Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:05 p.m. No.13331762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768

Trail of Murdered Journalist’s Reporting Leads from Malta to China


Daphne Caruana Galizia’s work uncovering corruption in Malta delved into visa-for-sale schemes, energy deals, and Caribbean offshore companies set up for Maltese politicians. Now, an investigation has found that all these stories come together — in China.


Macbridge, a mysterious company named as part of a kickback scheme investigated by Daphne Caruana Galizia, is linked to a Chinese consultant who negotiated a major energy deal in Malta.

Macbridge was set up by the mother-in-law of the consultant, Chen Cheng, a senior executive at the Chinese branch of the multinational consulting firm Accenture.

Both Chen and his mother-in-law are also connected to companies and businessmen that facilitate the sale of Maltese residency visas in China.

Chen asked another relative to set up a company that received a one-million-euro payment from 17 Black, a firm famously owned by Maltese tycoon Yorgen Fenech, who has been charged with the murder of Caruana Galizia.


For a tiny country, the Mediterranean island nation of Malta has spawned a huge number of corruption scandals — and Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia covered most of them on her crusading blog, Running Commentary.


She was one of the first to report on 17 Black, a mysterious Dubai company that she believed was linked to senior Maltese officials. She also dug into dubious circumstances surrounding a 2014 agreement to sell a major stake in Malta’s only electricity company to a Chinese state-owned firm, and a suspicious subsequent investment in a Montenegro wind farm. And in 2016, she seized on a Chinese media report claiming that Malta would be selling residency visas to wealthy Chinese citizens — with no questions asked about the source of applicants’ funds.



Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:11 p.m. No.13331786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945

Former Probation Official Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Offenses

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:14 p.m. No.13331797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1936

‘Infinite Game’: US Army White Paper Reveals Plans for New Field of ‘Narrative Competition’


The US State Department last year unveiled a multi-decade plan for a struggle against China at home and abroad similar to the US approach to the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War. Other declassified documents have shown that while they publicly deny it, in private, US officials see it as another struggle between capitalism and socialism.


In great power competition with Russia and China, the US Army is going to be asked to pull a larger weight than in past conflicts. According to a new white paper, the service will have a “critical” role in cultivating support and dependency on the US by its regional partners and keep them away from Chinese or Russian influence.


The new document, which was viewed by Defense News, essentially breaks down the “competition” part of “great power competition” by acknowledging that it takes place in many spheres beyond that of armed military conflict, including the “soft power” areas of reputation, disaster relief, and economic exchange. The term “great power competition” was first applied to the US’ present geo-political situation vis-a-vis Russia and China in the 2017 White House National Security Strategy, expressing fears that China’s rise could eclipse the US and that Beijing would behave toward other nations as Washington has.


The paper, authored by Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville, refers to this expanded competition as “an infinite game,” calling to mind the “Great Game” euphemism used by European empires in the 19th and early 20th centuries for their genocidal colonial wars that enveloped the globe as one empire positioned for superiority over the others.


According to Defense News, the white paper is part of a larger shift toward a “multi-domain operations” warfighting concept, which breaks down into competition, crisis and conflict phases. This is, essentially, a redrawing of the US Army’s roles in a globally coordinated effort between other domains, which include seapower, airpower, cyberpower, and the Pentagon’s most recent addition, spacepower.


Another white paper published last week on that transformation, which is expected to begin next year, explains why the Army is approaching what is now widely accepted as a multi-decade struggle against China and Russia in this multifaceted way.


“By 2040, China and Russia will have weaponized all instruments of national power to undermine the collective wills of the United States, Allies and partners, while simultaneously cultivating their own security partnerships,” the white paper says. “This will lead to an unstructured international environment where the line between conflict and peace is blurred. As China and Russia continue to modernize their militaries, the Joint Force will find it increasingly difficult to deter their illicit and aggressive actions.”


In other words, the US must muster every available tool it has to pull other nations away from Russia and China, whether by hook or by crook, by carrot or by stick.

