Anonymous ID: 9eddfa March 30, 2021, 9:52 p.m. No.13334879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4888 >>5240 >>5337 >>5359 >>5442 >>5480 >>5565

Dem Rep. Lieu: Gaetz Should Be Removed from House Judiciary Committee — ‘He’s in Deep Trouble’


Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) should be removed from the House Judiciary Committee because of allegations printed by The New York Times of a federal investigation into a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid her to travel with him.


When asked about Gaetz’s comments on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Lieu said, “During this entire bizarre interview, congressman Matt Gaetz does not deny a federal investigation against him that is looking at whether or not he had sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl and that she traveled across state lines and was induced by him to do so with payments or hotel stays and so on. That by itself is a very serious charge. If it’s true, if he, in fact, had sexual relations with an underage minor, I know that Florida law also makes it a felony to do so. So Matt Gaetz is facing very serious charges right now, and his defense is bizarre, and it doesn’t shield him from these investigations. ”


He continued, “The fact that someone, even if it’s true, in March tried to extort him or his family to allegedly make this case go away, doesn’t change the fact that there is a case. There is a very serious federal investigation opened under the Trump administration. I’m a former prosecutor. They don’t just do this out of nothing. There has to be a factual predicate, and the Department of Justice is going to be a whole team of federal investigators investigating Matt Gaetz. He’s in deep trouble, and that’s why he needs to be removed from the House Judiciary Committee.”


He added, “We’re in a situation in Congress where you have a sitting member of Congress, Matt Gaetz, on the House Judiciary Committee that has oversight of the very department that’s investigating him. That’s an untenable situation, and Matt Gaetz should leave the Judiciary Committee voluntarily, or he should be removed until the investigation is completed.”

Anonymous ID: 9eddfa March 30, 2021, 10:22 p.m. No.13335062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5103 >>5240 >>5359 >>5442 >>5565

US orders evacuation of ‘non-emergency’ diplomats & families from Myanmar amid calls for intervention


Citing “civil unrest,” the US has ordered non-emergency government employees and their family members to leave Myanmar, the State Department said as online activists ramped up calls for “humanitarian intervention” against Yangon.


The one-sentence State Department announcement came on Tuesday evening in Washington, on the day the opposition in Myanmar began a “garbage strike” against the government.


The strike follows a weekend of clashes between protesters and security forces that left 141 people dead on Saturday alone. More than 500 people have died since February 1, when the country’s military – known as the Tatmadaw – arrested the civilian leadership and announced a one-year state of emergency, citing election fraud.


In the meantime, a chorus of Twitter activists, including many newly created accounts, have intensified their calls on the Biden administration to “please help us,” while sharing photos and reports of alleged military atrocities.


Another account that’s been around since 2013 is spamming celebrities and politicians with demands to bomb Myanmar, and has also called for “genocide for the Myanmar military and their family/friends/any-known-associates.”


Myanmar, formerly known as Burma while under British occupation, has been ruled by the military for most of its existence as an independent country. The Tatmadaw ceded control to the civilian government in 2011, and the internationally recognized democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi ended up in charge – only to be accused of “genocide” against the Rohingya Muslims in the western province of Rakhine.


The military is disputing the results of the 2020 election, in which Suu Kyi’s NLD party won a majority in both chambers of the legislature over the army-backed USDP.

Anonymous ID: 9eddfa March 30, 2021, 10:28 p.m. No.13335100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5138 >>5240 >>5359 >>5442 >>5565

‘Biden's MARK OF THE BEAST’: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene fiercely denounces ‘vaccine passport’ initiative


US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) has claimed that the Biden administration aims to force all Americans to have Covid-19 vaccine passports, comparing it to the “mark of the beast” prophesied in the Bible.


“They want you to be required to have something called a Covid passport,” Greene said on Monday in a Facebook livestream. “This would mandate your ability to be able to travel, your ability to be able to buy and sell, and I asked the question earlier today, is this something like Biden's mark of the beast, because that is really disturbing and not good.”


