bowls or vials.

Anonymous ID: a738d3 March 30, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.13330786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No such thing as, "race." We are all the same people, descendants of Noah and his sons. Genetics proves it. Do some research. Humans are…..wait for it…..HUMAN. Sure, there is some variation in cosmetics, eyes, hair, skin etc, but essentially the same. Dig into DNA, what does it have? What happens when you breed dogs for particular traits? You LOSE genetic information that forces the traits you want to become dominant to the front because there simply isn't any other option.