‘Narrative Competition’


According to the new white paper, the Army can play a major role in cultivating a belief in other nations that it’s good to be on the US’ side instead of Russia’s or China’s, whether it’s because of Washington’s ability to answer a nation’s defense or disaster needs faster and more effectively, or simply that their militaries have become so intertwined with those of the US in terms of operations.


“A reputation for strength and reliability is a significant competitive benefit that might cause adversaries to seek less ambitious objectives or, in some instances, to choose not to compete at all and seek cooperation instead,” the document says. “The Army contributes to narrative competition by being a lethal, competent, credible force and being recognized as such by key audiences among allies and partners as well as adversaries.”


An example given is the “gunboat diplomacy” of US Navy ships calling to port around the globe, but the paper also advocates for keeping “forward presence” military bases around the world, so that the US can be the first to respond to local disasters with “useful assistance” before aid can arrive from afar. And, of course, it enables a quick military force response as well.


Finally, the paper notes the importance of large multinational exercises for building and maintaining ties. These include officer exchanges, intelligence-sharing and logistical support, among other perks, which it says can help sway a US partner away from China or Russia. Again, these are more common for the Navy and Air Force, but the white paper sees a major role for the Army as well.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:15 p.m. No.13331803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Hidden Danger: Digitalisation and Mind Control. “The Prerequisites For Total Dictatorship”


The Digitalisation Mania Robs Us of All Humanity and Degrades Us to Totally Supervised Robot Humans


The following commentary draws attention to a wake-up call by the renowned medical doctor and brain researcher Prof. Karl Hecht. The title is: “Thoughts are free – but with global digitalisation it’s over”. It was published by “Klagemauer.TV”, or “Kla.TV” for short. The content is about a hitherto concealed operation in the war of the “super-rich” against the vast majority of humanity. The declared goal: the establishment of a New World Order.


Never before, says the 96-year-old expert, have the technical prerequisites for a total dictatorship been as mature as they are today. In the age of digitalisation, he says, mind manipulation and thought control – especially through electromagnetic radio waves – have become ubiquitous reality. Only a conscious turning away from the ideology of digitalisation can save us from degrading into totally monitored robot humans. It is high time to stop this inhumane process and return to divine nature, because otherwise humanity will digitize itself away.


Elon Musk’s brain implant “Neuralink”, electromagnetic radio waves and 5G


Karl Hecht first talks about the beginnings of technical experiments in mind control in the 1950s and 1960s, which would be “old hat” from today’s perspective. He then moves on to talk about today’s digitalisation ideology, which generates great enthusiasm for this technology and promises a lot: prosperity, comfort, better schooling and even health and immortality. But in reality, digitalisation would bring total surveillance, make jobs disappear, make people sick and ultimately make them superfluous. Public opinion would be manipulated and in the end man would lose control over technology.


As an example, Professor Hecht mentions a recent invention by Elon Musk, one of those super-rich philanthropists and do-gooders. It is shocking news for him – and for all of us: Musk has invented a neuralink the size of a euro coin and is in the process of placing it on the skull with an incision through the scalp. This would create a connection or interface between the brain, this neuralink and a computer or mobile phone. According to Musk, this connection between brain and computer is necessary for mankind to keep pace with artificial intelligence (AI). Electromagnetic radio waves and the installation of the 5G mobile phone standard, even in space, are indispensable for this.


Stop the inhumane process!


So we are dealing with a technology that practically dehumanises the human being. The human being is being turned into a controllable machine, into a robot. This scientific truth must also be communicated to the youth and the inhumane process must be stopped!


The following quote by Galileo Galilei (1564 to 16429) is addressed in particular to the ruling gravediggers of nations and their servile and corrupt politicians and corporate media:


“He who does not know the truth is but a fool. But he who knows it, and calls it a lie, is a criminal.”


