Another anagram
Barack Obama Michele Bestfriends Key?
the code works by using any letter next to an underscore and any whole word enclosed by underscores.
Hey guy's Alex S. is here
his brother is a pedo.
He is fine with it being common knowlege.
http:// www.nowtheendbegins.com/vatican-reeling-pope-francis-admits-army-8000-pedophile-priests/
Has no plans to do much about it.
http:// www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2017/02/report-pope-francis-refuses-punish-pedophile-priests/
Pelican Brief = AS[187]
Still would have won without PA. It was a nice bonus though.
Still would have won without PA. It was a nice bonus though.
They are doing a psy op to force it to be brought up in congress and legalized.
yeah he was there meeting MBS.
Use case for blockchain
it wasn't on every channel in every market.
nice work
missing or added letters can be a code