What if all the dead people who voted got their stimulus checks and caused a stock market buying spree?
BIDEN's destruction of America
Day 70
Economist Defends $2T Price Tag of Biden Infrastructure Plan: The Need Is Very Large
Biden Build Back Better plan: $621 billion roads, bridges, and railways
Biden Build Back Better plan: $400 billion home care services, expand Medicaid
Biden Build Back Better plan: $300 billion toward boosting US manufacturing
Biden Build Back Better plan: $213 billion affordable and energy efficient housing
Biden Build Back Better plan: $180 billion advance US leadership in technologies
Biden Build Back Better plan: $111 billion rebuild the country's water infrastructure
Biden Build Back Better plan: $100 billion build new schools and upgrade old ones
Biden Build Back Better plan: $100 billion for digital infrastructure across the US
Biden Build Back Better plan: $100 billion workforce development, retraining workers
Biden Build Back Better plan: $18 billion Veterans' hospitals and federal buildings
Paying for Build Back Better: raise the corporate income tax rate to 28%, up from 21%
Paying for Build Back Better: increase global minimum tax on US corporations to 21%
Paying for Build Back Better: 15% minimum tax on the income of largest corporations
BIDEN's Destruction of America | DAY 70
So the pillow man was Q all along….
I've stopped giving…if POTUS comes out and askes us to give…I'll give. But I'm not giving money to the RNC just cause they ask.
>>13339016 ijm so confused not a lawfag, beside the drama the negroids are known for how is most of what the prosecution presenting helping their case?
The plan is to dismantle the Constitution completely. Our nation is being "run" by an enemy.
>>13339043 you make me want to cry right now anon ty fren think trial will last long acquaintaance s ays civil war will be in apr or may thoughts to think floyd could cause such destruciton…twice head hung low
>>13339127 Hot tamale filled with maggots inside
>>13339203 country being run by a global cabal. "U.S.A." as formally known is gone.
>>13339236 Truth . Also Antifa is an undercover F.B.I. Op.
>>13339225 he knows thats why he was weeping
Flynn has done NOTHING. He's a lurker, but stands to make millions from CNN - is that money laundering bribe?
Total control is obviously where they want to go with the stupid covid hoax. Don't say Bill Gates is a handsome faggot, and your family is starved to death via access to food being denied. Hell.
>>13338893 microsoft is ccp
>>13339295 he could be the next prophet but the left would never understand this
i havent heard anything from the people that were in the car with him where are they?