To the indolent contemporaries, the words of an American scientist who is reported to have said, according to Professor Hecht, that only the little secrets could be kept secret. The big secrets would be kept secret by the incredulity of the people. They would believe the scientific truth less than the lies.


Yet we all have a great responsibility for what we leave to the next generation. But our generation does not care about the future. Actually, we should leave our children something better than we have received. But we don’t seem to care about that.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:30 p.m. No.13331902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Complaint Against Kamala-Affiliated D.C. Group Exposes Shady Hunter Biden Business Dealings


Truman National Security Project Has Close Affiliations With Biden Admin Figures


Vice president Kamala Harris and other Biden administration figures are affiliated with the Truman National Security Project, a neoliberal Washington, D.C. foreign policy organization. The Truman National Security Project is accused of failing to disclose its former board member Hunter Biden’s Ukraine business relationship with another board member to the IRS and failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to a complaint filed against the Truman National Security Project to the Department of Justice (DOJ). The National Legal and Policy Center made the complaint to the DOJ against the Truman National Security Project, Hunter Biden, and also the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center, which was managed by Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken and received anonymous Chinese funding.


During the period in question, the Truman National Security Project had Hunter Biden on its board as well as the executive of a consulting firm employed by Burisma Holdings, and the Truman Project allegedly did political work that benefited Burisma’s interests, according to the complaint. Burisma Holdings is the scandal-plagued Ukraine gas company that had Hunter Biden on its board. Joe Biden gave a speech discussing the Ukraine energy sector to the Truman National Security Project’s 2015 conference.


Kamala Harris serves on the Board of Advisors of the Truman Center, which is the Truman National Security Project’s sister organization, and has received support from the Truman National Security Project. This represents one of multiple links between Kamala Harris and Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Kamala Harris was named on a list of “key domestic contacts” in a memo that Joe Biden’s brother Jim sent to Hunter Biden and associates including Tony Bobulinski in 2017 as Hunter Biden planned to do business globally including in China.


An archive of the Truman National Security Project board from 2019 shows Hunter Biden listed as vice chairman alongside Joe Biden’s current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Hunter Biden reportedly snagged his appointment to the Truman National Security Project board in 2011. Hunter has since been removed from the Project’s “Board” page.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.13331912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918 >>1949

YouTube To Remove ‘Dislike’ Feature As Biden WH Content Continues To See Likes Massively Trail Dislikes.


As President Biden’s White House YouTube channel continues to see videos’ “dislikes” massively trump “likes,” the video platform announced it is testing a new design that obscures a public dislike count.


The move was announced via Twitter on March 30th, with YouTube explaining “in response to creator feedback around well-being and targeted dislike campaigns, we’re testing a few new designs that don’t show the public dislike count.”


As a result, only the accounts publishing videos will be able to see the dislike to like ratio.


The announcement follows National Pulse reports highlighting how the White House’s official YouTube channel is seeing its likes get dwarfed by dislikes.


At the time of publishing, the video “Five Ways The American Rescue Plan Will Help You” has over eight times as many dislikes as it does likes.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:35 p.m. No.13331930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964



Proper Etiquette for Agent Provocateurs


Free speech comes at a cost, because words are power and create ripples throughout the world. The wise, after realizing the impact of their words, begin to cultivate discretion and discernment. Not much of a problem, you might say, but how much practice have we all put into developing the latter attributes when compared with the easy consumption of huge swathes of random images and information generated by corporate media and other people?


The AI thought police on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are so heavy handed now that these platforms no longer offer even the semblance of free expression. “Suspect” videos are pre-banned, so that there is no chance of uploading them in the first place. it is possible to read the circuitry of Twitter’s brain by observing the headlines they flag on the right-hand column — and Facebook lets its boy wonder, Mark Zuckerberg, make the public pronouncements. Even uplifting New Age messages have been targeted by these digital monoliths. Now that the MAGA crowd and the investigative journalists and “positive life affirmation” brigade have been alienated and sent packing we are left with a desert where tumbleweeds blow past while users ponder their next carefully edited musings, ever mindful of upsetting the liberal technocratic algorithms. GIFs of Mel Gibson as William Wallace exclaiming “freeeeeeedoommmm” still circulate, but the intense debates and searing revelations on the underworld, or “swamp”, have evaporated.


