Bombshell Interview about Covid-19 Vaccine
March 2, 2021 86minute read
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Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krüger – Scientist Lab Molecular Cardiovascular Research
Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin, Deutschland
One of the many bombshells in this interview:
“This integration: where it occurs is the nuclear genome – we can’t control that, it can happen anywhere. There are sections in the DNA that are vulnerable to it, and others that are not so vulnerable. And it is important where the DNA lands. It may land on a gene: then the gene will become dysfunctional, the protein will no longer be formed, and if it is an important protein, the cell may die, and if this continues to replicate, this can cause really massive damage. If for example it lands in an important cell that divides frequently, then clones can arise that are modified, they are gene modified, and in that case in these cloned cells these proteins are no longer produced and then, in the worst case, there is a loss of function. If it leaps into genes that have a regulatory effect on gene expression, then the genes may be switched on or downregulated, i.e., the output will differ. And this means the metabolism of the cell will alter. If this is passed on in replication, then many things may alter in the body.”