They have nothing, when are people gonna see this. They are repeating and rinsing the same old talking points, situations etc. Its like an event loop but with different faces and names but the same tactic being used at different times. I don't believe anything anyone in the media or government say anymore and I know I am not alone. Its like the idiot shills who constantly repeat "Trump failed", Trump this or Trump that…well he is no longer the "President" (according to the fake news that is) so the justification for "blaming Trump" is over. Their scapegoat has left the building and we are wiser because of Trump so they will continue to try to discredit him, his presidency etc but they are stupid and have no individual skill, they do what they are told, wash rinse repeat. If you are older than 40 and somewhat in the know of news and world events…its not so hard to see their patterns.