Extreme liberal views and hysterical “pandemic” narratives are left to fill the void, making for a Victorian circus spectacle, where freakish creatures perform verbal acrobatics and corporate sponsors run around the ring naked, having exposed themselves as hypocrites during the Trump presidency.


After a brief skirmish over at Parler, where hackers mined the operating system and Big Tech pulled the rug, an exodus of autists, truthers and professional probers began to congregate on the Gab platform — although the former camaraderie and partisanship seems less intense and relations more tempered. Perhaps the shock and awe campaigns by the tech monoliths activated childhood traumas and scorched the fingers of social denizens. Telegram, which operates beyond the pale of Apple, Google or Microsoft, has experienced a renaissance in activity. Even “normies” are opening accounts as a measure to avoid full-spectrum surveillance. The app pings its users with updates and comments from the myriad posters and commentators now unleashing their scoop news stories and videos of citizens challenging the draconian rules and ciphers around the world. These enclaves have become the last bastion of social satire, after the globalist machine’s clinical bots zapped all humor from their platforms.


The silver lining to the purges by Big Tech is that many people are thinking long and hard about who they are and what they want from life, and no longer look to authority figures for their answers and orientation. Personal sovereignty is being birthed, even though the labor pains have gone on for more than a year and the baby has yet to fully emerge.


Donald Trump is reportedly creating a new social media platform that will “completely redefine the game” and which will be ready in 2-3 months, according to Jason Miller, who was a spokesperson for Trump’s 2020 campaign.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:39 p.m. No.13331952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1959 >>1960

More than 4,000 migrants, many children, held in cramped Texas tent facility


The US government’s main border detention facility for migrant children is an overcrowded tent structure currently packed with more than 4,000 people, despite a 250 person capacity, it was revealed Tuesday.


The Biden administration for the first time allowed reporters from the Associated Press and CBS to tour the crammed US Customs and Border Protection facility in Donna, Texas.


The structure has a capacity of 250 — but the AP reported that more than 4,100 migrants, most of them unaccompanied kids, are currently being held there.


The children were being loaded by the hundreds into eight pods about 3,200 square feet in size. Many of the pods had more than 250 kids in them.


The youngest of them were kept in a large play pen with mats on the floor for sleeping.


Then, the minors were brought to a large intake room where those 14 and older were fingerprinted and had their photo taken.


They were then taken to a second intake room where they were given notices to appear in immigration court.


Kids who had a contact in the US were allowed to speak with that person on the phone.


Children were given bracelets with a barcode that showed a history of when they had showered and any medical conditions.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:43 p.m. No.13331972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>1978 >>1987 >>1996 >>2000 >>2050 >>2063 >>2087 >>2113 >>2116 >>2131

Man’s Skin Burns, Swells, Then Peels Off in Severe Reaction to Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine


A Virginia man’s skin swelled, burned then peeled off in a rare reaction to the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.


74-year-old Richard Terrell said he began to feel discomfort in his armpit four days after he received the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this month.


Soon Terrell developed an itchy rash and his skin began to swell, turn red and burn.


“It was stinging, burning and itching,” Terrell said as he described the pain. “Whenever I bent my arms or legs, like the inside of my knee, it was very painful where the skin was swollen and was rubbing against itself.”


After a few days, the rash covered his entire body and his skin peeled off.


WRIC reported:



A Goochland County man suffered a severe reaction after getting his COVID-19 vaccine and VCU doctors believe it was a direct result of the shot.


Richard Terrell got the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine earlier this month. He suffered a severe rash that spread over his entire body and turned his skin red. The 74-year-old was admitted to the hospital and spent five days at the VCU Medical Center.


