Anonymous ID: 12f9e3 Jan. 22, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.133547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How about we are all just a simulation to see how a species can rise and transcends to a higher state, that's it. Everything we know, love, fear, hate, fight for. All of it is a false reality nor can we comprehend this true reality. Our lives are nothing played out pre-destined by some code. At the very worse at a certain point it all resets and we are all subjected to this nightmare again with maybe a small change to the equation till we hit an anonymity. The time mankind transcends and progresses. What point that is I am not sure and even then, wouldn't the simulation at that point come to an end? Those who would be evil and bring mankind down you could say are prolonging the simulation, giving us more pretend time to "live".


I think you meant anomaly instead of anonymity, yet this aligns with a train of thought that i can't shake. Ridding ourselves of most if not all of the evil influence would change the way that the proposed sim operates, and we level up, so to speak. To do it all again? Idk, hope not, won't know until we're there. It's going to take our efforts in the here and now to move forward though, so that's where my head is at now, in the moment.

Anonymous ID: 12f9e3 Jan. 22, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.133570   🗄️.is 🔗kun









>not mine, but bears repeating

>(anon): To those of you Questioning the disclosure, let me remind you of a few things.

>1. People do not handle FEAR well. Where do you think all of these radical movements forged in hate and violence came from? It has always been FEAR.

>2. What overcomes FEAR? POWER. Those without power look to those that do to ease their burden, coax them into security.

>3. The Govt, 3 letter agencies, the very notion of an establishment has provided umbrella protection, whether real or imagined, to every society throughout history.

>4. Our purpose is to REMOVE the threat to our national and global security, to PURGE the evil from within our Govt, our umbrella of protection.

>5. Full disclosure will bring ruin not only to the bad guys, but will destroy every shred of credibility the good guys in those agencies have. (Ex: police officers).

>6. We cannot selfishly endanger the right to a sense of security that every Citizen deserves. If we expose the extent and severity of the PURE EVIL that exists in this world, and the extent to which it has infiltrated the establishments in whom we put our faith and security, we will erode the very belief that GOOD exists, especially within these agencies and our government.

>7. We must instead empower this faith, reappropriate it to those deserving of it, and use it to reinvigorate our Country. We can not allow our hurt, or anger, nor our desire for vengeance taint our true purpose.

>8. WE were chosen for a reason. Q team and the good guys will not carry this burden alone. We will share it, we will give up both shoulders to even the load, but we can not be selfish.

>9. Where WE go one, we go all. But some places, WE must go alone.

Anonymous ID: 12f9e3 Jan. 22, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.133590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3596


How the hell can you all calm the mpublicasses, when you can't keep yourselves calm and/or calm one another?

Get it together feelfags, Think Logically.

Anonymous ID: 12f9e3 Jan. 22, 2018, 10:50 p.m. No.133596   🗄️.is 🔗kun





How the hell can you all calm the public/masses, when you can't keep yourselves calm and/or calm one another?

Get it together feelfags, Think Logically.

Anonymous ID: 12f9e3 Jan. 22, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.133614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


but selfish anons want to put that at risk bc they wanna be know-it-alls. Fall in line soldiers, you're special, but not that damned special to get 100% all at once. It's called RANK and FILE