While President Joe Biden reportedly has no plans for his administration to impose a vaccine passport system directly, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday that the private sector may require such credentials. She said “determination or development of a vaccine passport” would be driven by the private sector, while the administration will focus on the guidelines that can be used as a basis for the requirements.


Greene, however, argued that the Biden administration is essentially using private companies as proxies to impose mandatory vaccine passports.


“It's still the same thing,” she said. “It's still fascism or communism or whatever you want to call it, but it's coming from private companies. So I have a term for that: I call it corporate communism.”


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vowed on Monday to forbid any vaccine passports in his state. Greene called on Georgia's leaders to do the same.

Anonymous ID: 9eddfa March 30, 2021, 10:35 p.m. No.13335142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5240 >>5359 >>5442 >>5565

White professor sues New Jersey college for ‘discrimination’ after finding out that black colleagues are paid far more than him


A white New Jersey college professor has sued his employer for racial discrimination after learning that two black co-workers with credentials allegedly inferior to his own were making at least 49% more money than him.


William Lavell's lawsuit against Camden County College was filed on Friday in the US District Court in Camden, New Jersey. The 66-year-old chemistry professor alleged that after obtaining payroll data under the state's open records law, he found “stark racial disparities” between his pay and the salaries of two black engineering professors.


The lawsuit said Lavell suffered “severe emotional distress, embarrassment, humiliation and loss of self-esteem” as a result of the disparities. He filed a racial discrimination complaint with Camden County College officials, but his proposal to bring his salary in line with those of his non-white peers was rejected. College officials also declined to investigate Lavell's complaint, according to the lawsuit.


Lavell's 2020 salary was $91,923, while the two black professors cited as examples in the lawsuit made $137,157 and $142,600, respectively. The three long-time professors have similar qualifications and tenure, but the lawsuit said Lavell holds three professional degrees in his area of certification, while the two black professors hold two and one, respectively.


Camden County College hired Lavell in 1995. He has been a department chairman and was named dean of the division of math, science and health careers. Students gave him a 4.8 rating out of 5 on All 42 students who rated him said they would choose to take a course with him again. Multiple students called him “the best professor I have ever had.”


The lawsuit didn't cite any salaries of other chemistry professors. Lavell lists three degrees on his LinkedIn profile, including a PhD in organic chemistry from Princeton University. He was an assistant professor at the US Naval Academy before joining Camden County College.

Anonymous ID: 9eddfa March 30, 2021, 10:38 p.m. No.13335158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5160 >>5240 >>5359 >>5442 >>5565

Child abduction specialist in 60 Minutes scandal guilty of assaulting teens


A former Australian soldier who was at the centre of a 60 Minutes abduction scandal in Lebanon has been convicted in Sweden of assaulting two teenage boys but acquitted of threatening a childcare centre employee.


Adam Whittington, who spent almost four months in a Beirut prison in 2016 after the failed abduction “recovery” of Brisbane mother Sally Faulkner’s two children, was handed a small fine by the Attunda District Court north of Stockholm on March 30.


Whittington, who is the head of Child Abduction Recovery International, was accused of assaulting a boy in the small Swedish town of Akersberga in January 2019.


The attack, which Whittington denied, was alleged to have occurred in a gymnasium following a verbal dispute between the pair.


According to court documents, Whittington allegedly threatened to throw the teenager through a glass window before hitting him with an open hand.


Following a separate assault last May, he was convicted of hitting a 14-year-old boy with his hat, which was captured by a closed-circuit television camera.


Whittington told the court the boy had hacked into his son’s gaming account, and had racially vilified the Australian-British national as he walked down the street. A panel of judges rejected his version of events and found him guilty of a minor assault.


However, the Attunda District Court cleared Whittington of making threats in January 2019 against an employee at a childcare centre attended by his son.


The court was told Whittington was collecting his son when the employee said: “I think he is outside playing.”