Terrell was released from the hospital and is now sharing his vaccination story as he recovers from the comfort of his Goochland home. He tells 8News that he’s still very weak and that it will take some time for him to fully recover, but he’s thankful to have received his dose.


“It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off,” Terrell said as he looked down. “It’s still coming off on my hands now.”


On March 6, Terrell received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in Ashland. He shares that everything went perfectly fine, however four days later he started experiencing symptoms.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:44 p.m. No.13331975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2070

Book details how Hunter Biden’s wife found out about affair with Beau’s widow


Hunter Biden’s forthcoming memoir reveals that text messages on an iPad tipped off his wife to his affair with his late brother Beau’s widow, according to a report Tuesday.


In “Beautiful Things,” President Biden’s son says that Kathleen Biden — with whom he has three grown daughters — finally decided to divorce him when she found the device and learned about his relationship with sister-in-law Hallie Biden, a publishing insider told the Sun.


“The book admits that this was the final straw for Kathleen,” the source said.


“She’d tried for years to help him beat his addiction to crack cocaine and booze. But then she found out he was sleeping with his brother’s wife. She said he was a sicko.”


In March 2017, Page Six exclusively revealed that Hunter and Hallie were having an affair and that Hunter and Kathleen had separated.


The stunning turn of events came less than two years after Hunter’s older brother, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, died of brain cancer.


Their dad didn’t know about the affair until Page Six reached out for comment — and Hunter begged him to issue a statement giving his blessing, Hunter told the New Yorker in 2019.


“We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness,” Joe Biden said at the time.


“They have mine and [my wife] Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them.”


Hunters’ 272-page memoir, set for release April 6, also reportedly details how he went on a five-month, sex-and-drugs binge in Los Angeles after his marriage fell apart.


The epic debauchery reportedly began at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood, where famed “Saturday Night Live” star John Belushi fatally overdosed on a heroin-and-cocaine “speedball” in 1982.


“Hunter holed up in a bungalow there and learned how to cook crack,” the source told the Sun.

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 2:58 p.m. No.13332039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former CBP Chief: Over 45K Border Crossers Freed into U.S. by Joe Biden


Former Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Chief Mark Morgan says President Joe Biden’s administration has released more than 45,000 border crossers and migrants into the United States interior — a foreign population that exceeds the resident population of Burlington, Vermont.


As Breitbart News has extensively reported, the Biden administration has restarted the Catch and Release program, whereby border crossers are apprehended and then promptly released into the U.S. interior.


After their release, border crossers — as well as illegal aliens with deportation orders — can only be deported if they are convicted of an aggravated felony, are a terrorist, or are a known gang member thanks to Biden’s “sanctuary country” orders.


Morgan, during a press conference with House Republicans at the southern border, said internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data shows that the Biden administration has released a total of more than 45,000 border crossers into the U.S. interior.


“Right now, if you’re an unaccompanied minor in Mexico, you’re being released into the interior of the United States,” Morgan said. “If you’re a family from the western hemisphere, right now, you are being released into the interior of the United States.”


“If you were once enrolled in the ‘Remain in Mexico’ program, you are now being brought to our border and released into the interior of the United States,” Morgan continued. “… The border is wide open and it’s not monitored.”


Morgan also said internal DHS data predicts that an estimated 1.4 million border crossers will be apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border this year — a foreign population larger than the resident population of Dallas, Texas.


In addition, Morgan said about 1,000 border crossers are successfully illegally entering the U.S. every day, undetected by federal immigration officials. In a month, Morgan said, this equates to 30,000 illegal aliens successfully thwarting federal immigration officials.


Former Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan said the restart of Catch and Release, along with Biden’s subsequent sanctuary country orders preventing most deportations, is “by design.”


“This isn’t incompetence, this isn’t they don’t know that they’re doing … they know how to stop it … they’re doing the complete opposite,” Homan said.


