Fucking CCP & Kikes. God will crush you like a cicada. have the bread. It will be washed down with the blood of Jesus. Goyim know.
With a CCP kill chip build in. FFS.
It fucking better be. Godspeed.
CCP troops have it built in the helmets their troops wear already.
What's the patch on umbrella closer at top of stairs.
Hive mind. Pretty obvious.
What's with the beige coat weird.
It had a little burrito inside.
Shitty looking suburban. Year?
Death of loved ones. A CCP jackboots kneeling on necks. It will be bad.
On sale.
For fucks sake. Just kill 100 million people and get it over with. Jesus Christ.
I used to believe black people were not this stupid. Where are the decent men & women from the suburbs who are emberasssed by niggers.
Those who know can't sleep. Those who sleep can't know. It's about time to cull the herd.
I'm ready to accept 100 million dead. 300 million Chinks CCP chinks dead too.
Break the chains man. Jesus. It does not matter what creed or color the slave owners are. I get it though.