Anonymous ID: c7dd6d March 30, 2021, 4:54 p.m. No.13332637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13332275 lb

>We have body, mind, spirit 3things on day six =666

But Spirit is of God and that is not corrupt. Spirit is what man lost when he sinned, therefore the above must be mind, body and soul.


>Man was created on day 6

Hadn't thought about that before!

Now I can see why the number is 666.


When God made man, he first formed him out of the dirt of the ground - this is our physical body, he gave man a mind but he also gave man the breath of life, this is the soul of man.


[Gen 2:7 KJV]

7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


So when God made man "in his own image" you have to ask what is the "image" of God. Well, God tells us in His word...

[Jhn 4:24 KJV]

24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.


Therefore, initially, and only initially, when God first created man, the man Adam, he formed him from the ground, he breathed life into him and he created him in his image.


That's what dies in Adam when God had told him "you will surely die" if he ate of the fruit from that one tree, why did Adam not die? Was God a liar, God forbid!!

What died in Adam was the Spirit. Remember that just before he sinned he knew no fear. He had a great relationship with God. He had sat down with God (so to speak) and named all the animals that God had created for him. God made him perfectly! But God also had to give Adam the freedom of will.

Adam disobeyed God of that one thing he'd been asked not to do. That brought sin into the world. Adam's spirit died on that day and he was afraid and hid himself from God.


It's amazing that I'd never seen that before! Now I see it so clearly!! That is why we had to have a Savior and could not "earn" that Spirit back - we needed a way to be cleansed of that sin nature. Jesus Christ provides that path for us back to God - "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!"


I think choosing a life without God is choosing the sign of the beast, the animal, a man with a corrupt soul and no spirit, what a sad existence!


When you are born again with Holy Spirit, you are made whole again, you are "completely complete" in Christ! Nothing can come against you!


Praise God!!