Anonymous ID: 910de2 May 7, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.1333565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What about the Trump that bans bump stocks?

Sale. You can build your own.

>Or the Trump that allows caravans of Hondurans to cross the southern border?

You lie. No caravans crossed the border. Only about 10 ppl per day come in. Extreme vetting.

>Or the Trump who hires all of his staff directly from Goldman Sachs and the PNAC?

Friends close. Enemies closer.

>Or the Trump that gives liberals everything they ever wanted in disastrous omnibis bill?

700 Billion for military. Peanuts?

>Or the Trump who fails to build the wall?

Wall being built as we speak.

>Or the Trump who throws his white supporters under the bus to focus on appealing to niggers?

Trump overall approval rating goes up by the day. Adds more African Americans by taking them from DemonRats.

BTW, bigots should KTS.

Better for all.