the very simple fact that every mouthpiece in the public eye has to pander to literally everyone except for whites just means that whites are on top
>that spacing
you fucking parasites came to the chans in '17 and never left
that is the very meaning of insidious
furthermore, you came here with your fucking kumbaya, civnat bullshittery of race mixing like it's something normal when it's been repeatedly and utterly btfo on the chans for well over a decade
slit your wrists.
aflb, you think you still run this shit?
you really think you're that clever?
go fuck yourself you disgusting yid tranny bitch ass leaf
oh and nice new script you pulled out of your rat infested asshole there AFLB
so quick to jump on BO and try to DRIVE anons, claiming BO and the people he hired were the ones spamming the breads when everyone knows that's your MO and you even admitted to it (top kek)
seems that every. single. time that BO makes an announcement, here comes all the 1pbtid and your "many ip's at your disposal" to spam the breads, attempting to drive everyone somewhere else like you're the guiding light savior when in fact it's you doing the spamming.
you will have your day, leaf.
>expecting the truth from a deranged tranny
>being anti-white on the chans
just imagine still going after that initial post
imagine it.
nah, because i can see the other 2 id's that leaf posted from and are no longer being posted from
then it was the subject matter you attacked, with the same terminology they use
but keep it up, this doubling and tripling down is fun
you gonna switch ids for a 4th time this bread or keep this one to maintain the image?
ahh it's that faggot
well him and leaf might as well be the same