Eye-bleeding fever to explosive diarrhoea – Bill Gates’ group warns of 16 diseases that could spark pandemic after Covid
Eye-bleeding fever to explosive diarrhoea – Bill Gates’ group warns of 16 diseases that could spark pandemic after Covid
Vaccine trial results coming out
Side effects on young : https://lbry.tv/@gangstalking-australia:8/The-Condition-of-a-Teenager-after-the-COVID-19-Vaccine:a
Death of adults in home care : https://2020news.de/en/whistleblower-from-berlin-nursing-home-the-terrible-dying-after-vaccination/
History of vaccine affects : Brazil and Africa small pox vaccine resulted in AIDS died like flies https://youtu.be/A7QrEH71UMY
Current covid and vaccine testimonials from doctor and patient : https://odysee.com/@TruthHertz:2/onceweretheliving:9
Journalism (1 out of 99) :talking the same thing explaining different countries covid development by force vaccine https://youtu.be/oHhCYkEwbAQ
Coivd origin : relation to Wuhan and 5G over people by covid in china https://youtu.be/xXYfHkTUjtY
5G: next untested technology pushing at the same as vaccine https://youtu.be/ViGvg7FHwbU
Current mind programming : For new normal if you want to know
CDC VAERS Death Reports
Forced swin flu vaccine creating lots of issues for people https://youtu.be/4bOHYZhL0WQ
Economic recession and currency doomsday https://youtu.be/ljc8Yj-PpHg
Current agenda:They are moving towards agenda 2030 ….. With this you are expected to die before 2030 via corona or 5G or vaccine or war
History repeating itself : They already did this before by swin flu vaccine + WW1 + great depression 1929 + WW2 Vaccine is the introduction of new variant of covid
Wake up people do your own Research rather than Netflix or chill
Aliens exists …. Just you have to see these Consists of great reset , parastic mind control, money control around the world , art of subversion , royal family , saturn control ,moon being a amplifier for frequency from Saturn etc etc
Great reset : world economic forum 2030 agenda explained https://youtu.be/Z6HQFMqxEwc
Parasitic mind control : aliens controlling humans or shadow people (schizophrenia patient ) https://youtu.be/340QePdkOx8
New world order agenda 21: from depression to terriorism to covid all created step by step from past 30 yrs https://youtu.be/1WLaPjbp9lk
Money master : face behind the new world order control https://youtu.be/mB-pdPaQNKA
Royal family : royal blood group acting as agent for the world (behind royal families are parasitic mind control) https://youtu.be/7SGtDdWfzy8
Crime :JkF kennnedy murder by snipper turned the evidence into invention of conspiracy term, death of Diana by royal family https://youtu.be/_PISVxbwofs
Guy born into secret society called as sicentiologist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7IYAjIZWgnY_HdQFSv_o1iJ5brOt_CV-
Covid test unsafe ,vaccine safe , testimonials of side and death of vaccine https://odysee.com/@TruthHertz:2/onceweretheliving:9
Art of subversion: brainwashing the population by giving them so many false information that when they are given the right truth that they can't even understand the true nature of reality by kgb head https://youtu.be/avbIhMi9OWg
Ukcolumn news channel : may be you might be shocked to see what level of false narrative is run by 90% media https://youtu.be/xmUhZ2Q6Ddo
Doctor talking about the dangers of covid vaccine https://www.brighteon.com/32dc3d6a-dd50-440d-b59f-375342c6a62a
Divide and rule narrative about BLM symbolism https://youtu.be/So0805cKFlk
Moon : it's probably easy to prove that moon doesn't exist than why it exists
Frequency : how humans decode frequency around them without knowing and out of body relation experience
Saturn : not just only a planet , explaining different saturn control system on earth from science to religion etc https://youtu.be/Bbxc2RQhG4c
Monarch mkultra https://educate-yourself.org/mc/illumformula1chap.shtml
Warning : awesome way is you can see your programming between 1 to 6 yrs By pain is pleasure techniques(the way our split is created)which has separate your personality between different environment like family vs friend vs work etc
https://youtu.be/36v0ZAxahmk Alien Abduction number and cases of weird things when people go missing
https://youtu.be/fcRaI14KLa0 Earth as a prison planet to trap souls
https://youtu.be/nCSQW7n_hwk Covid test kit nano sand particle shown ,that's why they do nasal swabs to push nano dust on your brains
https://brandnewtube.com/v/75grLS Doctor coming together to tell you about covid and vaccine It's a gene therapy not a vaccine nd we are guinea pigs - doctor quotes
Agenda 2030,vaccine and you : https://odysee.com/@JohnThor:0/Vaccine:2 Just see the last 5 mins Live camera of what's happening around the world
Anyone else see how obvious it all is?
It was so fucking obvious even before covid they wanted to create some sort of excuse to enforce a “do as your told, reward system”
As soon as covid came out we said “certificate of vaccination ID”
That’s exactly the direction it’s going in now.
When will people realise there’s a huge majority of people who see how obvious it all is?
My bigger question is, how far do people need to be pushed before they say enough is enough?
Exhuse me, wut?