Morgan said he and other Trump administration officials warned Biden’s transition team that ending the Remain in Mexico program, canceling U.S. asylum agreements with Central America, and ending the Centers for Disease Control’s Title 42 order would drive a surge of illegal immigration to the U.S.


Despite the warnings, Biden ended Remain in Mexico and canceled the asylum agreements. Sources have repeatedly told Breitbart News that top administration officials have been lobbying to reduce or end the Title 42 order as well.


“We specifically told them, if you ended [Remain in Mexico], if you ended Title 42, if you ended the asylum cooperative agreements with the Northern Triangle countries, you will cause, you will drive an unmitigated crisis that will make 2019 pale in comparison,” Morgan said.


“We told them that again and again,” Morgan continued. “We told them that the surge numbers would skyrocket.”

Anonymous ID: a55deb March 30, 2021, 3 p.m. No.13332046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While Pushing to Overturn Certified Election, Democrat Lawyer Claims Republicans Want to Disenfranchise Voters



Democrat lawyer Marc Elias argued Monday in a filing with the U.S. House Committee on House Administration that Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) and the Republican Party have “hostility to fundamental democratic norms.”


Elias claims there are 22 outstanding ballots that should have been counted, even though Iowa election officials rejected them as illegal. Rather than filing a challenge in state court, he has turned to the Democrat-run House to use its powers under the Federal Contested Elections Act (FCEA) to unseat Miller-Meeks and replace her with Rita Hart, who lost to Miller-Meeks in the 2020 election. The Republicans have allegedly taken to stop the voting procedure.


Elias’s filings attack Miller-Meeks’s ties to the Republican Party, claiming the Party’s “hostility to fundamental democratic norms,” including the “baseless attempts of its standard-bearer”:


Contestee Miller-Meeks’s adamant opposition to Contestant Hart’s efforts to count these lawful ballots is alarming, but not surprising. Her obstruction is consistent with her party’s outright hostility to fundamental democratic norms, from the baseless attempts of its standard-bearer and his allies to throw out hundreds of thousands of lawful votes and overturn the will of the people last November, to its refusal to uniformly condemn the assault on our democracy that unfolded on January 6, to its unanimous opposition to the For the People Act and other legislative efforts to safeguard the vote, to its open hostility to this attempt to prevent the disenfranchisement of 22 Iowans. The position of Contestee Miller-Meeks and the Republican Party is now clear: the right to vote is worthy of neither respect nor protection.


Hart lost the race for Iowa’s Second Congressional District by six votes to Miller-Meeks after all the late ballots were counted, an outcome that was further confirmed by a recount. Miller-Meeks’s narrow victory was then certified by Iowa state election authorities.


Miller-Meeks maintained the lead and never fell behind Hart during the original count and the recount.


During the 2020 election cycle, Elias represented Democrats against President Donald Trump’s challenges to the election results.


Paul Pate, Iowa’s secretary of state, wrote a letter Monday to Pelosi in support of Miller-Meeks by denouncing Hart’s efforts to overturn a state-certified House race. Pate argued that Hart’s campaign should have used all the legal possibilities in the state of Iowa before going to the federal level, where her party controls the chamber.


In Pate’s letter, he wrote the administration of Iowa’s elections process was done in either a bipartisan or a nonpartisan way during the original count and the recount. “Rita Hart chose to bypass the nonpartisan Iowa process and take her challenge to the U.S. House of Representatives where her political party has the power to grant her a seat she did not win,” Pate wrote.


He explained the bipartisan process was “comprised of one representative from the Miller-Meeks campaign, one representative from the Hart campaign, and a third member who was was agreed upon by the other two representatives or appointed by a district judge.” After all the recounts had been completed, the Hart campaign signed off on all of the procedures and results.


Breitbart News reported the efforts to overturn the election would be harder for the Democrats due to their slimming majority, multiple Democrats defecting from Pelosi, and mounting pressure from numerous editorial boards across the country who have cited Pelosi’s efforts to overturn the election as a power grab.